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    13 Products Found

    30类6,353医院数据库: 简介,性质,设备,等级,地址,电话 6,353 Hospitals Data: Profile, Nature, Equipment, Grade, Address, Tel. by 30 Categories


    这是一个全国医院信息数据库,共有30个分类下的6,353家医院,每家医院记录中有医院简介,主要设备,医院性质,医院等级,联系电话,联系地址,特色专科,日门诊量,床位数量,医院网址,电子邮件和邮编。整个医院信息数据库共有4个表。 In the hospitals database, it has 6,353 records by 30 categories. Each hospital consists of profile, main equipment, nature, grade, telephone number, address, speciality, daily outpatients, number of beds, website address, email and...

    13,950医疗器械数据库: 供应商, 品牌, 型号, 用途, 规格 13,950 Medical Equipments Data: Supplier, Brand, Model, Usage, Spec


    医疗器械大全是一个单表结构的信息数据库,共计包含有13,950种医疗器械。每个医疗器械记录中包含有供应商,品牌,产品型号,产品单位,产地,适用科室,价格,产品用途,批准文号,生产企业,产品包装,规格,公司网址,企业名称,公司电话,联系人,传真和公司地址。 In the medical equipments database, there are 13,950 records with supplier, brand, product model, product unit, origin place, applicable department, price, product usage, approval number, production enterprise, packaging, specification, company website,...

    28类12,785医疗器械数据库: 公司名称, 规格, 用途, 联系人 12,785 Medical Equipments Data: Company Name, Spec, Usage, Contact by 28 Types


    这是一个医疗器械信息大全,共计有28个分类下的12,785种医疗器械。每种医疗器械记录中包含公司名称,产品分类,英文名称,批准文号,主要规格,商品名称,包装,用途,用法,产品说明,生产企业,联系人,手机,联系传真,电子邮件,公司网址,单位地址,邮政编码,经营模式,所在地区等。该医疗器械信息数据库共有3个表。 In the medical equipments database, there are 12,785 records by 28 categories. Each medical equipment is comprised of company name, category, English name, approval number, main specification, product name, packaging, usage, dosage, instruction,...

    全国34区24,996养老院数据库: 地址,服务内容,电话,负责人,图片 China 24,996 Old People's Homes API: Address, Service Content, Tel. in 34 Regions


    这是来自全国34个地区的24,996家养老院信息数据库。每家养老院包含有地址,床位数,收费区间,机构介绍,收费标准,服务内容,入住须知,设施,电话,所在地区,机构类型,负责人,成立时间,占地面积等。该养老院数据中还包含有32,600张养老院照片。整个养老院信息数据库中有4个表。 This old people's homes database has 24,996 records from 34 regions in China. Each old people's home is comprised of address, beds, institution profile, charging standard, service content, instructions for admission, facilities, telephone...

    510中国汽车零配件公司数据库: 电话,地址, 品牌, 城市 China 510 Companies of Auto Parts Data: Tel., Address, Brand, City


    这是一个中国汽车配件公司信息数据库,共包含有510家公司,且每家公司信息中有电话,手机,邮箱,网址,QQ,地址,品牌,部件和城市。该中国汽车配件公司信息数据库中有2个表。 From this China auto parts companies database, there are 510 records. Each company is comprised of telephone number, mobile phone, email, website, QQ, address, brand, parts and city. The whole China...

    10类46,104网站排名数据库: 网址,描述,百度权重,PR 46,104 Websites Ranking Data: Website, Desc, Alexa Ranking, PR


    这是网站排名数据库,共有10个不同主题分类下的46,104个网站,每个网站信息中包含有网址,网站描述,Aleax 排名,百度权重,PR,得分,总排名,网站详细说明,网站类型,所属地区,关键词和国内总榜。该国内网站排名信息数据库共有3个表。 This websites ranking database is filled with 46,104 records with website, website description, Aleax rank, SEO, PR, score, total ranking, detailed description of website, website type, region of origin, key...

    全国11,833律师事务所数据库: 电话,地址,主任律师 China 11,833 Lawyer Offices Data: Address, Chief Lawyer, Tel. in 34 Cities


    来自全国7大地区,34个城市的11,833家律师事务所信息数据库。每家律师事务所包含有主任律师,联系电话,联系地址,律所简介,业务范围,传真,网址和电子邮件。该全国律师事务所信息数据库共有4个表。 From this lawyer offices database, there are 11,833 records from 34 cities of 7 regions in China. Each lawyer office consists of chief lawyer, telephone number, address, profile, business scope, fax number, website and email....

    全国361市38,944快递网点数据库: 联系电话,地址 China 38,944 Express Network Data: Address, Phone in 361 Cities


    这是一个来自全国361个城市的38,944个快递网点信息数据库。每个快递网点包含有联系电话和地址。该全国快递网点数据库共有3个表。 From this China express networks data set, it contains 38,944 express network records in 361 cities of China. Each record is comprised of telephone number and address. There are 3 tables in the whole China...

    全国26快递公司72,408快递网点数据库: 派送范围,电话,地址 China 72,408 Express Networks of 26 Companies API: Delivery Scope, Phone, Address


    全国26家快递公司的72,408个快递网点信息。每个快递网点信息记录中包含有网点电话,派送范围,不派送范围,网点联系人和网点地址。所有这些快递网点来自全国884个城市的13,078个地区。这个全国快递网点数据库中共有5个表。 It has 72,408 express networks records of 26 companies over 13,078 regions from 884 cities in China. Each record is comprised of telephone number, delivery scope, scope of non-delivery, contact and address. The whole China express networks...

    全国34市91,113快递数据库: 派送区域,电话,联系人,地址 China 91,113 Express Service Nodes Data: Delivery Area, Phone, Contact, Address in 34 Cities


    这是一个包含有全国34个城市,504个地区的91,113个快递网点信息数据库。每个快递网点信息包含有标题,地址,联系电话,派送区域,不派送区域,网点电话,网点联系人和网点网址。该快递网点信息数据库共有5个表。 From this China Express Service Nodes data, there are 91,113 records over 504 regions of 34 cities in China. Each express node is comprised of title, address, contact phone, delivery area, non-delivery area and phone...

    6类8,325酒店用品数据库:公司,产品介绍,电话,地址 8,325 Hotel Supplies Data: Company, Intro, Phone, Address by 6 Categories


    这是一个酒店用品数据库,共包含有8,325个产品信息,每个产品信息记录中有公司,经营模式,产品介绍,产品单价,所在地区,最小起订,供货总量,联系电话,地址等。所有这些酒店用品按照产品类型被分为6个主分类,28个次级分类和258个三级分类。该酒店用品数据库中共有5个表。 Database of hotel supplies contains 8,325 products with company, business model, product introduction, unit price, location, mini order, total supply, telephone, addres, and etc. in each. All these hotel supplies are...

    全国7区30省23,383医院数据库:咨询热线,地址 China 23,383 Hospitals Data: Consultation Hotline, Address in 30 Provinces of 7 Regions


    这是一个全国各省份的23,383家医院信息数据库,每家医院信息中有咨询热线,地址,简介,名称,等级,机构类别,经营性质,医保类型,服务方式,服务对象,电话,邮编等。所有这些医院均来自全国7个地区30个省份。该全国医院信息数据库共有4个表。 This China hospitals database is filled with 23,383 records from 30 provinces of 7 regions in China. Each hospital is comprised of consultation hotline, address, profile, name, level, institutional category, management nature, types of medical...

    全国30,295家保险公司数据库:地址,电话, 产品内容 China 30,295 Insurance Companies Data: Address, Tel., Product Content


    该全国保险公司信息列表中共有30,295家保险公司记录,每个记录中包含有地址,电话,公司简介,公司新闻,传真,邮箱,网址及客服电话。除此之外,这个保险公司数据库中还有305个产品内容和110个产品推荐及价格,销量,评论和标签。整个全国保险公司信息数据库中共有5个表。 From this database, there are 30,295 insurance companies with address, telephone, company profile, compnay news, fax number, email, website and customer service telephone in each. It has other 2 most related tables with...

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