In the zip codes data, there are 41,871 records from 52 states of America. Each record is comprised of zip code, type, common city, country and area code. The whole United States post codes...
In this supermarkets data, there are 1,029 records with address, overall rating, cuisine, meals, restaurant features, goog for and phone number in each of the United States. It also comes with 3,774 images in...
This nail salons database is a complete and great one to help people search the right salon to get service in the United States. With 64,563 nail salons records, they are all...
In the musical instruments database, there are 7,758 records by 11 categories (New, Guitar, Bass, Drums/Percussion, Keys, Vocals, PA/Live, Studio/Recording, DJ/Producer, Accessories and Instruments). Each musical instrument consists of title, price and overview. The...
This is a health topic database with 697 records. Each record is comprised of content in each. The whole health topics data set has only 1 table. Name n3_chennan_medical_condition_healthdirect_gov_au Data 2.64M (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+...
In this jokes database, there are 1,077 jokes for kids with content in each by 16 categories. The whole kid jokes data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_joke_jokes4us_com Data 4.92M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0) Columns...
In the property for sale database, there are 259,644 records from 287 areas of 9 provinces (Gauteng, Western Cape, KwaZulu Natal, North West, Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape, Limpopo, Free State & Northern Cape) in the South Africa....
This car parts database has 151,736 records by 3 main types and further into 21 categories. Each car part is comprised of model, parameter and ref number. These main types are engine part, chassis part and...
这是一个由26个城市的房产网提供的58,561个房屋出租信息数据库。每个出租信息包含有标题、价格和更新时间。该中国热门城市房屋出租信息数据库共有4个表。 In the apartments for rent database, there are 58,561 records offered by real estate net from 26 cities in China. Each record is comprised of title, price and update time. The whole China...
全国31个城市的11,928家医院及8,164个科室类别的信息数据库。每家医院记录中包含有医院别名,性质,等级,联系电话,联系地址,医疗评价和服务评价。在科室类别表中,每个科室类别中包含有人数记录。整个中国医院信息数据库中共有6个表。 This is a China hospitals database having 11,928 hospitals and 8,164 departments. Each hospital is comprised of hospital alias, nature, grade, telephone number, address, medical evaluation and service evaluation. In table department, it...
该中国二手车出售信息数据库中共计有2,000辆二手车信息,每辆汽车信息记录中包含有价格,新车价格,首付和月供。数据中还包含有652个汽车基本信息,441个汽车发动机参数和716个外观参数。除此之外,数据中还有19,350张汽车图片且存储在2.86G的媒体文件包中。整个二手车信息数据库共有9个表。 This used cars database is filled with 2,000 records with price, new car price, down payment and monthly payment in each. There are 652 basic information records, 441 engine parameter and 716 appearance parameter of these second-hand...
这是一个图书信息数据库,共包含有14,925本图书,每本图书中有评分,评价人数,出版,内容简介,作者简介,作者,出版社,原作名,译者,出版年,页数,定价,ISBN等。这些图书按内容被分为6大类别,分别是文学,流行,文化,生活,经管和科技。该图书信息数据库共有4个表。 In the books database, there are 14,925 records with score, people of evaluate, publish, content profile, author profile, author, publisher, original name, translator, publish year, pages, price, ISBN and etc. in...
这是一个谜语大全,共有162,488个谜语,每个谜语中有标题,类别和谜底。这些谜语被分为174个类别。该谜语数据库中共有3个表。 From this riddles database, it has 162,488 records with title, type and answer to the riddle in each. These riddles are categorized into 174 types. The whole riddles database totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_miyudaquan_miyu_xpcha_com...
在这个全国律师信息数据库中,共有2,030个律师信息,这些律师来自全国34个省份的469个城市。每个律师信息记录中有电话,在线帮助人数,案型积分,好评数,联系地址,律师简介,从业年限,手机,邮箱等。共有5个表。 This China lawyers database is filled with 2,030 lawyers from 469 cities of 34 provinces in China. Each lawyer consists of telephone, numbers of online assistence, cases integral, favorable comments, address, lawyer profile, entire period...
这是一个全国各省份的23,383家医院信息数据库,每家医院信息中有咨询热线,地址,简介,名称,等级,机构类别,经营性质,医保类型,服务方式,服务对象,电话,邮编等。所有这些医院均来自全国7个地区30个省份。该全国医院信息数据库共有4个表。 This China hospitals database is filled with 23,383 records from 30 provinces of 7 regions in China. Each hospital is comprised of consultation hotline, address, profile, name, level, institutional category, management nature, types of medical...
该副食品企业名录共有77,415家企业信息,每个信息记录中有类型,主营,所在地,经营模式,公司简述和公司简介。所有这些副食品公司按照产品类型分为15大类别, 例如休闲食品,饮料,酒类,乳制品,豆制品等。整个副食品企业数据库共有3个表。 This non-staple foods enterprises database has 77,415 companies records of non-staple foods with type, major business, location, management model, company description and profile in each. All these non-staple food companies...