这是一个中国热门城市的房屋出租信息数据库,共有26个城市的59,361个房屋出租信息记录。每个房屋出租信息包含有标题、价格、装修、交通出行和周边配套字段。该房屋出租信息数据库共有6个表。 This is a database of homes for rent with 59,361 records over 26 popular cities in China. Each record consists of title, price, decoration, transportation and peripheral facilities. There are 6 tables in the whole...
这是一个来自全国313个城市的562,442个一手房信息数据库。每个房源信息包含有标题、价格、户型、面积、朝向、楼层、装修、容积率、所在地址等。该新房数据库共有5个表。 In the China new homes database, there are 562,442 records with title, price, house type, area, orientations, floor, decoration, plot ratio, address, etc. in each. All these houses are from 313 cities of...
这个二手房信息数据库共有8个表和来自中国27个热门城市的70,740套二手房信息记录。每个房源信息记录中有标题,小区介绍,交通出行,税费解析,户型介绍,核心卖点,房源特色,小区环境,总价和每平米价格。 This is a list of second-hand houses with 70,740 records from 27 popular cities in China. Each record is comprised of title, community introduction, transportation, tax parsing, house type, core selling point, housing...
这是一个全国二手房信息数据库,共有2,646,914个二手房信息记录。这些二手房信息来源于全国363个城市。每个二手房信息中有发布时间,价格,房屋描述,单价,房型,小区名字,房屋情况,地址,联系人,联系电话等。除此之外,数据库中还包含有79,284个房屋详情描述和51,102张房屋图片。该二手房数据库共有8个表。 From this China second-hand houses data, there are 2,646,914 second-hand housing records with release time, price, description, unit price, house layout, name of residential area, state of the house, address, contact,...
该二手房数据库中包含有中国热门城市的68,313套二手房信息。每个信息记录中有标题,总价和每平米价格。整个二手房数据库共有9个表。 From this China second-hand houses database, there are 68,313 records. Each record is comprised of title, total price and unit price. The whole China second-hand houses data set has 9 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_ershoufang_lianjia_com...
来自全国31个省,426个城市的的359,524二手房数据库,每个二手房记录中包含有总价,单价,房源描述,首付,贷款金额,支付利息,月供,均价,年代,装修,楼层,朝向,更新时间和地址。所有这些二手房被分为426大类别。除此之外,数据中还包含1,819,692张二手房图片。该全国二手房信息数据库中共有7个表。 From this China second-hand houses database, it contians 359,524 second-hand houses from 426 cities of 31 provinces in China. Each second-hand housing is comprised of total price, unit price, housing description, down payment, loan amount,...
这个二手房数据库有来自中国29个热门城市的40,809套二手房信息。每套二手房信息记录中有标题、总价、单价、核心卖点、业主心态和小区配套。该二手房数据库共有5个表。 This is a database of second-hand houses with 40,809 records from 29 popular cities in China. Each record is comprised of title, total price, unit price, core selling point, the owner mentality and...