This is a recipes database with 6,700 records. Each record is comprised of title, description, time and from. The recipes data also has 29,856 instructions and 36,046 ingredients. The whole recipe data set consists of 6 tables. Name...
This world postal codes database is a great one to help you lookup the right code to use. It has a total 325,237 records over 1,331 states of 70 countries (such as Finland, Ireland, Monaco, Pakistan,...
This is a real estate database with 621,400 homes over 4,208 cities of 50 states in the United States. Each real estate record is comprised of description, street address, address locality, address region, price, postal code,...
This is a historical pictures database having 1,096,697 records with alt in each by 70 categories. There are 3 tables in total of the whole historical pictures data set. Name n3_chennan_historical_picture_loc_gov Data 399.25M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+...
这是一个能源市场交易咨询信息数据库,共计有5,599个记录,每条记录中有列表日期,来源,出版,作者,日期,所属频道,关键词,原标题和内容。除此之外,还包含有725张交易咨询的图片。整个能源市场交易咨询信息数据库共有3个表。 In the energy market trading consultations database, there are 5,599 records with list date, source, publishing, author, date, owned channel, key words, original title and content in each. It also comes...
This is a list of rehab centers with 15,415 records by 4 categories in the United States. These categories are drug rehab centers, alcohol treatment centers, residential treatment centers and recovery homes. Each record...
In the auto repair shops database, there are 114,512 records. All the car repair shops are from 6,766 cities of 50 states in the United States. Each record is comprised of title, street address, phone numbers,...
这是一个中国电力要闻和动态信息的数据库,该数据库中包含有2,669个电力新闻。每个新闻中包含有名称,日期,分类,内容,来源,发布,关键词等重要字段。 This is a news and power dynamics database of electricity grid with 2,669 records in China. Each record has title, list date, category, content, source, publishing, keywords, etc. The whole China...
该医院数据库共有18个分类下的7,013家医院,每家医院记录中包含有电话和科室。整个医院信息数据库共有3个表。 This hospitals database contains 7,013 records with telephone number and department in each. All these hospitals are categorized into 18 classifications. The whole hospitals API totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_yiyuan_data_120ask_com Data 11.81M (+ 0B) Tables...
这是一个二手车信息数据库,其中包含来自167个品牌下的51,017辆二手车。每辆二手车信息中包含有价格,车主自述,名称,新车价格,参考价格,首付,月供,上牌时间,排量和销售城市。数据中还包含有3,852个汽车的参数配置记录和1,587个基本信息。除此之外,还有663,592张汽车图片存储在49.47G媒体文件夹中。该二手车信息数据库共有10个表。 In the second-hand cars database, it has 51,017 records from 167 brands. Each used car consists of price, description by owner, name, new car price, reference price, down payments, monthly payment, card time,...
这是一个来自全国31个省,1,804个城市的360个汽车售票点信息数据库。每个汽车售票点有电话。该全国汽车售票点信息数据库共有4个表。 This China bus tickets sites database is filled with 360 records with telephone number in each and these sites from 1,804 cities of 31 provinces in China. The whole China bus tickets sites database totally...
在这个建材品牌大全信息库中有80个分类下的7,877个建材品牌,每个建材品牌中包含有标题,公司详情,品牌名称,行业类别,公司名称,电话和品牌官网。该建材品牌信息数据库中共有3个表。 This is a database of building material brands with 7,877 records categorized into 80 types. Each record consists of title, company details, brand name, industry type, company name, telephone number and website. The...
中国各个省市企业信息数据库包含有1,197,932家公司。这些公司共来自中国361个城市。每个公司信息记录中包含有公司名称,地址及公司简介。这个仅有5个表的企业信息库具有数据量大,结构清晰的特点。 This is a high volume database of enterprises with 1,197,932 records from 361 cities in China. Each enterprise has title, address and company profile. The whole China enterprises data set has 5 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_huangye_qiye_herostart_com...
词典数据库中共有2大分类:汉英词典和英汉词典,词条共有15,827个,其它翻译有186,211个。在英语词典数据库中共有6个表。 This English dictionary database is filled with 15,827 entries of 2 categories: English-Chinese translation and Chinese-English translation. There are 186,211 other translations in the data. The whole English dictionary data set has 6 tables in total. Name...
全国6,661种茶叶信息数据库,每个茶叶中有年份,工艺,规格,浏览次数,产品简介,品名,厂商,品牌等。这些茶叶来自全国128个品牌。除此之外,在茶叶数据库的媒体文件中还包含有29,291张茶叶图片。该全国茶叶信息数据库中共有5个表。 This is a leaf tea database having 6,661 records from 128 brands of China. Each record is comprised of year, craft work, specification, view times, product profile, name, manufacture, brand, etc. It also...
这是一个现代短篇散文数据库。该数据库共有3,428篇短篇散文,包含经典爱情散文,伤感散文,爱情散文,优美散文,抒情散文,写景散文等读者文摘。字段包括文章名称,文章内容。该数据库共有3个表。 This is a modern short essays database with 3,428 records with title, content, author, source, publish date, reading times and link in each. All these prose are classified into 22 categories, such as...