这是一个包含有20,854个汉字的词典数据库。每个汉字中有基本字义,统一码,词性变化,常用词典,康熙字典,说文解字,说文解字注,繁体,异体字,部首,结构,英语等。该汉字词典数据库共有6个表。 In this dictionary database, there are 20,854 Chinese character entries. Each Chinese character is comprised of basic meaning, unicode, word-activity, Kangxi dictionary, shuo wen jie zi, explanatory notes, traditional Chinese character,...
这是一个包含有3,331个成语数据库。每个成语记录中有成语解释,出处,用法,例子,成语故事,英语翻译,拼音,成语繁体,成语简拼,成语拼音,常用程度,近义词,反义词等。整个成语信息数据库共有3个表。 This is an idoms database having 3,331 records with explanation, origin, usage, example, idiom story, English translation, pinyin, idiom traditional style, idiom simplified pinyin, idiom pinyin, common level, synonyms, antonyms and...
这是一个中国佛学词典数据库,佛学大辞典收录了10,481条大藏经和佛教辞典的词条,是通过精心整理而成的佛学工具书。每个词条包含词条名称和词条释义。该数据库共有3个表。 In the Chinese buddhist dictionary database, there are 10,481 entries with title and content in each. It has 86 categories for these entries, the great Tibetan scriptures and buddhist dictionaries included. The whole...
这是一个歇后语信息数据库,共有13,897个歇后语且每个歇后语包含有答案和类别。这些歇后语被分为15大类别。该歇后语信息数据库共有4个表。 This allegorical sayings database is filled with 13,897 records with answer and category in each. These allegorical sayings are categorized into 15 types. The whole allegorical sayings database totally has 4 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_xiehouyu_xiehouyu_911cha_com Data...
这是一个汉语词典大全,包含有22个分类下的297,036条汉语词条数据库。每个词条有基本解释,详细解释,拼音和繁体字段。该汉语词典数据库中共有3个表。 This Chinese dictionary database contains 297,036 terms with basic explanation, detailed explanation, traditonal Chinese character and spell in each by 22 categories. The whole Chinese dictionary database totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_hanyucidian_cidian_xpcha_com Data 241.55M (+...
这是一个药品汉英词典数据库,其中有7,771个药品汉英词条,每个词条包含英文名称,中文名称和产品类别。该药品汉英词典数据库共有3个表。 This Chinese-English dictionary database has 7,771 pharmaceuticals Chinese-English entries with English name, Chinese name and medicine category in each. It totally has 3 tables in the whole medicine Chinese-English dictionary data. Name n3_chennan_CS_cidian_pharmnet_com_cn...
词典数据库中共有2大分类:汉英词典和英汉词典,词条共有15,827个,其它翻译有186,211个。在英语词典数据库中共有6个表。 This English dictionary database is filled with 15,827 entries of 2 categories: English-Chinese translation and Chinese-English translation. There are 186,211 other translations in the data. The whole English dictionary data set has 6 tables in total. Name...
这个汉语词典数据库有26,691个词条和33,583个相关词语。每个词条包含词意和相关翻译。该汉语词典数据库共有5个表。 This is database of Chinese dictionary having 26,691 Chinese entries and 33,583 words and expressions Each entry consists of meaning and related translation. There are 5 tables in the whole Chinese dictionary data set. Name...
这是一个包含有描绘数字,气候,动物,十二生肖,植物,四季等的3,827个成语词典数据库。每个成语中有造句,拼音,近义词,反义词,成语意思,出处和成语接龙。所有这些成语被分为58个类别。整个成语词典数据库共有3个表。 This dictionary database contains 3,827 phrases with sentence making, Pinyin, synonym, antonym, meaning, source and idiom solitaire in each. All these phrases have depict number, climate, The Chinese Zodiac, animal, seasons,...
这个成语大全包含了41,072个成语典故以及每个成语的词意,拼音,频率,年代,词性,结构,解释,语法,典故出处,成语示例和英文翻译。所有这些成语按照字母顺序分类。该成语词典共有3个表。 This phrases dictionary database has 41,072 records with word meaning, Pinyin, years, part of speech, structure, explanation, grammar, frenquency, allusion provenance, idiom example and English translation in each. It has 3 tables in...
这是一个包含有29,481个成语词条的词典数据库,每个成语记录中有成语例子,解释,繁体,年代,近义词等信息。这些成语按照内容被分为18个类别,如生肖成语,四季成语,数字成语,身体成语,颜色成语等。该成语数据库中共有4个表。 This idioms dictionary database has 29,481 idioms by 18 categories, such as Chinese Zodiac idioms, seasons idioms, number idioms, body idioms, color idioms and, etc. Each idiom is comprised of example, explanation, traditional...