在这个中国大学排名信息数据库中共有来自全国33个省份的2,256所大学。每所大学的记录中有学校名称,排名,地区,类别,专业,人气值,院校类型,所在地,学历层次,招办电话,电子邮箱,通讯地址,招生地址等。该中国大学排名信息数据库共有3个表。 In the colleges database, there are colleges with 2,256 records from 33 provinces in China. Each record is comprised of college name, ranking, region, category, major, popularity, type of institution, location, educational level,...
这是一个包含有103个主管单位下的1,350个组织的信息数据库。每个组织包含有组织类型,登记证号,业务主管单位,网址和联系电话。该全国组织信息数据库共有3个表。 In the organizations database, there are 1,350 records by 103 competent organizations in China. Each organization is comprised of type, registered number, business competent organization, website and contact. The whole China organizations information...
这是一个中国律师事务所大全,共有全国34个省份的917家律师事务所。每家事务所记录中有服务范围,联系电话,联系地址,律所简介,电话,QQ和邮箱。整个中国律师事务所信息数据库共有3个表。 This is a lawyers' offices database with 917 records from 34 provinces in China. Each record consists of scope of service, contact telephone number, address, profile, telephone, QQ and email address. There are 3 tables...
这是一个中国律师事务所大全,共有全国30个省份的15,764家律师事务所。每家事务所记录中有地址,律所简介,标签,律师事务所名称,执业许可证号,电话,传真,网站,负责人,组织形式,主管机关,批准日期,职业状态,合伙人,邮编等。该中国律师事务所信息数据库共有3个表。 This is a lawyers' offices database with 15,764 records from 30 provinces in China. Each record consists of address, law firm profile, tag, name, license No., telephone number, fax number, website, personnel in...
这是一个酒店会议厅数据库,共包含有来自全国2,331个城市的37,131个酒店会议厅。每个会议厅中有描述,风格,星级,区域,地址, 会议厅数量,会议厅面积,容量,房间数量,开放时间,总评分,团购价格,长期订购价格,会议价格,推荐范围,评论数,翻新和电话。整个酒店会议数据库中有其它4个表和酒店会议厅密切相关,它们分别是206,387个酒店设备;2,463,657个酒店设备详情记录且每个记录中有内容;2,605个过去会议记录和0个会议房间的记录及每个记录中有描述。整个酒店会议厅数据中还包含有331,221张会议厅图片且存储在39.18M的媒体文件夹中。该酒店会议厅数据库共有10个表。 This is a hotel meetings information database with 37,131 records from 2,331 cities of China. Each record is comprised of description, hotel, style, star 1, star 2, district, address, meet room count,...
这是一个全国租车点信息数据库,共计有来自全国29个省份,367个城市的1,521家租车点。每家租车点信息记录中有租车公司,营业时间和租车电话。整个租车点信息数据库共有4个表。 This China car rental sites database is filled with 1,521 records from 367 cities of 29 provinces in China. Each record consists of car rental company, business time and telephone number.The whole China car rental...
这是一个全国宗教用品信息数据库,共计有13大主分类下的16,673个记录。每个记录中包含有厂商,价格,商品介绍,行业分类,规格型号,发布时间,商家地址,商家电话等。整个宗教用品信息数据库共有4个表。 In the religious supplies API, there are 16,673 records by 13 main categories. Each religious supply is comprised of manufacturer, price, product introduction, industry classification, specification model, release time, business address, business telephone...
这是一个珠宝商铺信息数据库,共计有来自全国34个城市的8,736个商铺。每家珠宝商铺信息中有地址,经营品牌和电话。整个珠宝商铺信息数据库共有3个表。 This jewelry shops database is filled with 8,736 records from 34 cities in China. Each jewelry shop consists of address, management brand and telephone number. The whole China jewelry shops data set totally...
该珠宝信息数据库共计有33个品牌下的26,830个珠宝记录。这些珠宝被分为853个类别。每个珠宝记录中有价格,类别,品牌,发源地,型号,系列,性别,主题,规格,欧元价格,港币价格,颜色,款式,材质,耳环厚度,宝石材质,官网电话等。整个珠宝信息数据库共有4个表。 In the jewels database, there are 26,830 records of 33 brands. Each jewel consists of price, category, brand, birthplace, model, series, gender, theme, specification, Euro price, hong kong dollar price, color, style, material,...
这是一个医院信息数据库,共有来自全国31个地区的2,343家医院。每家医院包含有医院等级,性质,医院地址和联系电话。整个医院信息数据库共有8个表。 In the hospitals database, there are 2,343 records with grade, nature, address and telephone number in each. These hospitals are from 31 regions of China. The whole China hospitals data set totally has 8 tables....
全国31个城市的11,928家医院及8,164个科室类别的信息数据库。每家医院记录中包含有医院别名,性质,等级,联系电话,联系地址,医疗评价和服务评价。在科室类别表中,每个科室类别中包含有人数记录。整个中国医院信息数据库中共有6个表。 This is a China hospitals database having 11,928 hospitals and 8,164 departments. Each hospital is comprised of hospital alias, nature, grade, telephone number, address, medical evaluation and service evaluation. In table department, it...
这是一个全国医院信息数据库,共有30个分类下的6,353家医院,每家医院记录中有医院简介,主要设备,医院性质,医院等级,联系电话,联系地址,特色专科,日门诊量,床位数量,医院网址,电子邮件和邮编。整个医院信息数据库共有4个表。 In the hospitals database, it has 6,353 records by 30 categories. Each hospital consists of profile, main equipment, nature, grade, telephone number, address, speciality, daily outpatients, number of beds, website address, email and...
这是一个全国23个省份的32,814家医院的信息数据库。每家医院包含地址,电话,医院性质,等级,日门诊量,床位数量和特色专科。整个医院信息数据库共有3个表。 This China hospitals database is filled with 32,814 records from 23 provinces in China. Each hospital is comprised of address, telephone number, hospital's nature, grade, daily outpatients, number of beds and specialty. The...
该医院数据库共有18个分类下的7,013家医院,每家医院记录中包含有电话和科室。整个医院信息数据库共有3个表。 This hospitals database contains 7,013 records with telephone number and department in each. All these hospitals are categorized into 18 classifications. The whole hospitals API totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_yiyuan_data_120ask_com Data 11.81M (+ 0B) Tables...
这是一个全国292个城市的12,535个银行网点信息数据库。每家银行网点记录中有地址和电话。整个中国银行网点信息数据库共有3个表。 In the bank outlets database, there are 12,535 records with address and telephone number in each from 292 cities of China. The whole China bank outlets database totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_yinhangwangdian_wangdian_51credit_com Data 8.34M (+...
该全国303个城市的银行网点信息数据库包含有49,569个记录。每个记录中有银行,所在地,地址,网点电话,客服电话,信用卡客服和营业时间。整个银行网点信息数据库中共有3个表。 In the bank outlets database, there are 49,569 records with bank, location, address, telephone number, credit card customer service and business time in each. All these bank outlets are from 303 cities of...