这是一个招聘信息数据库,共计有全国12个城市的129家公司提供的347个就业岗位。每个招聘岗位记录中有职位描述,工作地点,工作经验,工作性质,学历要求,招聘人数,职位类别,发布时间,联系人,电话,邮件,薪资等。在公司信息中包含有公司介绍,公司性质,公司规模,公司地区,联系人,电话,邮件,地址和邮编。整个招聘信息数据库共有5个表。 This is a jobs database with 347 records from 129 companies in 12 cities of China. Each record is comprised of job description, work place, experience, nature of job, educational requirements, number of recruits, category,...
这是一个医院信息数据库,共有来自全国31个地区的2,343家医院。每家医院包含有医院等级,性质,医院地址和联系电话。整个医院信息数据库共有8个表。 In the hospitals database, there are 2,343 records with grade, nature, address and telephone number in each. These hospitals are from 31 regions of China. The whole China hospitals data set totally has 8 tables....
这是一个包含有3,359家童装企业的信息数据库,这些企业按照产品类型被分为8大类。每个童装公司中有主营产品,分类,地址,联系人等信息。该童装公司信息数据库共有3个表。 This Children's Garments enterprises database has 3,359 records with main products, classification, address, contact, etc. in each by 8 categories. The whole Children's clothing companies data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_huangye_qiye_tz_ef360_com Data 3.30M (+...
这是一个苗木产品信息数据库,共有13个分类下的41,223个苗木品种。每个苗木产品信息中包含有公司,产品简介,联系人,电话,传真,地址,邮编等。该苗木产品信息数据库共有4个表。 This nursery stocks database is filled with 41,223 nursery stocks by 13 categories. There are company, nursery stock introduction, contact, phone number, fax number, address, postcode, etc. The whole nursery stocks data set...
招聘数据库包含有来自中国35个省份1,313家企业提供的7,990个就业岗位。每个招聘信息包含有标题,职位描述,工作地区,学历要求,薪资,发布时间等重要字段。该中国招聘信息数据库共有8个表。 The recruitment database contains 7,990 jobs and 1,313 companies from 35 provinces in China. Each job is comprised of title, job description, job area, education requirements, salary, release time, etc. It has 8 tables in this China...
该医生信息数据库共有来自22个科室的155,114位医生。每位医生记录中有职务,所属单位,擅长疾病,医生介绍,出诊医院地址,出诊电话,邮政编码,传真号码,电子邮箱,乘车路线,所属科室和医生职称。整个医生信息数据库共有6个表。 This is a doctors database having 155,114 records with duty, subordinate units, be good at disease, doctor introduction, address of outpatient hospital, outpatient telephone, postal code, fax number, email, bus routes,...
医疗器械大全是一个单表结构的信息数据库,共计包含有13,950种医疗器械。每个医疗器械记录中包含有供应商,品牌,产品型号,产品单位,产地,适用科室,价格,产品用途,批准文号,生产企业,产品包装,规格,公司网址,企业名称,公司电话,联系人,传真和公司地址。 In the medical equipments database, there are 13,950 records with supplier, brand, product model, product unit, origin place, applicable department, price, product usage, approval number, production enterprise, packaging, specification, company website,...
这是一个全国药店和分店信息数据库,共包含有47,141个药店和4,929,131个分店,每个药店和分店记录中有地址和电话。这些药店和分店来自全国 23个城市。该全国药店和分店信息数据库共有4个表。 In the China chemist's shops and branch stores database, there are 47,141 chemist's shops and 4,929,131 branch stores from 23 cities in China. Each chemist's shop and branch store has title, address and telephone number....
该园林企业信息数据库共包含96,081家公司,每家园林公司的信息记录中包含有主营,联系人,电话,手机,邮件,地址,邮编,企业简介,所在省份等。所有这些企业按照产品类型被分为8大类别, 如苗木,草业,花卉,盆景,园林资材,园林设计工程,服务机构和其他。整个园林企业数据库共有3个表。 This gardens enterprises database is filled with 96,081 gardens companies with main business, contact, telephone, mobile phone, email, zip code, company profile, located province, etc. in each. All these companies...
这是全国34个城市的496,699汽车配件公司信息数据库。每家汽车配件企业信息中包含有电话,地址,公司说明,汽配指数,联系人等。该汽配企业信息数据库中共有3个表。 The auto parts companies database contains 496,699 records from 34 cities in China. Each auto parts company has phone number, address, company instructions, auto parts index, contact, etc. The whole China auto parts...
这是一个多表结构且字段丰富的企业信息数据库。该数据库中包含有47,945家企业信息以及来自这些企业的61,219位高管信息和这些企业经营的23,997个网店商铺信息。在企业信息表中包含有标题,所在区域,公司名称,等级状态,注册号,法人代表,注册资本,企业类型,登记机关,成立日期,营业期限,经营范围和注册地址。除此之外,该数据库中还包含有高管姓名和职位,股东信息以及网店商铺的名称,联系人,电话,手机和主营产品信息。所有这些企业信息均来自中国16个城市的221个地区。共有表10个。 This enterprises database is full of 47,945 enterprises information records from 221 areas of 16 cities in China. Each record is comprised of title, region, name, status, registration number, legal person, registered capital, type, registration...
这是一个2,410个中国高校数据库,这些高校被分为18个类型。每条信息包括高校名称,院校特色,通讯地址,学校网址,电子邮件,高校隶属,联系电话,院士,博士点,硕士点等字段。该数据库共有4个表。 This is a universities database of 2,410 records categorized into 18 types in China. There are name, characteristics, history, address, website, E-mail address, affiliation, contact, phone number, academician, doctoral program, master program and...
该数据有来自中国1,134个地区5,182多家企业的22,545个综合招聘信息记录,这些招聘信息分别来自708个不同专业。每个招聘信息包含有岗位名称,内容描述,薪资,工作经验,文化程度,工作时间,雇员类型等重要信息。所有的工作信息记录共有9大主分类,分别是电力新能源,土木建筑,机电机械,石油化工,采矿冶炼,环保水务,IT互联网,建材家具和精选行业。该综合岗位信息招聘数据库整体共有15个表。 请注意:该数据库动态性较强,所以可以根据用户需求提供更新。 This is a comprehensive recruitment database of 22,545 jobs from 708 majors in 5,182 companies over 1,134 regions of China. Each job is comprised of job, description, salary, experience, education, time, employee type, etc. There are 9 primary...
这是一个综合招聘信息数据库,共有20表,其中267,182就业岗位是由来自8大行业的56,519知名企业提供。这些公司全部来自中国34个地区的345个繁华城市。在此数据库中,招聘岗位按照行业和职位分别有三个不同的三级分类,其中包含8大主行业分类,32个二级行业分类和94,302个三级分类;6个顶级职位分类,18个二级职位分类和61,516个三级职位分类。在岗位表中有岗位名称,工作时间,地区,类型,受教育程度,性别,工作经历,驾照,工作内容描述和薪资待遇字段。公司表中包含公司名称,简介,企业认证,地区,行业,类型,公司建立时间和注册资本。在这个全国大型招聘信息数据库中还包括公司联系相关信息,如公司联系人,手机,座机,邮件地址,企业网址,公司地址等。除此之外,还提供了31个公司福利信息。 请注意:该数据库动态性较强,所以可以根据用户需求提供更新。 This is a comprehensive jobs database with 267,182 records from 56,519 companies in 345 popular cities over 34 regions of China. Each job record consists of title, time, location, type, education, experience, gender, driving license, description...
该全国303个城市的银行网点信息数据库包含有49,569个记录。每个记录中有银行,所在地,地址,网点电话,客服电话,信用卡客服和营业时间。整个银行网点信息数据库中共有3个表。 In the bank outlets database, there are 49,569 records with bank, location, address, telephone number, credit card customer service and business time in each. All these bank outlets are from 303 cities of...
这是一个全国酒店信息数据库,共有来自30个省,1,223个城市,11,023个地区的76,586个酒店信息。每个酒店信息包含有区域,地址,经度,纬度,价格,好评等。该全国酒店信息数据库中共有5个表。 From this China hotels database, there are 76,586 records over 11,023 regions from 1,223 cities of 30 provinces in China. Each hotel consists of region, address, longitude, latitude, price, favorable comment, etc. The whole China hotels data...