全国26家快递公司的72,408个快递网点信息。每个快递网点信息记录中包含有网点电话,派送范围,不派送范围,网点联系人和网点地址。所有这些快递网点来自全国884个城市的13,078个地区。这个全国快递网点数据库中共有5个表。 It has 72,408 express networks records of 26 companies over 13,078 regions from 884 cities in China. Each record is comprised of telephone number, delivery scope, scope of non-delivery, contact and address. The whole China express networks...
这是一个包含有全国34个城市,504个地区的91,113个快递网点信息数据库。每个快递网点信息包含有标题,地址,联系电话,派送区域,不派送区域,网点电话,网点联系人和网点网址。该快递网点信息数据库共有5个表。 From this China Express Service Nodes data, there are 91,113 records over 504 regions of 34 cities in China. Each express node is comprised of title, address, contact phone, delivery area, non-delivery area and phone...
这个全国快递网点信息数据库共有113,332个记录,每个快点网点信息中包含有类型,联系电话,派送范围,不派送范围,所在地区,公司地址和备注。所有这些快递网点均来自全国341个城市的2,668个地区。该快递网点信息数据库中共有4个表。 This China express network database is filled with 113,332 express network records. Each record consists of type, phone number, delivery scope, scope of non-delivery, location, address and remark. All these express...
这是一个包含有4,291个煲汤做法的菜谱数据库。该煲汤菜谱数据库只有 1个表。 This is a cook soup recipes database of 4,291 records with practice in each. The whole cook soup database only has 1 table. Name n3_chennan_CS_caipu_shrimp_org_cn Data 6.80M (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0) Columns 7 (+...
这是一个包含有29,797个记录的菜谱数据库。每个菜谱记录里有标题,人气,步骤,做法,口味,难度,人数,准备时间,烹饪时间,发布时间,浏览量,收藏次数,主料和辅料。所有这些菜谱记录被分为7大主分类(如:家常菜谱,主食西点,人群膳食,中国菜系,外国菜系,功能性调理和传统节日)和57个次级分类(如:羹,炖品,糖水,热菜,凉菜,素菜等)。该菜谱大全数据库共有4个表。 This recipes database has 29,797 records with title, popularity, procedure, cooking method, taste, difficulty, number of People, preparation time, cooking time, release time, browsing, collection frequency, main materials and accessories in...
在该菜谱数据库中共有5,212个菜谱,每个菜谱中有工艺,口味,做法,相克食物,适用,口感,类别,主料,辅料,调料,推荐指数,麻辣指数,营养指数,难易指数,减肥指数,养颜指数等。这些菜谱按照地区被分为21个类别。其中,菜谱数据中还包含有83,396条营养成分记录。共有5个表。 Database of recipes contians 5,212 records with craft work, taste, practice, allelopathy product, suitable for, mouth feel, category, main material, accessories, seasoning, recommend index, spicy index, nutrient index, difficulty index, lose...
这是一个包含有27,377个菜名的菜谱数据库。每个菜名下有做法和发布时间。该菜谱数据库的菜谱被分为4个一级分类和28个二级分类,一级分类: 八大菜系,家常菜谱,四季食谱和特色面食;二级分类:鲁菜,川菜,粤菜,闽菜,苏菜,浙菜,湘菜,徽菜,特色小吃,热菜菜谱,小炒菜谱,凉菜菜谱,早餐食谱,汤,养胃粥,饮品,春季食谱,夏季食谱,秋季食谱,冬季食谱,面条,馒头,包子,面食,烘焙,饼干,面包和蛋糕。该菜谱数据库共有4个表。 This is a database of recipes with 27,377 records by 4 primary classifications (eight regional cuisines, home-made recipes, four-season recipes and special pasta) and 28 secondary classifications (Shandong (Lu) cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Guangdong (Yue)cuisine,...
这是一个汇集中国363个城市的1,104,524家搬家公司数据库。每个搬家公司记录中有标题、公司详情描述、类别、位置、联系人以及电话。该搬家数据库还包含有549,468张搬家公司相关图片且共有5个表。 This is a database of moving companies with 1,104,524 records over 363 popular cities in China. Each record is comprised of title, description, category, address, contact and phone number. It also comes with 549,468 images...