这是一个2,410个中国高校数据库,这些高校被分为18个类型。每条信息包括高校名称,院校特色,通讯地址,学校网址,电子邮件,高校隶属,联系电话,院士,博士点,硕士点等字段。该数据库共有4个表。 This is a universities database of 2,410 records categorized into 18 types in China. There are name, characteristics, history, address, website, E-mail address, affiliation, contact, phone number, academician, doctoral program, master program and...
这是一个中国国内大学数据库,这些大学来自于33个不同省份。每条大学信息包括院校类型,院校隶属,院校历史,所在地区,学校网址,学校排名,星级, 办学成绩等字段。该中国大学数据库共有3个表。 This is an university database from 33 provinces of China. There are 1,973 universities with title, type, website, region, special enrollment, solicit students, university rank, school grades etc. in each. It totally...
这是一个汇集众多知名学者学术文献的单表结构数据库,共有1,502,202篇学术文献,每个文献包含有标题、摘要、出处、作者、下载次数、在线阅读和关键字。 There are 1,502,202 academic literatures with title, abstract, source, author, download times, online reading and key words in each of this Chinese academic literatures data set. The whole Chinese academic literatures...
这是一个分类较全的学术期刊数据库。该数据库包含有8,408本期刊杂志,共分为36大类别,如教育、医学、经济、图书、建筑、生物、体育、电子、石油、计算机等。每本期刊杂志包含有标题、人气、主管单位、主办单位、出版地区、订价、分类、发行周期、学术栏目、期刊收录、评价等。整个学术期刊杂志数据库共有3个表。 This is a comprehensive academic periodicals database with 8,408 magazines by 36 classifications, such as education, medical, economic, books, building, etc. Each periodical contains title, popularity, charge department, host department, publication region, pricing,...
这是一个各个行业培训学校数据库,共有来自40个城市的70,388所学校,每个学校记录中有价格,课程数量,授课老师,学校人气,电话和学校地址。该培训学校数据库中共有3个表。 Database of training schools comes with 70,388 records from 40 cities in China. Each record is comprised of price, course quantity, teacher, popularity, telephone number and address. The whole training schools database totally...
这是一个信息较全的单表教学设备产品数据库。在这个教学产品信息数据库中有377,762个教学产品且每个教学产品中包含有标题,品牌,产品型号,使用范围,产品产地,围观次数,详细说明,所在地区,应用院校,上架时间,公司名称,公司成立时间,联系人,手机号,电话,传真和地址。 This is a table database of teaching products with 377,762 records. Each record contains title, brand, product model, range of application, product origin, onlooker times, detailed description, region, used colleges, shelf...