这是一个古现代诗词和诗人信息数据库,共有来自17,820位诗人的354,851首古诗词。这些诗人来自13个朝代。每位诗人包含有简介和朝代,每首诗包含有内容,分类和作者。该中国古现代诗词及诗人信息数据库共有4个表。 This ancient and modern poems and poets database contains 354,851 poems by 17,820 poets from 13 dynasties in China. Each poet consists of introduction and dynasty, and each poem is comprised of content, author and...
这是一个娱乐场所数据库,共包含有来自全国1,180个城市,3,451个区域, 13,149个街道的93,329个娱乐场所记录,这些娱乐场所被分为181个类别。每个娱乐场所记录中有描述,娱乐,地址,最低价格,总评分,评论数,经度,纬度,区域,街道,电话,营业时间和人均消费量。整个娱乐场所数据库中有其它4个表和娱乐场所密切相关,它们分别是383,863个娱乐评论记录且每个记录中有独特性,星级指数,时间,用户智能终端数据,用户名称及用户级别;609,667个娱乐评论标记记录且每个记录中有内容和点击数量;398,202个服务项目记录且每个记录中有总结,价格,原价,折后价格,折扣,时间,异常时间,预定,适合的人,规则,服务,详细内容和内容描述以及49,293个其它服务项目记录。整个娱乐场所数据中还包含有475,752张娱乐场所图片且存储在206.35M的媒体文件夹中。该全国娱乐场所数据库共有15个表。 This is an entertainments database with 93,329 records by 181 categories. All these entertainments are from 13,149 streets of 3,451 areas in 1,180 cities of China. Each record is comprised of description, entertainment, address, lowest price, score overall, comment...
这是一个中国游戏数据库,共有3个表和33,062个游戏。每个游戏记录中包含有标题,等级和玩数。该游戏数据库中的所有游戏分为12个类别,如女生游戏,运动类游戏,驾驶和竞技游戏,射击游戏,策略和角色扮演游戏,思考游戏等。 This is a China games database of 33,062 records that are grouped by 12 categories (girl's game, sport game, driving & racing games, shooting games, strategy & role playing games, thinking games, etc.)....
这是一个音乐信息数据库,共计包含有11个分类下的14,517首歌曲,每首歌曲包含有歌手,专辑,歌词,作词,作曲和标签。这些分类分别是流行,R&B,摇滚,纯音乐,舞曲,乡村,爵士,蓝调,电子,古典和民谣。整个歌曲信息数据库共有5个表。 In the songs database, there are 14,517 songs by 11 categories. Each song is comprised of singer, album, lyric, write words, compose, and tag. These categories are pop, R&B, rock, pure music, dance,...
这是一个汇集不同风格,不同国家和地区的各类艺术家创作的音乐数据库。该音乐数据库包含有24,538首来自中国、美国、英国、法国、日本等地区的各类古典、流行、OST、pop等不同风格的音乐作品。这些知名的艺术家如周杰伦、王菲、DamienRice、Linkinpark、Bach、GreenDay、eason、中岛美嘉、浜崎あゆみ等。每个作品有标题、评分、评价人数、简介、别名、表演者、流派、专辑类型、介质、发行时间、出版者、唱片数、条形码、五星/四星/三星/二星/一星好评和曲目。这个音乐数据库共有4个表。 This is a comprehensive songs database with 24,538 records by styles, countries and musicians. Each music work is comprised of title, grade, the number of evaluation people, brief introduction, alias, performer,...
这是一个影视作品大全,共包含有26个分类下的28,040个影视作品。每个影视作品记录中有剧情介绍,主演,类型,导演,地区,年份和语言。整个影视作品信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a movies and televisions database having 28,040 records by 26 categories. Each record consists of introduction, main actor, type, director, region, year and language. The whole movies and televisions data set...
这是一个影视信息数据库,共有17个分类下的19,473个电影,电视剧,综艺和动漫等节目。每个影视记录中包含有剧情介绍,主演,类型,导演,地区,年份和语言。该影视信息数据库共有4个表。 This movies and televisions database is filled with 19,473 records by 17 categories. Each record consists of introduction, actor, type, director, region, year and language. The whole movies and televisions data set totally...
这是一个谜语大全,共有162,488个谜语,每个谜语中有标题,类别和谜底。这些谜语被分为174个类别。该谜语数据库中共有3个表。 From this riddles database, it has 162,488 records with title, type and answer to the riddle in each. These riddles are categorized into 174 types. The whole riddles database totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_miyudaquan_miyu_xpcha_com...
这是一个谜语大全,共包含有172个分类下的11,745个谜语。每个谜语记录中有谜底。整个谜语信息数据库共有3个表。 From this riddles database, there are 11,745 records with answer in each. These riddles are categorized into 172 classifications. The whole riddles data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_miyu_miyu_911cha_com Data 4.53M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+...
该美文数据库中有14,791篇文章,每篇文章中有栏目,时间,内容,阅读次数和作者。这些文章被分为以下22个分类,如:经典美文,爱情文章,古典诗词,生活随笔,青年文摘等。 This belles lettres database is filled with 14,791 records with column, time, content, reading times and author in each. All these belles lettres are categoried into 22 types as content, such as classic...
这是一个儿歌大全,共有9个分类下的3,158首儿童歌曲,每首儿歌包含有日期,人气,介绍,发布时间和所属类别。整个儿童歌曲数据库共有3个表。 This Children's songs database is filled with 3,158 children's songs with date, popularity, introduction, release time and category in each. All these songs are type into 9 categories. The whole Children's songs data...
20个分类下的37,385部电影集合。每部电影包含评分,简介,主演,导演,地区和上映时间。这20个分类分别是喜剧,爱情,动作,恐怖,科幻,灾难,剧情,犯罪等。这个电影数据库总共有3个表。 From this movies database, there are 37,385 movies of 20 categories, such as comedy, love, action, terror, science fiction, plot, disaster, crime and etc. Each movie consists of score, brief introduction, main actor,...
这是一个电影大全,有5,019部电影,每部电影记录中有电影星级,评分,剧情介绍,导演,编剧,主演,类型,制片国家,语言,上映日期,片长,又名,IMDB链接,评价人数,五、四、三、二、一星好评。该电影数据库共有2个表。 This movies database has 5,019 movies with star, grade, synopsis, director, type, producer country, language, release date, film length, alternate name,IMDB link, number of people assessed, five/four/three/two/one star in each. The...
这是一个电影数据库,包含有1,536部电影,每个电影记录中有标题和评分。这些电影按照内容和出产地被分为11个类别,分别是最新,最热,内地,香港,美国,泰国,动作,喜剧,科幻,爱情和动画。该电影数据库共有3个表。 The movies database has 1,536 records with title and score in each. All these movies are typed into 11 categories by content and country of origin, they are latest, hottest, mianland, Hong Kong,...
这是一个包含有国内,日韩和欧美的1,925部电影信息数据库,每个电影中有日期和点击次数信息。该电影数据库中共有3个表。 This movies database is filled with 1,925 records produced by domestic, Japan and Korea, Europe and America. Each movie is comprised of title, date and clicks. The whole movies database contains 3 tables....
这是一个包含有4,914个彩票开奖号码且单表结构的3D彩票数据库。每个彩票数据中包含有开奖日期,期号,中奖号码,单选,组选3,组选6,销售额和返奖比例。 This is a database of 3D lottery with 4,914 records. Each record is comprised of lottery dates, issue, winning number, single vote, group 3, group 6, sales volume and proportion of...