这是一个酒水信息大全,共包含有6大类的2,107种酒,每种酒中有价格,评分,商品名称,条形码,品牌,描述,发货速度,服务态度等。这6大类分别是白酒,葡萄酒,洋酒,黄酒,礼盒专区和婚庆专区。该酒水信息数据库中共有6个表。 In the wines database, there are 2,107 records by 6 categories, such as liquor and spirits, grape wine, imported wine, yellow wine, gift box region and wedding region. Each record consists of price,...
这是一个在售酒水信息大全,共有6个分类下的10,327种酒。每种酒记录种包含有价格,商品编号,累计销量,原料,产地,酒厂等。数据中还包含有43,782张酒的图片且存储在73.97M文件夹种。该酒水信息数据库共有6个表。 This is a wines database having 10,327 records by 6 categories, they are liquor and spirits, grape wine, imported wine, beer, health wine and yellow wine. Each record is comprised of price, product...
这是一个乐器数据库,共包含有15大分类下的257种乐器。每个乐器记录中包含有售价和琴行家。该乐器信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a musical instruments database with 257 records by 15 categories. Each record is comprised of selling price and expert. The whole musical instruments database totally has 4 tables. Name n3zm_Instrument_maiqin_com Data 384K (+ 0B)...
这是一个国际短租房信息数据库,有来自524个城市的35,531个房东的148,415家短租房。每个短租房记录中包含有描述,经度,纬度,房间,床,容量,产品价格,原价,最终价格,房间类型,房间风格,总结,地址等。在该数据中还有其它8个与短租房信息密切相关的表,它们分别是公寓的10个浴室;9个周边环境记录;17个房间设施;10个房间特征;10个厨房;4个房间政策;7个房间规则以及2个房间服务。除此之外,数据中还包含有1,132,714张图片且存储在4.15G媒体文件夹中。整个国际短租房信息数据库共有28个表。 This is an international apartments for short rent database having 148,415 records with description, longitude, latitude, room, bed, capacity, product price, original price, final price, house style, house type, area, summary,...
这是一个全国宗教用品信息数据库,共计有13大主分类下的16,673个记录。每个记录中包含有厂商,价格,商品介绍,行业分类,规格型号,发布时间,商家地址,商家电话等。整个宗教用品信息数据库共有4个表。 In the religious supplies API, there are 16,673 records by 13 main categories. Each religious supply is comprised of manufacturer, price, product introduction, industry classification, specification model, release time, business address, business telephone...
该珠宝信息数据库共计有33个品牌下的26,830个珠宝记录。这些珠宝被分为853个类别。每个珠宝记录中有价格,类别,品牌,发源地,型号,系列,性别,主题,规格,欧元价格,港币价格,颜色,款式,材质,耳环厚度,宝石材质,官网电话等。整个珠宝信息数据库共有4个表。 In the jewels database, there are 26,830 records of 33 brands. Each jewel consists of price, category, brand, birthplace, model, series, gender, theme, specification, Euro price, hong kong dollar price, color, style, material,...
这是一个珠宝信息数据库,共计有382个品牌下的15,033个珠宝首饰记录。这些珠宝被分为11个类别。每个珠宝信息记录中有价格,销量,分类,材质属性,颜色,型号,尺寸,风格,商品材质和品牌。除此之外,数据中还包含有54,941张珠宝图片。整个珠宝信息数据库共有5个表。 This jewels database contains 15,033 records from 382 brands. Each jewel is comprised of price, sales, category, material property, color, model, size, style, material and brand. All these jewels are categorized into 11 types. It...
这是一个邮票信息数据库,共有14大主分类下的3,660张邮票。每张邮票记录有价格,收购价,销量,商品介绍,点击量和库存量。整个邮票信息数据库共有5个表。 This stamps database has 3,660 records by 14 mian categories. Each stamp is comprised of price, purchasing price, sales, introduction, clicks and inventory. The whole stamps API totally has 5 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_youpiao_e_stamps_cn Data 9.94M (+...
全球邮票信息数据库,共计有来自6大洲,303个国家的10,867张邮票。每张邮票中有编号,国家,发行年份,内容和价格。该全球邮票信息数据库共有5个表。 In the stamps database, it has 10,867 records with code, country, year of issue, content and price in each. All these stamps are from 303 countries of 6 continents in the world. The whole world...
医疗器械大全是一个单表结构的信息数据库,共计包含有13,950种医疗器械。每个医疗器械记录中包含有供应商,品牌,产品型号,产品单位,产地,适用科室,价格,产品用途,批准文号,生产企业,产品包装,规格,公司网址,企业名称,公司电话,联系人,传真和公司地址。 In the medical equipments database, there are 13,950 records with supplier, brand, product model, product unit, origin place, applicable department, price, product usage, approval number, production enterprise, packaging, specification, company website,...
这是一个全国养老院信息数据库,共计包含有24,107个养老院且每个养老院记录中有占地面积,区域,地址,价格,机构概况,周边,机构设施,机构服务,评分等。这些养老院被分为以下6大分类,分别是养老产业园,老年公寓,护理院,托老所,养老院和敬老院。除此之外,该数据库中还包含有1,204个户型的价格,类型和详情。该养老院信息数据库共有5个表。 In the old people's homes database, there are 24,107 records with area covered, region, address, price, institutional profile, periphery, institutional facilities, institutional service, score, etc. in each. These old people's homes...