该药品数据库列有9大类药,共计18,403种药品。 This drugs database lists 18,403 medicines records of 9 categories and has 5 tables in total. Name n3a2_ypk_qiuyi_cn Data 12.55M (+ 0B) Tables 5 (+ 0) Columns 20 (+ 0) Table Rows 71,587 (+ 0) Media 0B (+ 0B) Files...
这是一个药品信息数据库,共有24个分类下的5,789种药品。这些分类是安神药,理气药,平喘药,活血化瘀药,驱虫药,消食药等。该药品信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a medicines database having 5,789 records by 24 categories. These categories are anxiety, qi-regulating, asthma-relieving, blood-activating, stasis-removing, insecticide-repelling, anti-feeding drugs and etc. The whole medicines data set totally has 4 tables. Name n3a2_ypk_39_net_zhong_yao...
13,298种药品数据库中的所有药品共有40个分类。 每个药品包含有名称,价格,通用名称,产品编号,批准文号,健客价格,生产厂家,有效期等字段。该中国药品数据库共有6个表。 In the medicines database, there are 13,298 records categorized into 40 classifications. Each medicine is comprised of title, generic name, shovel level number, approval number, swordsman price, manufacturer, expiration date, etc. The...
该数据库是一个医院和医生信息集合,共包含有16个分类下的7,987家医院,98,386个系和476,807位医生。这些医院来自全国31个省份的496个城市。每家医院信息中有城市,级别,特征,地址,电话,描述等。在医生表中,每个医生记录中有系,职位,级别,专长,实践经验,得分,访客量等。整个中国医院,系和医生信息数据库共有10个表。 This is a hospitals, faculties and doctors database from 496 cities of 31 provinces in China. There are 7,987 hospitals by 16 categories. Each hospital consists of city, level, feature, address, telephone number, description and etc. In...
这是一个来自全国31个省,403个城市的151,989位医生信息数据库。每位医生信息记录中包含有医院,级别,教育背景,擅长疾病,咨询次数,好评率等。数据中还包含有5,024家医院和41,094个诊所。每家医院记录中有详情,城市,级别,类型,地址,电话等。整个全国医生信息数据库共有6个表。 In the doctors and hospitals database, there are 151,989 doctors from 403 cities of 31 provinces in China. Each doctor consists of hospital, grade, educational background, good at disease, number of consultation, high praise rate...
这是一个全国医疗诊所信息数据库,共包含有12,710家医疗诊所且每家诊所记录中有描述,地址,最低价,资本消耗,总分,评论数,经度,纬度,区域,街道,电话等信息。这些医疗诊所遍布全国3,450个地区,1,180个城市的13,149个街道。数据中包含有医疗诊所的65,805个客户信息;49,234个服务项目及每个服务项目的描述,内容,价格,总结,原价,折扣及销售数量以及10,713个其它服务项目。除此之外,该数据中有42,184张医疗图片且存储在7.96G的文件夹中。整个中国医疗诊所信息数据库共有17个表。 In this medical clinics database, there are 12,710 records with description, address, lowest price, per capital consumption, score overall, comment count, latitude, longitude, area, street, telephone number and open time in...
该医生信息数据库共有来自22个科室的155,114位医生。每位医生记录中有职务,所属单位,擅长疾病,医生介绍,出诊医院地址,出诊电话,邮政编码,传真号码,电子邮箱,乘车路线,所属科室和医生职称。整个医生信息数据库共有6个表。 This is a doctors database having 155,114 records with duty, subordinate units, be good at disease, doctor introduction, address of outpatient hospital, outpatient telephone, postal code, fax number, email, bus routes,...
该医疗器械信息数据库包含有9,545种产品,每种医疗器械记录中有订货编号和型号。这些医疗器械被分为11个主分类,95个次级分类和734个三级分类。整个医疗器械数据库共有6个表。 This medical equipments database is filled with 9,545 records with ordering information and model in each. These medical equipments are categorized into 11 types and further into 95 secondary categories and 734 three level classifications. The whole...