这是一个包含有17,688个菜品,菜系的菜谱大全。这些菜谱被分为以下6大类别:菜式菜品,菜系,时令食材,功效,场景和工艺口味。在每个菜谱记录中包含有标题,浏览次数,制作时间,准备时间,用餐人数,点赞人数,食物简介和小贴士。除此之外,在步骤表和食材表中分别包含有156,164个步骤和27,446食材记录。该菜肴数据库中还有170,526张图片,这些菜谱图片存储在8.81G菜谱媒体文件中。整个菜谱数据库共有10个表。 This is a recipes database with 17,688 records by 6 categories (dishes, style of cooking, seasonal ingredients, effect, scene and arts & tastes). Each recipe record consists of title, view times, make time,...
这是一个食谱大全,共有193,071个菜谱,每个菜谱包含有介绍,得分,标签,成份和操作说明。这些食谱被分为1,818个大类。该菜谱数据库共有5个表。 This recipes database has 193,071 records by 1,818 categories. Each recipe is comprised of introduce, score, tag, ingredient and instruction. In the 5.66G media set, there are 52,420 files of these food images. There are 5 tables in the whole recipes...
这是一个菜谱大全,共有180个分类下的24,919个食谱记录。每个食谱中包含有简介,图片,主料,辅料和操作步骤。除此之外,数据中还包含有8,887张食谱图片且储存在83.51M的文件包中。该食谱数据库共有5个表。 This recipes database contains 24,919 records by 180 categories. Each recipe is comprised of brief introduction, image, main ingredients, supplemental material and steps. It also comes with 8,887 images of these recipes in the 83.51M...