这是一个玩具大全,有26个分类下的139,739个玩具。每个玩具中包含有价格,公司,地址,公司详情,报价,起订量,发货期,供货量,货号,品牌,联系人和电话。除此之外,数据中还包含有409,429张玩具图片。该玩具信息数据库共有5个表。 In the toys database, there are 139,739 records with price, company, address, company details, quotated price, mim order, delivery time, supply, Item number, brand, contact and telephone number in each. These...
全国35个城市的3,338个石材报价信息,每个信息记录中有规格,价格,公司,产地,时间,起订量,产品用途,主营产品,公司地址,联系人,邮政编码,电话,手机,传真和邮件。整个石材报价信息数据库中共有4个表。 This stone material quotations database has 3,338 records from 35 cities of China. Each stone material quotation record is comprised of specification, price, company, place of origin, time, mini order, product usage, main...
全国27个省,151个城市的507,011家转让商铺信息数据库,每家转让商铺信息记录中有转让费,面积,更新时间,标签,商铺简介,租金,类型,状态,区域,位置,QQ和电话。除此之外,数据库中还有254,032张商铺图片。整个转让商铺信息数据库中共有5个表。 This transfer stores database is filled with 507,011 records from 151 cities of 27 provinces in China. Each transfer shop is comprised of transfer fee, acreage, update time, tag, shop profile, rent, type, state, region,...
这是一个单表结构的苗木报价数据库,共有662,617个苗木报价记录,每个记录中有产品名称,价格,高度,米径,冠幅,地径,单位,提供商,电话,联系人,更新时间等。 This nursery stocks quotations database is filled with 662,617 nursery stocks quotations records with name, price, height, one meter to ground diameter, unit, supplier, phone number, contact, update time, and etc....
该礼品数据库中共有5,290个礼品记录和8,868张礼品图片,每个礼品记录中有关注度,市场价,公司名称,联系人,电话和地址。这个礼品及图片数据库共有2个表。 This gifts database has 5,290 records and 8,868 gift images. Each gift has attention rate, market price, company name, contact, telephone and address. The whole gifts data set has 2 tables in total. Name n3_chennan_CS_lipin_cnlipin_cn...
这是一个酒店用品数据库,共包含有8,325个产品信息,每个产品信息记录中有公司,经营模式,产品介绍,产品单价,所在地区,最小起订,供货总量,联系电话,地址等。所有这些酒店用品按照产品类型被分为6个主分类,28个次级分类和258个三级分类。该酒店用品数据库中共有5个表。 Database of hotel supplies contains 8,325 products with company, business model, product introduction, unit price, location, mini order, total supply, telephone, addres, and etc. in each. All these hotel supplies are...
这是全国各行业产品信息数据库,共有4,924,669个产品,这些产品来自47个行业。每个产品中有价格,公司,市场价,发货地,联系人,联系电话,邮箱地址,店铺网址和公司地址。除此之外,和产品相关的还有其它5个表,618,433个产品简介表;成交记录中有122,576成交记录,每个记录中有成交公司,成交时间,成交单价和成交数量;467,094个订购价格表中有订购量和价格;在规格表中有51,625个记录,每个记录中有规格,价格和库存以及4,262,400张产品图片。该各行业产品数据库中共有13个表。 From this products database, there are 4,924,669 records from 47 industries. Each product is comprised of price, company, market price, place of delivery, contact, phone number, email, shop website and company address. Besides,...
这是一个信息较全的单表教学设备产品数据库。在这个教学产品信息数据库中有377,762个教学产品且每个教学产品中包含有标题,品牌,产品型号,使用范围,产品产地,围观次数,详细说明,所在地区,应用院校,上架时间,公司名称,公司成立时间,联系人,手机号,电话,传真和地址。 This is a table database of teaching products with 377,762 records. Each record contains title, brand, product model, range of application, product origin, onlooker times, detailed description, region, used colleges, shelf...
一个来自1,342家专卖店,394个品牌下的5,591台电动车数据库,每个电动车信息都包含有品牌,报价,款式,电池,续航里程等信息。电动车数据库中有每个专卖店的电话和地址,方便查询。该电动车数据库中共有6个表。 This is a electric vehicles / scooters database with 5,591 records of 394 brands in 1,342 exclusive stores. Each electric vehicle or scooter is comprised of brand, offer, style, battery, mileage, etc. The whole electric...
这个灯具数据库中有217个分类下的135,455个灯具产品信息。每个灯具中包含有品牌,型号,联系人,电话,传真,地址,邮编,邮箱和手机。该灯具产品数据库共有3个表。 This lamps and lanterns database contains 135,455 products with title, brand, model, contact, telephone number, fax number, address, zip code, email and mobile phone in each. All these lamps and lanterns...
这是一个包含有557,883个苗木产品的数据库。每个苗木产品记录中有公司信息,供应商信息,产品信息,报价,所在地,发布时间,浏览次数,品种,联系人,地址,邮编,电话,手机,传真等。整个苗圃产品数据库中共有2个表。 This landscape nursery plants database is filled with 557,883 records. Each plant product is comprised of company information, supplier information, product information, offer, location, publish time, number of view, variety, contact,...
这是一个数控机床产品信息数据库,包含有84个分类下的100,399个产品。每个产品记录中有标题,公司,产品详情,供货量,价格,所在地,联系人,有效期,型号,品牌,电话,移动电话,传真,地址和邮编。整个数控机床产品信息数据库中共有5个表。 The computerized numerical control products database contains 100,399 CNC products of 84 categories, such as lathe, grinding machine, planer, milling machine, boring machine, drilling machine, WEDM machine tool, etc. Each product has title,...
这是一个全国各地区的机械产品信息数据库,共有156,575个数据信息。所有这些机械产品被分为30个分类和286个次级分类。每个机械产品信息记录中包含有标题,当前价,有效期,所在地,电话,手机,传真,地址,邮编,联系人和网址。除此之外,该机械产品信息数据库中还包含10,873张机械产品图片且存储在330.41M的媒体文件中。整个全国各地区机械产品信息数据库共有6个表。 This is a mechanical products database having 156,575 records from all over the China. All these products are categorized into 30 classifications and further into 286 categories. Each product contains title, present price, term of...
化工设备供求信息数据库包含有265,410个化工设备产品信息,这些产品按照用途分为以下23个类别,如干燥设备,制药机械,粉碎设备,传质设备,反应设备,压力容器,塑料工业专用设备等。每个产品供求信息中包含有标题,产品介绍,名称,编号,商标,规格,参考价格,更新时间,点击次数,公司名称,企业类型,地址,联系人, 联系电话,传真,手机,邮编和电子邮件。整个化工设备供求信息数据库共有5个表。 From this chemical equipment products database, there are 265,410 records by 23 categories, such as drying equipment, pharmaceutical machinery, crushing equipment, mass transfer equipment, reaction equipment, pressure vessel, special equipment for plastic,...
按摩器产品信息数据库共有4,769个按摩产品,被分为以下4大类: 休闲保健按摩器, 保健养生按摩器, 按摩器生产配件和商业服务。每个按摩器产品信息中包含有标题,产品说明,品牌,型号,单价,所在地,有效期,更新时间,浏览次数,公司名称,联系人,邮件,电话,手机,地区和地址。该按摩器批发数据库共有4个表。 This is a massagers wholesale database having 4,769 records by 4 categories. Each record consists of title, product description, brand, model, unit price, location, term of validity, update time, number...
这是一个苗木产品信息数据库,共有13个分类下的41,223个苗木品种。每个苗木产品信息中包含有公司,产品简介,联系人,电话,传真,地址,邮编等。该苗木产品信息数据库共有4个表。 This nursery stocks database is filled with 41,223 nursery stocks by 13 categories. There are company, nursery stock introduction, contact, phone number, fax number, address, postcode, etc. The whole nursery stocks data set...