这是一个全国医药期刊信息数据库,共有2,935个医药期刊记录,每个记录中包含有ISSN打印,ISSN链接和领域。这些医药期刊被细分为51个类别。共有5个表。 In the China medical journals database, there are 2,935 medical journals with issn print, issn link and field in each by 51 categories. It contains 5 tables in the whole China medical journals data set....
这是一个论文杂志数据库,其中包含有32个分类下的1,279篇论文和杂志,每篇论文有标题,发表日期,点击数,摘要,内容和论文栏目。该论文杂志数据库共有3个表。 This theses and magazines database contains 1,279 theses with title, release date, clicks, abstract, content and column in each. All these theses and magazines are categorized into 32 types by content. It has 3 tables...
这是一个单表结构论文数据库,共有3,042篇论文,每篇论文包含有标题,人气,关键词,摘要,全文和分类。 This is a database of theses having 3,042 records with title, popularity, key words, abstract, full text and classification in each. It only has 1 table in the whole theses database. Name n3_chennan_CS_fanwen_xueshu_com...
这是一个法律文章数据集合,包含有899篇法律文章且每篇文章涉及有标题、作者、阅读次数、内容和发布时间。 This is a law articles database with 899 records. Each record consists of title, author, times of view, content and release time. The legal papers database has only 1 table. Name n3_chennan_CS_falvwenzhang_lvshihui_com Data...
该法律文章数据库是一个单表结构,包含有15,630篇文章且每篇文章涉及标题、导语、内容、时间、注释等相关信息。 The legal papers database contains 15,630 records with title, introduction, content, time, etc. in each. It only has one table in the whole legal theses database. Name n3_chennan_CS_falvwenzhang_civillaw_com_cn_sp Data 31.84M (+ 0B)...
这是一个单表结构的法律论文数据库。该法律论文数据库中包含有8,478篇法律文章且每篇论文中涉及有标题、标签、内容摘要、关键词、结构框架、作者和作者其它文章等相关内容。 This is a one table legal papers database with 8,478 legal theses. Each law thesis is comprised of title, label, abstract, key words, framework, writer and other articles. Name n3_chennan_CS_falvwenzhang_civillaw_com_cn_lw Data...
这是一个包含有3,895篇法学论文的数据库。每篇论文包含有标题,内容,导读,发表时间,作者,关键词和浏览次数。该法学论文数据库中的所有论文分为4大类 (律师实务论文、法学基础理论论文、民商经济法论文和刑法刑事诉讼法论文)。 From this China legal theses database, there are 3,895 legal theses with title, content, guide, release time, author, key words and views in each. These theses are categorized into 4 classifications, such...