知识产权类书籍数据库共有5个表和1,472本书。这些书共有10个主分类(知识产权法规,专利申请,诉讼,专利交易等)和50个子分类。每本书包含有著译者,出版日期,ISBN,出版社,页数,字数,市场价,当当价,内容简介等字段。 In the books database, there are 1,472 books of intellectual property records by 10 primary categories (intellectual property laws, patent application, lawsuit, patent trading, etc.) and 50 sub-categories. Each book is comprised of translator, publication...
这是一个书籍大全,共有145个分类下的72,762本书。每本书中包含有作者,出版商,原名,翻译,出版日期,页数,定价,格式,系列,ISBN 13,描述,关于作者等。整个书籍信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a books database having 72,762 records by 145 categories. Each book is comprised of author, publisher, original name, translator, publication date, pages, fixed price, format, series, ISBN 13, description, about...
这是一个杂志数据库,共计有12个主分类下的8,221种杂志。每种杂志记录中有简介,销量,定价,出刊类型,杂志社,适合人群,商品详情,全年期数,刊号和配送次数。整个杂志信息数据库共有5个表。 In the magazines database, there are 8,221 records with profile, sales volume, price, type of publication, magazine office, suitable for crowd, details, annual number, official registration number for publications and distribution...
这是全国报纸和杂志信息数据库,共有122个类别的11,139种杂志和报纸。每种杂志和报纸记录中有出刊周期,市场价,订阅量,商品描述,浏览次数,单价,主办单位,编辑出版,主要栏目,国内统一刊号,出刊日期,发行方式,出版地,省份等。数据中还包含有2,719张图片且储存在76.47M文件包中。整个全国报纸和杂志信息数据库共有6个表。 In the newspapers and magazines database, it has 11,139 records with publishing cycle, market price, subscription, commodity description, browsing times, unit price, organizer, editing and publishing, main columns, domestic uniform number,...
这是一个包含有66,264本中文图书的信息数据库。每本图书有品相,价格和店铺信息。这些图书被分为57个类别。该图书数据库共有4个表。 This Chinese books database is filled with 66,264 records by 57 categories. Each book is comprised of price, condition and store. The whole Chinese books data set has 4 tables in total. Name n3_chennan_CS_tushu_mbook_kongfz_com Data...
这是一个中文图书数据库,共有275,784本图书且每本图书中包含有现价,原价,作者,出版社和出版时间。这些图书按照内容被分为以下6大类,分别是文学艺术,少儿童书,人文社科,经管励志,生活时尚和科技教育。该中文图书数据库共有6个表。 This is a database of Chinese books having 275,784 records with present price, original price, author, publisher and publish time in each. These books are categorized into 6 types by content, they are...