This is the most comprehensive database of all acronyms and abbreviations with 854,052 records by 10 categories as industry. Each record is comprised of initial and meaning. These 10 categories are technology, military, government, business, science,...
In the car parts database, there are 151,597 records by 3 main types and further into 21 categories. Each car part is comprised of model, parameter and ref number. These main types are engine part, chassis...
该中药材信息数据库共计包含有12,873种中药材。每种药材记录中有生境分布,功能主治,原形态,附方,拼音名,别名,来源,性味,摘录,出处和用法用量。整个中药材信息数据库共有3个表。 In the Chinese traditional medicinal crops database, it has 12,873 records with habitat distribution, functional indications, original form, accessory party, pinyin name, alias, source, property and flavor, excerpt, source and usage...
知名医生信息数据库包含有10,558位医生的职称,主治疾病,名医介绍,所属医院,性别,所在科室,坐诊时间,联系电话和职务。 This is a well-know doctors database having 10,558 doctors with title, attending disease, introduction, affiliated hospital, gender, administrative or technical offices, working time, telephone number and duties in each. The whole...
这是一个汇集不同风格,不同国家和地区的各类艺术家创作的音乐数据库。该音乐数据库包含有24,538首来自中国、美国、英国、法国、日本等地区的各类古典、流行、OST、pop等不同风格的音乐作品。这些知名的艺术家如周杰伦、王菲、DamienRice、Linkinpark、Bach、GreenDay、eason、中岛美嘉、浜崎あゆみ等。每个作品有标题、评分、评价人数、简介、别名、表演者、流派、专辑类型、介质、发行时间、出版者、唱片数、条形码、五星/四星/三星/二星/一星好评和曲目。这个音乐数据库共有4个表。 This is a comprehensive songs database with 24,538 records by styles, countries and musicians. Each music work is comprised of title, grade, the number of evaluation people, brief introduction, alias, performer,...
这是一个来自各行业的缩略词大全,共有2,459个缩略词,每个缩略词包含有英文简称,中文全称和意义。这些缩略词来自29个行业。该各行业缩略词信息数据库共有3个表。 In the abbreviations and acronyms database, there are 2,459 records with English abbreviation, Chinese full name and meaning in each. They are from 29 industries. The whole abbreviations and acronyms data set totally...
这是一个单标结构的名表大全,共包含45,200个奢侈手表的价格,品牌,系列,型号,款式,防水,上市时间,机芯类型,机芯型号,动力储备,镂空,表径,材质,表带材质,表盘颜色,厚度,形状等。 This is a single table database of luxurious watches with 45,200 records. Each record is comprised of price, brand, series, model, style, waterproof, time to market, movement type, movement model, power...
这个一个单表结构的名表大全,其中包含有29,624个表的信息,每个信息记录中有价格,适用人群,机芯型号,表壳材质,表径,表带材质,表壳厚度,表带颜色,防水深度,主要功能等信息。 This brand watches database is filled with 29,624 records with price, suitable for the crowd, movement model, watch case material, watch diameter, watchband material, watch case thickness, watchband color, waterproof depth,...
这个汽车配件大全中有54,295个汽车零部件,每个汽车配件记录包含有标题,价格,销售量,公司,地址,汽车零件名,种类,库存,卖家电话和商品编号。所有这些汽车配件被分为13大主分类和202个次级分类。除此之外,数据中还包含有56,930张配件图片。该汽车配件信息数据库中共有6个表。 In the auto parts database, there are 54,295 auto parts and accessories with title, price, sales volume, company, address, part name, category, stock, seller phone number and commodity number in each....
这是一个中国市场汽车零配件数据库,共有151,440个配件。每个配件中包含有车型和参考号。这些配件按照产品类型被分为368个类别。除此之外,数据中还提供有788,404个参考号,每个参考号中有厂商,号码1和号码2;12,973个适用发动机和23,409个适用车型,在适用车型表中,每个记录中包含有型号,发动机,排量,公里数,类型,年份等。该汽车配件数据库共有12个表。 From this Chinese market car parts database, there are 151,440 car parts with vehicle type and reference number in each. These car parts are categorized into 368 types. Beside, there are other 3 tables mostly...
这是一个论文杂志数据库,其中包含有32个分类下的1,279篇论文和杂志,每篇论文有标题,发表日期,点击数,摘要,内容和论文栏目。该论文杂志数据库共有3个表。 This theses and magazines database contains 1,279 theses with title, release date, clicks, abstract, content and column in each. All these theses and magazines are categorized into 32 types by content. It has 3 tables...
这是一个全国玻璃制造企业信息数据库,有7大主要分类和478个次级分类下的4,143家企业,每个企业信息包含有主营产品,地址,成立时间,经营模式,企业简介,从事主业,联系人,电话,所在地区等。该玻璃制造公司信息数据库共有4个表。 The glass manufacturing enterprises database has 4,143 records with main product, address, founded time, management model, company profile, main industry, contact, telephone, region, etc. in each. These glass manufacturing companies are...
该全国机械制造企业信息数据库有5,106家记录,每家企业信息中包含有公司简介和地区。这些企业按照产品类型被分为31个类别。共有4个表。 From this machinery manufacturing companies database, there are 5,106 records with region and profile in each. These companies are categorized into 31 classifications by product type. The whole China machinery manufacturing enterprises data...
这个仪器仪表企业数据库共有21,359加企业,这些企业按照产品类型被分为26个类别,例如压力仪表,温度仪表,电子电工,生物仪表,记录仪等。每个仪器仪表记录中包含有地区,企业类型,公司介绍,联系人,电话,手机,邮件,传真,公司规模,注册资本,经营模式,主营行业等信息。整个仪器仪表企业名录数据库共有3个表。 This instruments & apparatuses companies database is filled with 21,359 enterprises of instruments & apparatuses with region, type, introduction, contact, phone, mobile phone, email, fax, size, registered capital,management model, main industry,...
这是一个电影大全,有5,019部电影,每部电影记录中有电影星级,评分,剧情介绍,导演,编剧,主演,类型,制片国家,语言,上映日期,片长,又名,IMDB链接,评价人数,五、四、三、二、一星好评。该电影数据库共有2个表。 This movies database has 5,019 movies with star, grade, synopsis, director, type, producer country, language, release date, film length, alternate name,IMDB link, number of people assessed, five/four/three/two/one star in each. The...
This is a textbook database with 7,759 records by 32 popular categories. The whole textbooks database consists of 4 tables. Name n3zm_Textbook_alibris_co_uk Data 3.41M (+ 0B) Tables 4 (+ 0) Columns 14 (+ 0) Table Rows 16,659 (+ 0) Media...