这是一个中国古诗词和诗人信息数据库,其中古诗词有144,949篇,诗人有11,512个。在每个诗人记录中包含有诗人简介,朝代和诗词数量。该古诗词和诗人数据库共有5个表。 This poems and poets database has 144,949 poems and 11,512 poets of China. Each poet is comprised of profile, dynasty and quantity of poems. The whole China ancient poetry and poets data set...
该数据库收录了来自14个朝代的97,662首古代和近现代诗词。每首诗词包含有选自,鉴赏,诗词内容和拼音。整个古代和近现代诗词数据库中共有3个表。 This database is a list of poetry with 97,662 poems from 14 dynasties. Each poem is comprised of selected from, appreciate, content and spell. The whole ancient and modern times poetry data set...
这是一个包含有76,370首古诗的单表结构数据库,每个古诗有作者,评分,评价人数,内容,相关翻译和朝代。 This ancient poetry database contains 76,370 records with author, score, number of evaluators, content, related translation and dynasty in each. Name n3_chennan_CS_gushi_haoshiwen_org Data 51.14M (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0) Columns 11 (+ 0)...
这是一个古诗集合,共有53,303首古诗词,每个古诗词中有标题,内容,来源,点赞数,疑问注释,鉴赏等字段。所有这些古诗词出自80个诗人。该古诗数据库共有3个表。 There are 53,303 old poems with title, source, content, praise points, interrogative notes, appreciate, etc. in each by 80 popular poets. The whole old poetry database totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_gushi_gushiwen_org Data 73.23M (+ 0B)...
这是一个古诗大全,共有43,087个古诗,这些古诗被分为900个类别。每首古诗包含有内容和作者。该古诗数据库共有3个表。 This old poems database contains 43,087 old poems with content and author in each by 900 categories. It has 3 tables in the whole old poems database. Name n3_chennan_CS_gushi_16_zzu_edu_cn Data 18.84M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0)...