This residential property database has 392,134 records with price, bed bath, acre, address, panel title and description in each. There are other 2 tables mostly related with these property data, they are amenity with 0 records...
In the land for sale database, there are 615,317 records throughout 50 states in America. Each land is filled with size, address, price, available, type name, property type, longitude, latitude, bed bath, etc. It...
In the land for sale database, there are 16,532 land records from 51 states in the United States. Each land has title, price and acres. It also comes with 11,368 land images in the 2.87G media set. The...
This is a most complete homes and real estates database for sale from 49 popular cities of the United States. It contains 275,904 real estates and homes by 6 types (Single Family Home, Condo/Townhome/Row Home/Co-Op, Multi-Family...
This is a agents and property database with 8,102 agents and 8,102 property over 2,585 cities from 413 counties of 227 regions in 8 states of the America. Each agent is comprised of name, office phone number, mobile phone number, voice mail,...
In the real estates database, there are 469,764 records from 43 states in America. Each record is comprised of price, baths, beds, square feet, built, country, type, size etc. It also comes with 20,903 zip codes...
This is a real estate database with 621,400 homes over 4,208 cities of 50 states in the United States. Each real estate record is comprised of description, street address, address locality, address region, price, postal code,...
This real estate agents database lists 159,982 agents over 2,142 cities of 51 states in America. Each real estate agent has title, address, phone number, city, state and zip. These phone numbers are unique. There are 4 tables...
There are 30,914 real estate agents records in 12 popular cities (Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Houston, San Francisco, Seattle, etc.) of the United States. Each record is filled with title, for sale, sold, activity range,...