这是一个全国各省份的23,383家医院信息数据库,每家医院信息中有咨询热线,地址,简介,名称,等级,机构类别,经营性质,医保类型,服务方式,服务对象,电话,邮编等。所有这些医院均来自全国7个地区30个省份。该全国医院信息数据库共有4个表。 This China hospitals database is filled with 23,383 records from 30 provinces of 7 regions in China. Each hospital is comprised of consultation hotline, address, profile, name, level, institutional category, management nature, types of medical...
该全国保险公司信息列表中共有30,295家保险公司记录,每个记录中包含有地址,电话,公司简介,公司新闻,传真,邮箱,网址及客服电话。除此之外,这个保险公司数据库中还有305个产品内容和110个产品推荐及价格,销量,评论和标签。整个全国保险公司信息数据库中共有5个表。 From this database, there are 30,295 insurance companies with address, telephone, company profile, compnay news, fax number, email, website and customer service telephone in each. It has other 2 most related tables with...