来自全国2,312个城市的8,606家律师事务所。这些律师事务所按照业务范围被分为以下6大类,分别是民事类、经济类,刑事行政,涉外,公司专项法律服务和其它非诉讼法律事务。每个律师事务所包含有联系方式和地址。这个全国律师事务所共有5个表。 From this lawyer offices database, it has 8,606 records from 2,312 cities of China. Each lawyer office consists of contact information and address. All these lawyer offices are classified into 6 categories and they are...
来自全国7大地区,34个城市的11,833家律师事务所信息数据库。每家律师事务所包含有主任律师,联系电话,联系地址,律所简介,业务范围,传真,网址和电子邮件。该全国律师事务所信息数据库共有4个表。 From this lawyer offices database, there are 11,833 records from 34 cities of 7 regions in China. Each lawyer office consists of chief lawyer, telephone number, address, profile, business scope, fax number, website and email....
全国律师信息数据库包含有5,083位律师的基本信息,它们分别是地址,执业证,律师所,专业方向,律师案例,心意数,忠实粉丝,五星好评,个人介绍等信息。在收到心意表中有8,235个信息记录,每个记录包含有内容和时间。该律师数据库共有4个表。 From this China lawyers database, it has 5,083 lawyers with address, practising certification, lawyer office, professional direction, cases, number of kind feelings, loyal fans, five stars comment, profile, etc. in each....
全国31个省会城市的1,683个律师信息数据库。每个律师记录中有总积分,专长领域,地区,律师简介,电话,邮件,执业机构,执业证号,地址,积分,奖章和点击量。该全国律师数据库共有4个表。 This China lawyers database is filled with 1,683 records from 31 cities in China. Each lawyer is comprised of total score, speciality field, region, lawyer profile, telephone number, email, practicing institution, license number,...
在这个全国律师信息数据库中,共有2,030个律师信息,这些律师来自全国34个省份的469个城市。每个律师信息记录中有电话,在线帮助人数,案型积分,好评数,联系地址,律师简介,从业年限,手机,邮箱等。共有5个表。 This China lawyers database is filled with 2,030 lawyers from 469 cities of 34 provinces in China. Each lawyer consists of telephone, numbers of online assistence, cases integral, favorable comments, address, lawyer profile, entire period...
这是一个法律文章数据集合,包含有899篇法律文章且每篇文章涉及有标题、作者、阅读次数、内容和发布时间。 This is a law articles database with 899 records. Each record consists of title, author, times of view, content and release time. The legal papers database has only 1 table. Name n3_chennan_CS_falvwenzhang_lvshihui_com Data...
该法律文章数据库包含有15个分类下的7,452篇法律文章。每篇法律文章有内容,来源,作者和时间信息。整个法律文章数据库共有3个表。 This is a legal articles database with 7,452 records by 15 categories. Each record is comprised of title, content, source, author and time. The whole legal articles database totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_falvwenzhang_jsqlawer_com Data...
该法律文章数据库是一个单表结构,包含有15,630篇文章且每篇文章涉及标题、导语、内容、时间、注释等相关信息。 The legal papers database contains 15,630 records with title, introduction, content, time, etc. in each. It only has one table in the whole legal theses database. Name n3_chennan_CS_falvwenzhang_civillaw_com_cn_sp Data 31.84M (+ 0B)...
这是一个单表结构的法律论文数据库。该法律论文数据库中包含有8,478篇法律文章且每篇论文中涉及有标题、标签、内容摘要、关键词、结构框架、作者和作者其它文章等相关内容。 This is a one table legal papers database with 8,478 legal theses. Each law thesis is comprised of title, label, abstract, key words, framework, writer and other articles. Name n3_chennan_CS_falvwenzhang_civillaw_com_cn_lw Data...
这是一个包含有3,895篇法学论文的数据库。每篇论文包含有标题,内容,导读,发表时间,作者,关键词和浏览次数。该法学论文数据库中的所有论文分为4大类 (律师实务论文、法学基础理论论文、民商经济法论文和刑法刑事诉讼法论文)。 From this China legal theses database, there are 3,895 legal theses with title, content, guide, release time, author, key words and views in each. These theses are categorized into 4 classifications, such...
这是一个法律案例数据库且只有1个表。该法律案例数据库包含有3,066个法律案例记录,每个记录包含有标题,发布时间,内容,主题,日期,作者以及来源。 From this legal cases database, there are 3,066 legal cases with title, release time, content, topic, date, author and source in each. The whole China legal cases API only has one...
这是一个记录有8,300篇裁决文书数据库且共有3大分类 (刑事裁判文书、民事裁判文书和行政裁判文书)。每篇裁决书包含有标题,事件和内容。该裁决文书数据库共有3个表。 This China judgements database contains 8,300 judgements with title, event and content in each. All these judgements are categorized into 3 classifications, such as criminal judgement, civil judgement and administrative judgement. The...
这是一个分类较全的法律案例数据库。其中,包含有9大分类和30,388个案例资料。每个案例记录中有标题、内容、来源及作者。该案例数据库中的案例分类分别是民商案例、刑事案例、行政案例、知识产权、劳动争议、医疗纠纷、消费维权、婚姻继承和国际要案。该法律案例数据库共有3个表。 This is a comprehensive legal cases database with 30,388 records by 9 categories in China. Each legal case is comprised of title, content, source and author. These categories are civil & commercial cases,...
这是一个共有11,287篇裁决文书的数据库。每篇裁决文书包含有标题、案号、发布时间和内容。该裁决文书数据库共有1个表。 This is a judgments database with 11,287 records. Each record is comprised of title, case number, release date and content. The whole judgments data set has only 1 table. Name n3_chennan_CS_falvanli_court_gov_cn Data 23.12M (+...
这是一个法律案例点评数据库,共有99,519起案例,这些案例根据内容被分为以下4大案件:民事案件、刑事案件、行政案件和典型案例。每起案件中包含有标题,日期,内容,时间和责任编辑。该案例数据库共有3个表。 From this China legal cases database, there are 99,519 records by 4 categories in China. Each legal case is comprised of title, date, content, time and responsible editor. These categories are civil cases,...
中国法律案例分析数据库包含有7大分类下的5,207起法律案件。这7大案例分类分别是 民事案例、刑事案例、行政案例、商事案例、劳动法案例、国际案例和重大事件案例。每个法律案件分析记录中有标题、案例分类、内容、摘要、来源、作者以及日期。该案例分析数据库中共有3个表。 This is a study of China legal cases database with 5,207 legal cases. All these cases are categorized into 7 classifications, such as civil case, criminal case, administrative case, business case, labor...