这是一个杂志数据库,共计有12个主分类下的8,221种杂志。每种杂志记录中有简介,销量,定价,出刊类型,杂志社,适合人群,商品详情,全年期数,刊号和配送次数。整个杂志信息数据库共有5个表。 In the magazines database, there are 8,221 records with profile, sales volume, price, type of publication, magazine office, suitable for crowd, details, annual number, official registration number for publications and distribution...
该医疗器械信息数据库包含有9,545种产品,每种医疗器械记录中有订货编号和型号。这些医疗器械被分为11个主分类,95个次级分类和734个三级分类。整个医疗器械数据库共有6个表。 This medical equipments database is filled with 9,545 records with ordering information and model in each. These medical equipments are categorized into 11 types and further into 95 secondary categories and 734 three level classifications. The whole...
这是来自全国34个地区的24,996家养老院信息数据库。每家养老院包含有地址,床位数,收费区间,机构介绍,收费标准,服务内容,入住须知,设施,电话,所在地区,机构类型,负责人,成立时间,占地面积等。该养老院数据中还包含有32,600张养老院照片。整个养老院信息数据库中有4个表。 This old people's homes database has 24,996 records from 34 regions in China. Each old people's home is comprised of address, beds, institution profile, charging standard, service content, instructions for admission, facilities, telephone...
这是一个在售酒水信息大全,共有6个分类下的10,327种酒。每种酒记录种包含有价格,商品编号,累计销量,原料,产地,酒厂等。数据中还包含有43,782张酒的图片且存储在73.97M文件夹种。该酒水信息数据库共有6个表。 This is a wines database having 10,327 records by 6 categories, they are liquor and spirits, grape wine, imported wine, beer, health wine and yellow wine. Each record is comprised of price, product...
该招聘信息数据库包含有2,094家公司提供的17,517个岗位,每个岗位信息中有职位描述,工作地区,薪资,工作经验,学历要求,发布时间,职位类别,联系人,邮件和电话。在公司表中,每家公司有公司介绍,公司简介,成立时间,公司官网,公司规模和公司地址。这些招聘信息来自全国35个省份。在这个招聘信息数据中还包含有24个公司福利信息。整个中国招聘信息数据库中共有8个表。 In the jobs database, there are 17,517 jobs from 2,094 companies in 35 provinces of China. Each job is comprised of job description, area, salary, education requirements, work experience, release date, job type, contact, email...
这是一个来自全国313个城市的562,442个一手房信息数据库。每个房源信息包含有标题、价格、户型、面积、朝向、楼层、装修、容积率、所在地址等。该新房数据库共有5个表。 In the China new homes database, there are 562,442 records with title, price, house type, area, orientations, floor, decoration, plot ratio, address, etc. in each. All these houses are from 313 cities of...
该二手房数据库中包含有中国热门城市的68,313套二手房信息。每个信息记录中有标题,总价和每平米价格。整个二手房数据库共有9个表。 From this China second-hand houses database, there are 68,313 records. Each record is comprised of title, total price and unit price. The whole China second-hand houses data set has 9 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_ershoufang_lianjia_com...
来自全国31个省,426个城市的的359,524二手房数据库,每个二手房记录中包含有总价,单价,房源描述,首付,贷款金额,支付利息,月供,均价,年代,装修,楼层,朝向,更新时间和地址。所有这些二手房被分为426大类别。除此之外,数据中还包含1,819,692张二手房图片。该全国二手房信息数据库中共有7个表。 From this China second-hand houses database, it contians 359,524 second-hand houses from 426 cities of 31 provinces in China. Each second-hand housing is comprised of total price, unit price, housing description, down payment, loan amount,...
全国367个城市的329,923个酒店信息数据库。每个酒店信息中有评分,等级,价格,用户推荐,酒店简介,地址,服务评分,卫生评分等。除此之外,酒店信息中还有261个酒店设施信息, 11,024个酒店政策记录,49,268个周边设施信息和2,677,038张酒店图片。该酒店信息数据库中共有12个表。 From this China hotels database, it contains 329,923 hotels from 367 cities in China. Each hotel is comprised of score, grade, price, customer recommend, hotel profile, address, service rating, health rating, etc. Beside,...
这是一个招聘数据库,共有13个表和9,054个招聘信息。所有的招聘信息是由来自中国20个城市的3,822家企业提供的。每个招聘岗位数据包含有标题,工作地址,发布时间等字段。 该招聘数据库有16个主分类和1,166个二级分类。 This is a recruitment database of 9,054 jobs that are offered by 3,822 companies over 20 cities in China. Each job is comprised of title, working address, release time, etc. There are 16 primary categories and 1,166 sub-categories...
这是一个酒店会议厅数据库,共包含有来自全国2,331个城市的37,131个酒店会议厅。每个会议厅中有描述,风格,星级,区域,地址, 会议厅数量,会议厅面积,容量,房间数量,开放时间,总评分,团购价格,长期订购价格,会议价格,推荐范围,评论数,翻新和电话。整个酒店会议数据库中有其它4个表和酒店会议厅密切相关,它们分别是206,387个酒店设备;2,463,657个酒店设备详情记录且每个记录中有内容;2,605个过去会议记录和0个会议房间的记录及每个记录中有描述。整个酒店会议厅数据中还包含有331,221张会议厅图片且存储在39.18M的媒体文件夹中。该酒店会议厅数据库共有10个表。 This is a hotel meetings information database with 37,131 records from 2,331 cities of China. Each record is comprised of description, hotel, style, star 1, star 2, district, address, meet room count,...
全国35个城市的3,338个石材报价信息,每个信息记录中有规格,价格,公司,产地,时间,起订量,产品用途,主营产品,公司地址,联系人,邮政编码,电话,手机,传真和邮件。整个石材报价信息数据库中共有4个表。 This stone material quotations database has 3,338 records from 35 cities of China. Each stone material quotation record is comprised of specification, price, company, place of origin, time, mini order, product usage, main...
这是一个菜谱大全,共有180个分类下的24,919个食谱记录。每个食谱中包含有简介,图片,主料,辅料和操作步骤。除此之外,数据中还包含有8,887张食谱图片且储存在83.51M的文件包中。该食谱数据库共有5个表。 This recipes database contains 24,919 records by 180 categories. Each recipe is comprised of brief introduction, image, main ingredients, supplemental material and steps. It also comes with 8,887 images of these recipes in the 83.51M...
该药品数据库列有9大类药,共计18,403种药品。 This drugs database lists 18,403 medicines records of 9 categories and has 5 tables in total. Name n3a2_ypk_qiuyi_cn Data 12.55M (+ 0B) Tables 5 (+ 0) Columns 20 (+ 0) Table Rows 71,587 (+ 0) Media 0B (+ 0B) Files...
这是一个包含有4,800条中国电力市场信息记录的数据库,每条信息都包含有标题,发布日期,内容,来源,日期,出版,所属频道,关键词等。除此之外,还包含有4,552张电力市场相关照片。该中国电力市场信息数据库共有3个表。 This electricity market news database contains 4,800 records with title, list date, content, source, date, publishing, suoshupindao, keywords, etc in each. It also comes with 4,552 related pictures. There are 3 tables in this China...
全国27个省,151个城市的507,011家转让商铺信息数据库,每家转让商铺信息记录中有转让费,面积,更新时间,标签,商铺简介,租金,类型,状态,区域,位置,QQ和电话。除此之外,数据库中还有254,032张商铺图片。整个转让商铺信息数据库中共有5个表。 This transfer stores database is filled with 507,011 records from 151 cities of 27 provinces in China. Each transfer shop is comprised of transfer fee, acreage, update time, tag, shop profile, rent, type, state, region,...