
    Lawyers / Attorneys

    US 14,790 Lawyers API: Address, Phone, Website, Email, Twitter, FB, LinkedIn


    This is a lawyers database with 14,790 records categorized into 53 types in the United States. Each record is comprised of title, address, phone number, website, email, facebook, twitter and linkedin. The whole America...

    India Lawyers Data: Name, Address, Zip Codes, E-mail, Phone, Firm


    This lawyers database contains 108 best lawyers by 34 categories in India. Each lawyer is comprised of name, expiry date, address, firm description and etc. The whole India lawyers database consists of 3 tables. Name n3zm_Lawyer_legalserviceindia_com(India)...

    US 7,653,983 Attorneys Data: Firm Phone, Address, Tel. & Legal Issues


    This is an abundant lawyers database of 14,317 records from 28,396 cities of 56 states in America. It contains about 146 legal issues. Each lawyer is comprised of title, location, telephone, firm year established, firm fax, etc. The...

    World 199,272 Lawyers Data: Name, Licensed, Phone, Sample Legal Case


    This is a world lawyer data with 199,272 records by 16 primary categories. Each lawyer is comprised of name, category, status, practice area, law office, licensed, introduction and etc. The whole world lawyers database...

    31,173 Wrongful Death Attorneys Data: Email, URL, Phone, Lat, Lon (US)


    This is a wrongful death attorneys database with 31,173 lawyers from the America. Each attorney record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...

    65,879 Wills Attorneys Data: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon (US)


    In the wills attorneys database, there are 65,879 lawyers from the America. Each attorney record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating,...

    US 37,932 Trusts & Estate Planning Attorneys: Email, URL, Tel, Lat, Lon


    In the trusts & estate planning attorneys database, there are 37,932 records from the America. Each trust & estate planning attorney record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state,...

    17,671 Traffic Law Attorneys Data: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon in US


    With 17,671 lawyers from the America, this is a traffic law attorneys database. Each attorney record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...

    21,152 Trademark & Copyright Law Attorneys Data: Email, URL, Tel, Lat, Lon (US)


    This database comes with 21,152 trademark & copyright law attorneys from the America. Each attorney record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...

    29,114 Tax Attorneys Data: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon (US)


    This is a tax attorneys database with 29,114 lawyers from the America. Each attorney record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating,...

    US 19,109 Social Security & Disability Law Attorneys Data: Email, URL, Tel, Lat, Lon


    With 19,109 lawyers from the America, this is a social security & disability law attorneys database. Each attorney record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full...

    39,505 Probate Lawyers Database: Email, URL, Phone, Lat, Lon (US)


    In this attorneys database, there are 39,505 probate lawyers from the America. Each attorney record consists of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB...

    US 21,152 Patent Lawyers Data: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon


    With 21,152 attorneys from the America, this is a patent lawyers database. Each attorney record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating,...

    US 2,156 Discrimination & Civil Rights Law Attorneys Data: Email, URL, Tel, Lat, Lon


    Database of discrimination & civil rights law attorneys has 2,156 records from the America. Each discrimination & civil rights law attorney record has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code,...

    US 2,998 Banking & Mortgage Law Attorneys Data: Email, URL, Tel, Lat, Lon


    In the banking & mortgage law attorneys database, there are 2,998 records from the America. Each banking & mortgage law attorney record has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code,...

    US 674,078 Attorneys Data: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon


    This is a lawyers database with 674,078 attorneys of America. Each lawyer record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating...

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