This comprehensive dictionary database contains over 100,000 medical terms with title, definitions, type and synonyms in each. All these terms are grouped by 27 letters in alphabetical order. The whole 100,666 medical terms dictionary...
This 71,839 baby names database is a vast collection of boys and girls names coming with 501,585 similar sound names and 424,809 similar meaning names from 1,581 origins by 3 genders. Each name record is comprised of religion, start with,...
This is an abbreviations database of 44,055 records by 22 different specialized categories. In this abbreviations database, there are the meaning, initial and category in each abbreviation. The whole abbreviations database consists of 3 tables. Categories: Astronomy...
In the medical dictionary database, there are 11,320 entries. Each entry consists of publisher, print publication date, print isbn 13, published online, current online version, eisbn and defination. It has only 1 table in...
This is a medical dictionary database having 4,119 medical entries with title, content, posted on and modified on in each. There are 3 tables in the medical dictionary entries data. Name n3zm_Medical_Dictionary_myvmc_com Data 2.81M (+...
In the medical dictionary database, there are 97,715 entries with title, definition, further information, pronunciation and synonym in each. All these medical entries are classified by 177 categories, such as actinomycins → adrenal hermaphroditism,...
This acronyms database has 796 records of WPC, Ncep, NOaa with initial and meaning in each. The whole acronyms data set consists of 1 tables. Name n3zm_Acronym_wpc_ncep_noaa_gov Data 160K (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0) Columns...
This is an acronym database of 269 records. Each record contains the meaning of acronym and initial. The whole acronym data set has only 1 table. Name n3zm_Acronym_samm_dsca_mil Data 96K (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0)...
This acronyms database has 542 records with 4 categories by alphabetical order (A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z). Each acronym contains the meaning of acronym and initial. The whole acronyms database consists of 3 tables. Name n3zm_Acronym_honeywellprocess_com Data...
This is an American life league acronyms database. Each acronym is comprised of initial and meaning. The whole American life league acronyms data consists of 1 table. Name n3zm_Acronym_ewtn_com Data...
This is an acronym database with 456 records of EUMETSAT. Each record contains the initial and meaning. The whole EUMETSAT acronyms database consists of 1 tables. Name n3zm_Acronym_eumetsat_int Data 144K (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0)...
This is an acronym database with 976 records. Each record contains meaning and initial. The whole acronyms database consists of 1 table. Name n3zm_Acronym_earthdata_nasa_gov Data 288K (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0) Columns 4 (+ 0) Table...
In the acronyms database, there are 196 acronyms of enterprise connections. Each acronym consists of initial and meaning. The whole enterprise connections acronyms database consists of 1 tables. Name n3zm_Acronym_disa_mil Data 64K (+ 0B) Tables...
This is an acronyms database with 788 records in meteorological society of the United States. These meteorological acronyms are classified by 5 categories, such as Standard technical abbreviations and acronyms; Computer terms; Institutions and...
In the acronyms and abbreviations database, there are a total of 646 records for standard technical area, computer terms, institutions & units of institutions and programs, experiments, satellites & instruments. Each record...
This is a world's largest and most comprehensive list of acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms database which are organized by a large variety of categories from computing and the Web to...