This is a poems database with 12,332 records by 2,960 poets. Each record is comprised of content, publish date, occasions, themes and form. In table poet, there are description, birth date and death date....
This is a poets database with 500 poets in top rank and 115,775 poems written by these poets. In table poem, there are title, date, content and author. The whole poets and poems database...
This poems database contains 1,044 records with title, author, content, image alt and date of birth in each by 26 categories as alphabet order. There are poet images in the 5.52M media set of...
This poems database is a list of 14,081 records by 144 topics. Each poems consists of title, content and author. These topic are alone, America, angel, death, culture, heaven, hair, music, song, spring, etc....
This is a large collection of poems with 5,166 records by 123 categories, such as abortion, goodbye, people, prayer, animal, April, beach, religious, haiku, Halloween, etc. All these poems are from the most famous...
This poems database is the one with thousands of poems organized by theme for you to reading, sharing and connecting with poetry. In table poem, there are 2,941 records with title, rating,...
This massive archive of love poems API has 3,909 records. Each love poem has title, author, date, rating, vote, content, submission date, visits, etc. Besides, there are 10,384 comments records of these love poems....