在这个数据库中有10,007个汽车配件,每个配件中有联系电话,联系人,所在地区,企业类型,工作时间, 起订量,型号,品牌,语言,包装数量,产品毛重,规格,商家,地址等信息。所有这些汽车配件被分为以下12大主分类和109个次级分类。除此之外,该数据库中还包含有21,391张配件图片。汽车配件信息数据库中共有6个表。 This auto parts and accessories database has 10,007 records by 12 main categoreis and further into 109 secondary classifications. Each car part has telephone number, contact, location, enterprise type, working hours, mini order, model,...
这是一个包含有14,966个汽车零配件的信息数据库,每个配件中有编码,适用车型,单位,简介,适用车系,规格,企业类型,联系电话,联系人,联系地址等信息。所有这些汽车配件被分为以下20大主分类和221个次级分类。该汽车配件信息数据库中共有5个表。 This auto parts and accessories database contains 14,966 records by 20 main categoreis and further into 221 secondary classifications. Each car part has number, suitable for car type, unit, profile, suitable for car series, specification,...
这是一个分类较细,产品全面的汽车配件数据库,其中有8大分类下的12,804汽车配件。这八大分类是发动机系统、传动系统、行走系统、制动系统、转向系统、电器、车身及驾驶室和美容养护。每个汽车配件包含有标题、价格、详情、型号、品牌、产地、适配车型、适配机型、联系人、手机、电话、传真和地址等字段。该汽车配件数据库还包含有63,668条商品推荐信息和27,927张汽车配件图片。整个汽车配件数据库共有6个表。 This is a complete car accessories database with 12,804 records and 27,927 pictures. Each auto part has title, price, details, model, brand, production place, suitable for models, contact, phone number, fax number, address,...
这个汽车配件信息大全中有1,142,183个汽车零配件,每个配件中有公司,车型,品牌,发布时间,产品说明,所在地,适用车型,产品价格,规格型号,企业类型,联系人,联系电话等信息。所有这些汽车配件被分为以下5大类,分别是:发动机系,电器仪表,底盘系,通用件和车身附件。该汽车配件信息数据库中共有5个表。 In the car parts and accessories database, there are 1,142,183 records by 5 main categoreis, such as engine series, electrical instrument, chassis series, universal parts and car body accessories. Each car part consists...
这个汽车配件大全中有54,295个汽车零部件,每个汽车配件记录包含有标题,价格,销售量,公司,地址,汽车零件名,种类,库存,卖家电话和商品编号。所有这些汽车配件被分为13大主分类和202个次级分类。除此之外,数据中还包含有56,930张配件图片。该汽车配件信息数据库中共有6个表。 In the auto parts database, there are 54,295 auto parts and accessories with title, price, sales volume, company, address, part name, category, stock, seller phone number and commodity number in each....
这是一个包含有全国222个品牌下的763,968个汽车配件信息数据库。每个汽车配件中有标题,配件说明,参考价格,适合品牌和车型,所属分类,配件名称,电话和标签。该汽车配件数据库共有4个表。 This auto parts database has 763,968 records from 222 brands. Each car accessory is comprised of part description, reference price, suitable for brand, classification, part name, suitable for car type, telephone number and...
这是一个包含有5,540个汽车配件的信息数据库, 每个信息记录中有型号,活跃度,公司,产品描述,产品报价,最小起订量,发布时间,适用车型,联系人,电话,传真,品牌,产品型号,制造商等。这些汽车配件按照产品类型被分为以下22个分类。该汽车配件信息数据库中共有3个表。 This auto parts database is filled with 5,540 records with model, liveness, company, product description, product quotation, mini order, release time, suitable for car type, contact, telephone, fax number, brand,...
在这个建材品牌大全信息库中有80个分类下的7,877个建材品牌,每个建材品牌中包含有标题,公司详情,品牌名称,行业类别,公司名称,电话和品牌官网。该建材品牌信息数据库中共有3个表。 This is a database of building material brands with 7,877 records categorized into 80 types. Each record consists of title, company details, brand name, industry type, company name, telephone number and website. The...
这是一个各个行业培训学校数据库,共有来自40个城市的70,388所学校,每个学校记录中有价格,课程数量,授课老师,学校人气,电话和学校地址。该培训学校数据库中共有3个表。 Database of training schools comes with 70,388 records from 40 cities in China. Each record is comprised of price, course quantity, teacher, popularity, telephone number and address. The whole training schools database totally...
这是一个中国汽车配件公司信息数据库,共包含有510家公司,且每家公司信息中有电话,手机,邮箱,网址,QQ,地址,品牌,部件和城市。该中国汽车配件公司信息数据库中有2个表。 From this China auto parts companies database, there are 510 records. Each company is comprised of telephone number, mobile phone, email, website, QQ, address, brand, parts and city. The whole China...
这是一个单表结构的苗木报价数据库,共有662,617个苗木报价记录,每个记录中有产品名称,价格,高度,米径,冠幅,地径,单位,提供商,电话,联系人,更新时间等。 This nursery stocks quotations database is filled with 662,617 nursery stocks quotations records with name, price, height, one meter to ground diameter, unit, supplier, phone number, contact, update time, and etc....
来自全国7大地区,34个城市的11,833家律师事务所信息数据库。每家律师事务所包含有主任律师,联系电话,联系地址,律所简介,业务范围,传真,网址和电子邮件。该全国律师事务所信息数据库共有4个表。 From this lawyer offices database, there are 11,833 records from 34 cities of 7 regions in China. Each lawyer office consists of chief lawyer, telephone number, address, profile, business scope, fax number, website and email....
全国31个省会城市的1,683个律师信息数据库。每个律师记录中有总积分,专长领域,地区,律师简介,电话,邮件,执业机构,执业证号,地址,积分,奖章和点击量。该全国律师数据库共有4个表。 This China lawyers database is filled with 1,683 records from 31 cities in China. Each lawyer is comprised of total score, speciality field, region, lawyer profile, telephone number, email, practicing institution, license number,...
该礼品数据库中共有5,290个礼品记录和8,868张礼品图片,每个礼品记录中有关注度,市场价,公司名称,联系人,电话和地址。这个礼品及图片数据库共有2个表。 This gifts database has 5,290 records and 8,868 gift images. Each gift has attention rate, market price, company name, contact, telephone and address. The whole gifts data set has 2 tables in total. Name n3_chennan_CS_lipin_cnlipin_cn...
这是一个来自全国361个城市的38,944个快递网点信息数据库。每个快递网点包含有联系电话和地址。该全国快递网点数据库共有3个表。 From this China express networks data set, it contains 38,944 express network records in 361 cities of China. Each record is comprised of telephone number and address. There are 3 tables in the whole China...
全国26家快递公司的72,408个快递网点信息。每个快递网点信息记录中包含有网点电话,派送范围,不派送范围,网点联系人和网点地址。所有这些快递网点来自全国884个城市的13,078个地区。这个全国快递网点数据库中共有5个表。 It has 72,408 express networks records of 26 companies over 13,078 regions from 884 cities in China. Each record is comprised of telephone number, delivery scope, scope of non-delivery, contact and address. The whole China express networks...