

    全国33省2,256大学数据库: 排名, 专业, 类别数据库 China 2,256 Colleges Data: Ranking, Major, Category of 33 Provinces


    在这个中国大学排名信息数据库中共有来自全国33个省份的2,256所大学。每所大学的记录中有学校名称,排名,地区,类别,专业,人气值,院校类型,所在地,学历层次,招办电话,电子邮箱,通讯地址,招生地址等。该中国大学排名信息数据库共有3个表。 In the colleges database, there are colleges with 2,256 records from 33 provinces in China. Each record is comprised of college name, ranking, region, category, major, popularity, type of institution, location, educational level,...

    中国1,820知名作家数据库:简介,代表作品,照片 China 1,820 Famous Writers Data: Profile, Representative Works, Photo


    这是一个中国知名作家信息数据库,共包含有1,820位作家的简介,代表作品,主要成就,照片,中文名,外文名,别名,国籍,名族,出生地,毕业院校,逝世日期和职业。共有4个表。 In the famous writers database, there are 1,820 records with profile, representative works, main achievements, photo, Chinese name, foreign name, alias, nationality, nation, place of birth, graduate institutions, date of death...

    中国12朝代3,078诗人数据库: 简介, 作品数量, 详情 China 3,078 Poets Data: Profile, Quantity of Works in 12 Dynasties


    这是一个诗人信息数据库,其中包含有来自中国12个朝代的3,078位诗人。每位诗人包含有简介和作品数量。该中国诗人信息数据库共有5个表。 This is a Chinese poets database with 3,078 records from 12 dynasties. Each record is comprised of profile and quantity of works. The whole Chinese poets database has 5 tables in total. Name n3zm_ZuoZhe_shiren_so_gushiwen_org Data...

    5类1,400乐器数据库 1,400 Musical Instruments Data by 5 Primary Categories


    这是一个乐器信息数据库,共包含有1,400个乐器。这些乐器共有5大主分类,即键盘乐器,拨弦乐器,弓弦乐器,打击乐器和吹奏乐器。在次级分类和三级分类中,这些乐器分别被细分为240个和593个类别。该乐器信息数据库共有6个表。 This musical instruments database is filled with 1,400 records by 5 main categories, they are keyboard instrument, plucked string instrument, Bowed string instrument, percussion instruments and wind instruments. It has further into 240 secondary categories...

    6类1,200文章数据库: 类型,作者,内容,时间 1,200 Articles Data: Type, Author, Content


    这是一个文章信息数据库,共有1,200篇文章,每篇文章中包含有文章类型,作者,内容和时间。在该数据库中,这些文章共被分为以下6大类别,分别是散文,诗歌,杂文,随笔,日记和小小说。该文章信息数据库共有3个表。 In the articles database, there are 1,200 records. Each article is comprised of type, author, content and time. All these articles are categorized into 6 types, they are prose, poetry, essay, informal essay,...

    887原创文章数据库: 内容,发布时间,来源,作者,阅读量 887 Original Articles Data: Content, Release Time, Source, Author, Reading Times


    这是一个原创文章信息数据库,在13大分类下包含有151篇文章且在该数据库的25个分类中包含有736篇文章,数据库中共计有887篇文章。每篇文章中有标题,内容,发布时间,来源,作者和阅读量。该原创文章数据库共有6个表。 This original articles database is filled with 151 records by 13 categories and 736 original articles by 25 classifications. Each article is comprised of title, content, release time, source, author and reading times. The whole original articles...

    11类5,992文章数据库: 日期,评论,内容,作者 5,992 Articles Data: Date, Comment, Content, Author by 11 Types


    该文章数据库中包含有11个分类下的5,992篇文章。每篇文章中有标题,日期,点击,评论,内容,作者,来源和时间文章。整个文章数据库中共有3个表。 This articles database is filled with 5,992 records with title, date, click, comment, content, author, source and time in each. These articles are classified by 11 categories. The whole articles database totally has 3 tables....

    中国十二生肖数据库:运势,五行,财运,健康,性格 Chinese Zodiac of 12 Animals Data: Fortune, The Five Elements, Finance, Health, Character


    该中国十二生肖详情数据库共有2个表。12生肖分别是子鼠,丑牛,寅虎,卯兔,辰龙,巳蛇,午马,未羊,申猴,酉鸡,戌狗,亥猪。在十二生肖详情表中共包含有运势,五行,流年运势,最配属相,财运,健康,性格,吉祥颜色,忌讳颜色,幸运数字,幸运花,本命佛,桃花方位等。 In the animals of the Chinese zodiac database, there are 12 records, they are rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, cock, dog and boar. In table of the...

    全国103主管单位1,350组织数据库: 类型,联系电话 China 1,350 Organizations Data: Type, Contact by 103 Competent Organizations


    这是一个包含有103个主管单位下的1,350个组织的信息数据库。每个组织包含有组织类型,登记证号,业务主管单位,网址和联系电话。该全国组织信息数据库共有3个表。 In the organizations database, there are 1,350 records by 103 competent organizations in China. Each organization is comprised of type, registered number, business competent organization, website and contact. The whole China organizations information...

    全国34省917律师事务所数据库: 地址,简介,电话 China 917 Lawyers' Offices Data: Address, Profile, Tel. of 34 Provinces


    这是一个中国律师事务所大全,共有全国34个省份的917家律师事务所。每家事务所记录中有服务范围,联系电话,联系地址,律所简介,电话,QQ和邮箱。整个中国律师事务所信息数据库共有3个表。 This is a lawyers' offices database with 917 records from 34 provinces in China. Each record consists of scope of service, contact telephone number, address, profile, telephone, QQ and email address. There are 3 tables...

    全国30省15,764律师事务所数据库: 地址,简介,电话 China 15,764 Lawyers' Offices Data: Address, Profile, Tel. of 30 Provinces


    这是一个中国律师事务所大全,共有全国30个省份的15,764家律师事务所。每家事务所记录中有地址,律所简介,标签,律师事务所名称,执业许可证号,电话,传真,网站,负责人,组织形式,主管机关,批准日期,职业状态,合伙人,邮编等。该中国律师事务所信息数据库共有3个表。 This is a lawyers' offices database with 15,764 records from 30 provinces in China. Each record consists of address, law firm profile, tag, name, license No., telephone number, fax number, website, personnel in...

    中国7区164,669律师事务所数据库: 介绍,特别声明 China 164,669 Lawyers' Office Data: Intro, Special Notice of 7 Regions


    中国7大地区的164,669家律师事务所。每家事务所包含有律所介绍和特别声明。该律师事务所共有5个表。 In the lawyers' offices database, there are 164,669 records with introduction, special notice in each. These law firms are from 7 regions in China. The whole China lawyers' office database totally has 5 tables. Name...

    6类2,107酒水数据库: 价格,品牌,描述 2,107 Wines Data: Price, Brand, Desc by 6 Categories


    这是一个酒水信息大全,共包含有6大类的2,107种酒,每种酒中有价格,评分,商品名称,条形码,品牌,描述,发货速度,服务态度等。这6大类分别是白酒,葡萄酒,洋酒,黄酒,礼盒专区和婚庆专区。该酒水信息数据库中共有6个表。 In the wines database, there are 2,107 records by 6 categories, such as liquor and spirits, grape wine, imported wine, yellow wine, gift box region and wedding region. Each record consists of price,...

    6类10,327酒水数据库: 价格,产地,图片 10,327 Wines Data: Price, Origin, Image by 6 Types


    这是一个在售酒水信息大全,共有6个分类下的10,327种酒。每种酒记录种包含有价格,商品编号,累计销量,原料,产地,酒厂等。数据中还包含有43,782张酒的图片且存储在73.97M文件夹种。该酒水信息数据库共有6个表。 This is a wines database having 10,327 records by 6 categories, they are liquor and spirits, grape wine, imported wine, beer, health wine and yellow wine. Each record is comprised of price, product...

    8类1,626酒数据库 1,626 Wines Database by 8 Types


    这是一个酒及其分类的信息数据库,共有8个主分类下的1,626种酒。这些主分类分别是葡萄酒,洋酒,白酒,老酒,啤酒,酒具,食品和黄酒。该酒及分类信息数据库共有5个表。 This is a wines database having 1,626 records by 8 types and further into 65 categories. The main types are grape wines, imported wine, liquor and spirts, rice wine, beer, wine set, food and yellow...

    中国18类1,177交通地图数据库 China 1,177 Traffic Maps Data by 18 Categories


    这是一个全国交通地图信息数据库,共有18个分类下的1,177张交通地图。这18个分类分别是2016年新版,地铁线路图,高铁线路图,铁路线路图,国道线路图,高速线路图,高速公路网,公路地图集,航空线路图,港口分布图,交通标志,里程表,北京地铁,上海地铁,广州地铁,深圳地铁,香港地铁和天津地铁。整个中国交通地图信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a traffic maps database with 1,177 records by 18 categories, they are new edition 2016, metro line map, high speed line map, railway line map, national highway line map, high speed...

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