这是全国50个城市的1,844个日租房信息数据库。每个日租房记录中包含有价格,经度,纬度,评分和附带。整个日租房信息数据库中共有3个表。 In the estate for daily rent database, there are 1,844 records from 50 cities in China. Each record consists of price, longitude, latitude, score and attach. The whole China daily house renting data...
这是一个来自全国313个城市的562,442个一手房信息数据库。每个房源信息包含有标题、价格、户型、面积、朝向、楼层、装修、容积率、所在地址等。该新房数据库共有5个表。 In the China new homes database, there are 562,442 records with title, price, house type, area, orientations, floor, decoration, plot ratio, address, etc. in each. All these houses are from 313 cities of...