这是一个建材产品大全,有45个分类下的120,106个建材产品。每个建材产品包含有标题,产品介绍,价格,品牌,厂家,产地,型号,规格,联系人,关注度,更新时间,主营业务以及联系方式。该建材产品数据库共有5个表。 This is a building materials products database containing 120,106 records by 45 categories, such as floor, coating, Brick & tile, bathroom, doors & windows, lamps & lanterns, etc. Each product consists of title,...
该玻璃产品信息数据库包含7大分类下的51,998个玻璃产品信息。每个信息中有标题,价格,公司,地区,成立时间,商品详情,商品细节,供应地点,发布时间,有效期和主营产品。这7大类别分别是建筑玻璃,玻璃生产及设备,玻璃制品,家具玻璃,原片玻璃,运输工具和机械配件及工具。整个玻璃产品供应数据库共有5个表。 It has 51,998 glass products supply informations with title, price, company, region, founded time, product description, product detail, supply location, publish time, term of validity and main product in each of...
这是一个全国各地区的机械产品信息数据库,共有156,575个数据信息。所有这些机械产品被分为30个分类和286个次级分类。每个机械产品信息记录中包含有标题,当前价,有效期,所在地,电话,手机,传真,地址,邮编,联系人和网址。除此之外,该机械产品信息数据库中还包含10,873张机械产品图片且存储在330.41M的媒体文件中。整个全国各地区机械产品信息数据库共有6个表。 This is a mechanical products database having 156,575 records from all over the China. All these products are categorized into 30 classifications and further into 286 categories. Each product contains title, present price, term of...
化工设备供求信息数据库包含有265,410个化工设备产品信息,这些产品按照用途分为以下23个类别,如干燥设备,制药机械,粉碎设备,传质设备,反应设备,压力容器,塑料工业专用设备等。每个产品供求信息中包含有标题,产品介绍,名称,编号,商标,规格,参考价格,更新时间,点击次数,公司名称,企业类型,地址,联系人, 联系电话,传真,手机,邮编和电子邮件。整个化工设备供求信息数据库共有5个表。 From this chemical equipment products database, there are 265,410 records by 23 categories, such as drying equipment, pharmaceutical machinery, crushing equipment, mass transfer equipment, reaction equipment, pressure vessel, special equipment for plastic,...
这是一个各个行业的产品信息大全,其中包含有75,425个产品信息,这些产品分别来自30个不同分类,如商业服务,机械及工业制品,化工,建材、房地产,电子电工,仪器仪表,冶金矿产,农业,家居用品,安防,医药/保健/器械等。每个产品信息中包含有标题,产品简介,公司简介,价格,公司,地区信息。该产品信息数据库共有5个表。 This China products database contains 75,425 records with company profile, product brief, price, company and region in each. All these products are from 30 categories, such as business service, machinery and industrial products,...
按摩器产品信息数据库共有4,769个按摩产品,被分为以下4大类: 休闲保健按摩器, 保健养生按摩器, 按摩器生产配件和商业服务。每个按摩器产品信息中包含有标题,产品说明,品牌,型号,单价,所在地,有效期,更新时间,浏览次数,公司名称,联系人,邮件,电话,手机,地区和地址。该按摩器批发数据库共有4个表。 This is a massagers wholesale database having 4,769 records by 4 categories. Each record consists of title, product description, brand, model, unit price, location, term of validity, update time, number...
中国副食品大全包含了14个分类下的32,623个副食品信息。这些产品分类分别是休闲食品,饮料招商,酒类招商,粮油调味,冲调茶叶,方便食品,罐头食品,速冻食品,乳制品,肉制品,其它食品,食品包装,食品机械和食品配料。每个食品产品信息中有标题,公司名称,价格,浏览次数,品牌,所在地区,有效期,规格,经营模式和关注人数。该食品信息数据库共有4个表。 This China food products database is filled with 32,623 non-staple foods by 14 categories. Each food record is comprised of title, company, price, number of views, brand, region, term of validity, specification, business...
这是一个苗木产品信息数据库,共有13个分类下的41,223个苗木品种。每个苗木产品信息中包含有公司,产品简介,联系人,电话,传真,地址,邮编等。该苗木产品信息数据库共有4个表。 This nursery stocks database is filled with 41,223 nursery stocks by 13 categories. There are company, nursery stock introduction, contact, phone number, fax number, address, postcode, etc. The whole nursery stocks data set...
这是一个包含有4,291个煲汤做法的菜谱数据库。该煲汤菜谱数据库只有 1个表。 This is a cook soup recipes database of 4,291 records with practice in each. The whole cook soup database only has 1 table. Name n3_chennan_CS_caipu_shrimp_org_cn Data 6.80M (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0) Columns 7 (+...
这是一个包含有29,797个记录的菜谱数据库。每个菜谱记录里有标题,人气,步骤,做法,口味,难度,人数,准备时间,烹饪时间,发布时间,浏览量,收藏次数,主料和辅料。所有这些菜谱记录被分为7大主分类(如:家常菜谱,主食西点,人群膳食,中国菜系,外国菜系,功能性调理和传统节日)和57个次级分类(如:羹,炖品,糖水,热菜,凉菜,素菜等)。该菜谱大全数据库共有4个表。 This recipes database has 29,797 records with title, popularity, procedure, cooking method, taste, difficulty, number of People, preparation time, cooking time, release time, browsing, collection frequency, main materials and accessories in...
在该菜谱数据库中共有5,212个菜谱,每个菜谱中有工艺,口味,做法,相克食物,适用,口感,类别,主料,辅料,调料,推荐指数,麻辣指数,营养指数,难易指数,减肥指数,养颜指数等。这些菜谱按照地区被分为21个类别。其中,菜谱数据中还包含有83,396条营养成分记录。共有5个表。 Database of recipes contians 5,212 records with craft work, taste, practice, allelopathy product, suitable for, mouth feel, category, main material, accessories, seasoning, recommend index, spicy index, nutrient index, difficulty index, lose...
这是一个包含有4,914个彩票开奖号码且单表结构的3D彩票数据库。每个彩票数据中包含有开奖日期,期号,中奖号码,单选,组选3,组选6,销售额和返奖比例。 This is a database of 3D lottery with 4,914 records. Each record is comprised of lottery dates, issue, winning number, single vote, group 3, group 6, sales volume and proportion of...
该全国保险公司信息列表中共有30,295家保险公司记录,每个记录中包含有地址,电话,公司简介,公司新闻,传真,邮箱,网址及客服电话。除此之外,这个保险公司数据库中还有305个产品内容和110个产品推荐及价格,销量,评论和标签。整个全国保险公司信息数据库中共有5个表。 From this database, there are 30,295 insurance companies with address, telephone, company profile, compnay news, fax number, email, website and customer service telephone in each. It has other 2 most related tables with...
这是一个世界知名品牌包包数据库。该奢侈品包包数据库中包含有29,146个来自265家世界品牌的包包, 如:Michael Kors, FURLA, PRADA,GUCCI, Louis Vuitton, etc.。每个包包记录中有包包的价格,销量,功能,产地,肩带尺寸,颜色,内部结构,五金材质,五金颜色,尺寸,开合方式,款式,附属肩带,材质,适用人群和品牌。所有这些包包被分为15大类别,如:单肩包,箱包养护,包袋定制,斜挎包,手提包,公文包,双肩包,钱包,包袋配件,手拿包,拉杆箱,旅行包,小型皮具,腰包和其它禁用。该品牌包包大全共包含有126,316张包包图片。整个奢侈品包包数据库共有5个表。 This is a well-known brand bags database of 29,146 records with title, price, sales, function, origin, shoulder straps size, color, internal structure, hardware material,...
这是一个汇集中国363个城市的1,104,524家搬家公司数据库。每个搬家公司记录中有标题、公司详情描述、类别、位置、联系人以及电话。该搬家数据库还包含有549,468张搬家公司相关图片且共有5个表。 This is a database of moving companies with 1,104,524 records over 363 popular cities in China. Each record is comprised of title, description, category, address, contact and phone number. It also comes with 549,468 images...
该全国搬家公司信息数据库共包含有来自7个区域 (华东,华南,华中,华北,东北,西南,西北),2,128个地区的738个搬家公司信息。整个搬家公司信息数据库中共有5个表。 There are 738 moving companies from 2,128 areas of 7 regions in China. The whole China moving companies database has 5 tables in total. Name n3_chennan_CS_banjiagongsi_baixing_com Data 1.27M (+ 0B) Tables 5 (+ 0) Columns 24 (+ 0) Table...