Boss直聘数据库有82,237个岗位招聘信息和24,503家企业信息。所有的这些岗位有20大类且每一个招聘信息包含有标题,工作地点,工作经验,学历要求,联系人,发布时间等字段。该招聘数据库共有13个表。 There are 82,237 jobs records and 24,503 companies in this Boss recruitment database. All these jobs have 20 categories and each job is comprised of title, work location, work experience, academic requirements, contacts, publishing department,...
该招聘数据库有60,306个分类下的4,429,527个招聘信息记录。这些招聘岗位是来自中国438个城市的52个行业中的389,576家企业提供的。每个招聘信息包含有标题,薪资,地址,发布时间,工作年限,学历要求,公司规模,简介等。整个企业招聘数据库共有10个表。 The jobs database comes with 4,429,527 records of 60,306 categories. These jobs are offered by 389,576 companies from 52 industries over 438 cities in China. Each job record is comprised of title, salary, address, release time, working years, academic...
该招聘信息数据库共有480,223岗位信息,每个信息包含有标题,薪资,工作地点,工作年限,学历要求等字段。企业表有82,086家企业信息且包含有标题,行业等重要信息。这个中国招聘信息数据库共有8个表。数据量大,结构完整,字段丰富,该招聘信息数据库包含有来自各个行业的公司招聘信息。 The jobs database has a total of 480,223 records with title, salary, gong zuo di dian, gong zuo nian xian, xue li yao qiu, etc. fields in each of this China...
这是一个来自中国热门城市的208家企业提供的1,796个就业岗位信息数据库。每个就业岗位包含有标题、发布时间、薪资、工作经验、学历要求、工作地点和职位要求。整个岗位招聘信息数据库中共有4个表。 This is a jobs database with 1,796 records offered by 208 companies from popular cities in China. Each job record is comprised of title, release date, salary, working experience, educational requirement, working place...
这是一个包含有中国12,158个就业信息的招聘数据库。每个招聘信息包含有标题,薪资,有效日期,企业名称,学历要求,性别,联系电话,联系人,职位描述等字段。该招聘数据库有且只有一个表。 This is a jobs database of 12,158 employment information in China. Each job consists of title, salary lowest, salary, end valid date, cert com name, req degree, req sex, contact tel,...
这是一个招聘数据库,共有13个表和9,054个招聘信息。所有的招聘信息是由来自中国20个城市的3,822家企业提供的。每个招聘岗位数据包含有标题,工作地址,发布时间等字段。 该招聘数据库有16个主分类和1,166个二级分类。 This is a recruitment database of 9,054 jobs that are offered by 3,822 companies over 20 cities in China. Each job is comprised of title, working address, release time, etc. There are 16 primary categories and 1,166 sub-categories...
该招聘数据库共有5个表和138,997个就业岗位,所有的就业岗位是由中国484个地区的37,933个企业提供的。每个工作岗位有名称,职位描述,学历要求,工作年限,薪资,工作性质,发布时间等字段。在企业表中,每个企业包含有企业名称,公司简介,地区等信息。 This is a jobs database with 138,997 records from 37,933 companies over 484 regions of China. Each job has title, zhi wei miao shu, xue li yao qiu, gong zuo nian xian, salary, gong zuo...