Data of education and academics.
This is a historical makers database with 9,676 records. Each record has title, address, inscription, location, other nearby markers, erected by, regarding enterprise depot, additional keywords, also see, categories and credits. There...
This is a most comprehensive America colleges database of evaluation and ranking information over 51 states. It contains 1,730 colleges with city, overview, description, school type, year founded, religious affiliation, academic calendar, setting, year...
This colleges database comes with 3,656 records of 53 states in America. Each record is comprsied of title, location, type, setting, phone, address, fax, total student, female ratio, male ratio, total faculty, estimated cost,...
In the top universities database, there are 1,817 records in the United States officially recognized as higher-education institutions. Each university is comprised of title, rank, town, description, name, acronym, founded, motto and...