

    70品牌806二手车数据库: 价格, 概述, 图片 China 806 Used Cars API: Price, Summary, Image of 70 Brands


    这是一个中国市场二手车出售信息数据库,共计有来自70个品牌下的806辆二手车。每辆二手车包含有日期,可议价,车辆价钱,原价,车辆概述,首付和月供。除此之外,数据中还包含有1,287个车辆详情以及8,021张车辆图片。该二手车信息数据库共有7个表。 In the used cars database, there are 806 second-hand cars with date, negotiable price, used car price, original price, car summary, down payment and monthly payment in each. These used cars...

    57类66,264中文图书数据库: 价格, 店铺 66,264 Chinese Books Data: Price, Store by 57 Categories


    这是一个包含有66,264本中文图书的信息数据库。每本图书有品相,价格和店铺信息。这些图书被分为57个类别。该图书数据库共有4个表。 This Chinese books database is filled with 66,264 records by 57 categories. Each book is comprised of price, condition and store. The whole Chinese books data set has 4 tables in total. Name n3_chennan_CS_tushu_mbook_kongfz_com Data...

    2,632机芯数据库: 类型, 直径, 厚度, 动力储备 2,632 Watch Movements Data: Type, Dia, Thickness, Power Reserve


    这是一个机芯数据库,包含有2,632个机芯和8,588个适用机芯手表。每个机芯数据中有机芯类型,直径,出产厂商,厚度,基础机芯,动力储备,摆轮,振频,游丝等信息。该机芯数据库共有3个表。 This watch movements database comes with 2,632 watch movements and 8,588 suitable watches of movements. Each watch movement is comprised of type, diameter, manufacturer, thickness, base movement, power reserve, balance wheel, vibration frequency,...

    全国4行业9,080企业数据库:联系人,电话,地址,主营 China 9,080 Enterprises API: Contact, Phone, Address by 4 Industries


    全国4大主行业下的27个行业的企业信息数据库,共包含9,080家企业,每家企业信息中包含有电话,成立时间,员工人数,主营产品,联系人,注册地,公司地址,公司详情,销售区域,客户群体,经营模式等。4大主行业是:原材料,工业用品,商业服务和消费品。共有4个表。 This China companies database is full of 9,080 enterprises from 27 industries of 4 main industries, they are raw material, industrial goods, business services and consumer goods. Each enterprises consists of telephone, founded time, number...

    3类45,996建材企业数据库:类型,地址,电话,联系人 45,996 Companies of Building Materials Data: Address, Phone, Contact, Categories


    建材企业名录大全中有3大分类下的45,996家建材公司信息数据,每个建材公司信息记录中有主营产品,所在地,加工方式,企业类型,经营模式,公司简介,员工人数,年营业额,公司网址等信息。这3大分类分别是陶瓷,精细化工和橡胶塑料。该建材企业信息数据库中共有5个表。 From this building materials enterprises database, there are 45,996 enterprises of building materials by 3 types (ceramics, fine chemical industry and rubber plastics). Each building materials company consists of main product, location, processing...

    36行业158,614企业数据库:介绍,主营,联系人,电话 158,614 Enterprises API: Intro, Main Product, Contact, Phone by 36 Industries


    这是一个各大行业企业信息名录大全,共记录了36大行业下的158,614家企业信息。每个公司信息记录中有公司介绍,主营,联系人,电话,手机,公司类型,所在地,公司规模,注册资本,经营模式等字段。该企业信息数据库共有4个表。 This enterprises database has 158,614 records from 36 industries, such as machinery industry, industry equipment, lighting industry, electronic components, media broadcasting, safety protection, packing, etc. Each enterprise is comprised of company introduction, main...

    377,762个教学产品和销售公司数据库: 型号,应用院校, 电话 377,762 Teaching Products & Sales Company Data: Model, Applied College, Phone


    这是一个信息较全的单表教学设备产品数据库。在这个教学产品信息数据库中有377,762个教学产品且每个教学产品中包含有标题,品牌,产品型号,使用范围,产品产地,围观次数,详细说明,所在地区,应用院校,上架时间,公司名称,公司成立时间,联系人,手机号,电话,传真和地址。 This is a table database of teaching products with 377,762 records. Each record contains title, brand, product model, range of application, product origin, onlooker times, detailed description, region, used colleges, shelf...

    900类43,087古诗数据库:内容,作者 43,087 Old Poems Data: Content, Author by 900 Categories


    这是一个古诗大全,共有43,087个古诗,这些古诗被分为900个类别。每首古诗包含有内容和作者。该古诗数据库共有3个表。 This old poems database contains 43,087 old poems with content and author in each by 900 categories. It has 3 tables in the whole old poems database. Name n3_chennan_CS_gushi_16_zzu_edu_cn Data 18.84M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0)...

    中国30类156,575个机械产品数据库:价格,图片,电话 China 156,575 Mechanical Products Data: Price, Phone, Image


    这是一个全国各地区的机械产品信息数据库,共有156,575个数据信息。所有这些机械产品被分为30个分类和286个次级分类。每个机械产品信息记录中包含有标题,当前价,有效期,所在地,电话,手机,传真,地址,邮编,联系人和网址。除此之外,该机械产品信息数据库中还包含10,873张机械产品图片且存储在330.41M的媒体文件中。整个全国各地区机械产品信息数据库共有6个表。 This is a mechanical products database having 156,575 records from all over the China. All these products are categorized into 30 classifications and further into 286 categories. Each product contains title, present price, term of...

    4,291个煲汤菜谱:做法数据库 4,291 Recipes of Cook Soup Database: Cooking Method


    这是一个包含有4,291个煲汤做法的菜谱数据库。该煲汤菜谱数据库只有 1个表。 This is a cook soup recipes database of 4,291 records with practice in each. The whole cook soup database only has 1 table. Name n3_chennan_CS_caipu_shrimp_org_cn Data 6.80M (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0) Columns 7 (+...

    Crock Pot Recipes Data: Author, Ingredients, Instructions, Time, Servings


    In the crock pot recipes database, there are 331 records by 26 categories. Each record is comprised of title, ingredients, description, tags, instructions, servings, prep time and cook time. The whole crock pot recipes...

    1,483 Instruments for Sale Data: Price, Content, Feature, Image by 5 Types


    This is a instruments database containing 1,483 records with price, content text and features in each. These instruments are categorized into 5 types and further into 22 categories. It also comes with 2,139 instrument images in the 1.08G...

    269 Acronyms Database


    This is an acronym database of 269 records. Each record contains the meaning of acronym and initial. The whole acronym data set has only 1 table. Name n3zm_Acronym_samm_dsca_mil Data 96K (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0)...

    196 Enterprise Connections Acronyms Database: Initial, Meaning


    In the acronyms database, there are 196 acronyms of enterprise connections. Each acronym consists of initial and meaning. The whole enterprise connections acronyms database consists of 1 tables. Name n3zm_Acronym_disa_mil Data 64K (+ 0B) Tables...

    1,844 Welders Database: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon in US


    This is a welders database having 1,844 records from the America. Each welder record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB...

    18,331 Trust Companies Database: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon (US)


    This is a trust companies database with 18,331 records from the America. There are business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating or license, latitude, longitude,...

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