这是一个包含有17,688个菜品,菜系的菜谱大全。这些菜谱被分为以下6大类别:菜式菜品,菜系,时令食材,功效,场景和工艺口味。在每个菜谱记录中包含有标题,浏览次数,制作时间,准备时间,用餐人数,点赞人数,食物简介和小贴士。除此之外,在步骤表和食材表中分别包含有156,164个步骤和27,446食材记录。该菜肴数据库中还有170,526张图片,这些菜谱图片存储在8.81G菜谱媒体文件中。整个菜谱数据库共有10个表。 This is a recipes database with 17,688 records by 6 categories (dishes, style of cooking, seasonal ingredients, effect, scene and arts & tastes). Each recipe record consists of title, view times, make time,...
这是一个共包含有19,641个菜谱记录的数据库。每个菜谱记录中有标题,类型,做法,主料,配料,时间,难度,归属等。所有这些菜谱有以下8个分类,如:家常菜谱,孕妇食谱,儿童食谱,老人食谱,保健食谱,西餐美食,瘦身食谱和地方特色。该菜谱大全数据库共有3个表。 This recipes database is filled with 19,641 records by 8 categories (home-made recipes, pregnant women's recipes, children's recipes, elderly recipes, health recipes, Western cuisine, slimming recipes and local specialties). Each record is comprised...
全国45,734个银行网点查询信息数据库。这些银行被分为96个主分类,其中包含有总行名称,网点查询及ATM机查询。按地址该数据被分为3,264个二级分类。该中国银行网点信息数据库共有5个表。 In the banks of network information database, there are 45,734 records. All these banks are mainly categorized into 96 types by head office name, network point query information and ATM machine query and...
这是一个食谱大全,共有193,071个菜谱,每个菜谱包含有介绍,得分,标签,成份和操作说明。这些食谱被分为1,818个大类。该菜谱数据库共有5个表。 This recipes database has 193,071 records by 1,818 categories. Each recipe is comprised of introduce, score, tag, ingredient and instruction. In the 5.66G media set, there are 52,420 files of these food images. There are 5 tables in the whole recipes...
该菜谱数据库中有77,331个记录。每个菜谱记录包含有标题,做法,发布时间和分类。所有这些菜谱被分为9个类别,如:家常菜,烘焙,汤,主食,菜系,美食diy,食补,人群和场景。整个菜谱数据库共有3个表。 This is a recipes database with 77,331 records categorized into 9 classifications. Each record is comprised of title, practice, release time and categories. The whole recipes database has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_caipu_meichubang_com Data 133.78M (+ 0B)...
这是一个邮编数据库,共包含有来自全国31个省,327个市的55,429个邮编。每个邮编记录中包含有地址信息。在市表中包含有区号。共有4个表。 This zip codes database is filled with 55,429 records with address in each. All these zip codes are from 327 cities of 31 provinces in China. It has area code in each city record. There...
这是一个周公解梦大全,共有9个分类下的1,486个周公解梦记录,每条记录中有标题和内容。这些分类分别是动物篇,活动篇,建筑篇,神鬼篇,生活篇,物品篇,植物篇,自然篇和其它篇。该解梦数据库共有3个表。 This is a oneiromancy database having 1,486 interpretation of dreams records. Each record is comprised of title and content. All these interpretation of dreams are categorized into 9 types, they are animal, activity,...
这是一个英文名大全,共有120个英文名字且每个名字中有名字寓意,印象,含义,相似英文名,音标,中文音译,名字性别等。所有这些名字被分为3大类,分别是男孩英文名,女孩英文名和中性英文名。该英文名字数据库共有3个表。 This is a English names database having 120 records. Each record consists of implication, impression, meaning, similar English names, phonetic symbol, Chinese transliteration, name gender, etc. All these names are categorized...
这是一个菜谱大全,共有180个分类下的24,919个食谱记录。每个食谱中包含有简介,图片,主料,辅料和操作步骤。除此之外,数据中还包含有8,887张食谱图片且储存在83.51M的文件包中。该食谱数据库共有5个表。 This recipes database contains 24,919 records by 180 categories. Each recipe is comprised of brief introduction, image, main ingredients, supplemental material and steps. It also comes with 8,887 images of these recipes in the 83.51M...
这是一个中国食谱大全,共有11个主分类下的19,553个食谱记录。这些主分类分别是特色菜谱,植物菜单,动物菜单,营养食疗,中华菜谱,外国菜谱,功能调理,人群膳食,脏腑调理,疾病调理和特色小吃。每个食谱中包含有描述,做法,网站,时间,来源,工艺,人数,口味,准备时间,所需食材等。该中国食谱数据库共有4个表。 This is a Chinese recipes database having 19,553 records by 11 categories. These categories are special recipes, plant menu, animal menu, nutritional diet, Chinese recipes, foreign recipes, functional conditioning, crowd diet, viscera conditioning,...
这是一个全国公交信息数据库,其中包含有28个省份的15,558个公交。每个公交记录中有站点名称。在公交详情表中,共有12,017个详情记录且每个公交详情记录中有方向,起止,路线,首末车时间和公里站数。共有8个表。 In the buses database, there are 15,558 records with station name in each. All these buses are from 28 provinces in China. In the table buses details, there are 12,017 buses details with orientation, start-stop,...
该中国邮编地址信息数据库包含有来自全国76,715个邮编地址,每个邮编记录中有地址,邮编和区号。这些邮编地址来自全国34个省份,369个市,3,216个地区。整个中国邮编地址信息数据库共有6个表。 This is a zip code database having 76,715 records with address, zip code and area code in each. These zip codes are over 3,216 regions of 369 cities of 34 provinces in China. The whole China zip...
该数据库为中国生活常用电话号码,每条记录包括服务类型名称和电话号码。数据库中的所有电话号码被分为如下12大类:报警急救,外卖订餐,快递客服,旅行预订,银行客服,铁路航空,投诉举报,保险客服,通讯客服,售后服务,租车电话和网上购物。这个电话号码数据库一共由三个表组成。 This is a useful phone number in daily life of China data with 144 records. All these phone numbers are categorized into 12 classifications, such as online shopping, after-sale service, car rental telephone,...
全国邮政编码数据库共有6个表和33,468个数据。这些邮政编码来自8个地区32个省份的322个城市。每个邮政编码包含有标题,地区id和地点数量。 In the postalcode database, there are a total of 33,468 records over 8 regions of 32 provinces in 322 cities. Each post code contains title, district id and location amount. The whole China post codes data set...
这是一个中国婚礼服务信息数据库,共有来自全国3,283家服务机构,且每家服务机构包含有描述,地址,服务,最低价,资本耗资,总分,评论数,经度,纬度,地区,街道,付款方式,开放时间,电话,特征等信息。这些婚礼服务机构遍布于全国3,436个地区,1,180个城市下的13,090个街道。除此之外,婚礼服务数据中还包含有12,605张酒店图片且存储在263.39M的文件夹中。整个中国婚礼服务信息数据库共有17个表。 In the wedding services data, there are 3,283 records over 13,090 streets from 1,180 cities of 3,436 regions in China. Each wedding service is comprised of description, address, lowest price, per capital consumption, score overall, comment count,...
这是一个来自全国361个城市的38,944个快递网点信息数据库。每个快递网点包含有联系电话和地址。该全国快递网点数据库共有3个表。 From this China express networks data set, it contains 38,944 express network records in 361 cities of China. Each record is comprised of telephone number and address. There are 3 tables in the whole China...