

    22类26,271医疗器械数据库: 规格, 用途, 厂家, 详细说明 26,271 Medical Equipments Data: Spec, Usage, Manufacturer, Detailed Desc by 22 Types


    这个医疗器械数据库包含有22个分类下的26,271种医疗器械,每种医疗器械记录中包含有厂家,分类,评分,评价数,机械名称,批准文号,用途,规格和生产厂家。数据中还包含有43,924个医疗器械的详细说明。整个医疗器械数据库共有6个表。 This medical equipments database has 26,271 records by 22 categories. It has manufacturer, category, score, evaluation number, machine name, approval number, use and specification in each of medical equipment. In table of detailed...

    88类28,849医疗器械数据库: 规格型号, 产品标准 28,849 Medical Equipments Data: Spec, Model, Product Standard by 88 Categories


    这是一个医疗器械产品信息数据库,共计有88个分类下的28,849种医疗器械。每个医疗器械包含有性能组成,适用范围,批准日期,有效期,注册号,生产单位,地址,邮编,规格型号,产品标准等信息。整个医疗器械信息数据库共有3个表。 The medical equipments database contains 28,849 medical equipments records by 88 categories. Each medical equipment is comprised of performance composition, application scope, approval date, validity period, registration number, production unit, address, zip code,...

    全国31市20,338药店数据库: 地址, 营业时间, 范围 China 20,338 Chemist's Shops Data: Address, Business Time / Scope in 31 Cities


    这是来自全国31个城市的20,338个药店信息数据库。每个药店包含有经营许可证,商家地址,营业时间,营业执照,GSP证号和经营范围。该全国药店信息数据库共有4个表。 In the China chemist's shops database, there are 20,338 drugstores records from 31 cities in China. Each record is comprised of business license, business address, business time, license for operation, GSP certificate number...

    26类139,739玩具数据库: 价格, 公司, 地址, 图片 139,739 Toys Data: Price, Company, Address, Image by 26 Categories


    这是一个玩具大全,有26个分类下的139,739个玩具。每个玩具中包含有价格,公司,地址,公司详情,报价,起订量,发货期,供货量,货号,品牌,联系人和电话。除此之外,数据中还包含有409,429张玩具图片。该玩具信息数据库共有5个表。 In the toys database, there are 139,739 records with price, company, address, company details, quotated price, mim order, delivery time, supply, Item number, brand, contact and telephone number in each. These...

    28行业分类2,386中英文对照缩略词数据库 2,386 Abbreviations of Chinese to English Data by 28 Industries


    这是一个中英文对照缩略词信息数据库,共包含2,386个缩略词,且每个缩略词中有翻译,英文缩写,英文全称,中文解读和缩写分类。这些缩略词按行业被分为28个类别。除此之外,数据中还包含有8,751个其它解释信息。该中英文对照缩略词信息数据库共有5个表。 This abbreviations and acronyms database contains 2,386 records with translation, English abbreviation, English full name, Chinese interpretation and abbreviation classification in each. These abbreviations are categorized into 28 classifications by industry. It also...

    5类1,142,183汽车配件数据库:车型,价格,电话 1,142,183 Auto Parts Data: Car Types, Price, Tel. by 5 Categories


    这个汽车配件信息大全中有1,142,183个汽车零配件,每个配件中有公司,车型,品牌,发布时间,产品说明,所在地,适用车型,产品价格,规格型号,企业类型,联系人,联系电话等信息。所有这些汽车配件被分为以下5大类,分别是:发动机系,电器仪表,底盘系,通用件和车身附件。该汽车配件信息数据库中共有5个表。 In the car parts and accessories database, there are 1,142,183 records by 5 main categoreis, such as engine series, electrical instrument, chassis series, universal parts and car body accessories. Each car part consists...

    34类29,087汽车配件数据库: 公司,品牌,型号, 规格 29,087 Auto Parts Database: Company, Brand, Model, Spec by 34 Types


    在这个汽车配件信息数据库中共有4个表。在汽车配件表中包含有29,087个汽车配件记录,每个记录中有产品简介,发布时间,公司,品牌,型号,规格,单价,起订,供货总量,所在地,有效期,浏览次数,联系人和地址。 所有这些汽车配件被分为34个类别。 In the auto parts database, there are 29,087 records by 34 categories. Each auto part is comprised of product profile, release time, company, brand, model, specification, unit price, mini order, total supply...

    172类11,745谜语数据库: 谜底 11,745 Riddles Database: Answer by 172 Categories


    这是一个谜语大全,共包含有172个分类下的11,745个谜语。每个谜语记录中有谜底。整个谜语信息数据库共有3个表。 From this riddles database, there are 11,745 records with answer in each. These riddles are categorized into 172 classifications. The whole riddles data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_miyu_miyu_911cha_com Data 4.53M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+...

    22类14,791美文数据库: 栏目,时间,作者 14,791 Belles Lettres Data: Column, Time, Author by 22 Categories


    该美文数据库中有14,791篇文章,每篇文章中有栏目,时间,内容,阅读次数和作者。这些文章被分为以下22个分类,如:经典美文,爱情文章,古典诗词,生活随笔,青年文摘等。 This belles lettres database is filled with 14,791 records with column, time, content, reading times and author in each. All these belles lettres are categoried into 22 types as content, such as classic...

    6类1,377酒产品数据库:价格,评价,规格,度数 1,377 Alcoholic Beverages Data: Price, Comment, Size, Proof by 6 Types


    这是一个包含有1,377个酒产品信息列表,其中每个酒产品信息中有价格,评价,关注度,品牌,商品标号,净含量,度数,手提袋,规格等,所有这些产品被分为以下6大类:白酒,葡萄酒,洋酒,黄酒,清酒和啤酒。该酒产品信息数据库中共有4个表。 This alcoholic beverages products database has 1,377 records by 6 categories (liquor and spirits, wine, imported wine, yellow Wine, clear wine and beer). Each liquor product is comprised of price, comment, attention rate,...

    47行业4,924,669产品数据库: 价格,公司,规格,图片 4,924,669 Products API: Price, Company, Size, Spec, Image of 47 Industries


    这是全国各行业产品信息数据库,共有4,924,669个产品,这些产品来自47个行业。每个产品中有价格,公司,市场价,发货地,联系人,联系电话,邮箱地址,店铺网址和公司地址。除此之外,和产品相关的还有其它5个表,618,433个产品简介表;成交记录中有122,576成交记录,每个记录中有成交公司,成交时间,成交单价和成交数量;467,094个订购价格表中有订购量和价格;在规格表中有51,625个记录,每个记录中有规格,价格和库存以及4,262,400张产品图片。该各行业产品数据库中共有13个表。 From this products database, there are 4,924,669 records from 47 industries. Each product is comprised of price, company, market price, place of delivery, contact, phone number, email, shop website and company address. Besides,...

    8类6,750畜牧业公司大全:主营,经营模式,联系人,电话 6,750 Animal Husbandry Companies API: Main Product, Contact, Tel. by 8 Types


    该畜牧业企业大全中有6,750家公司信息,这些公司按照产品类型被分为8大类别。每家企业中包含有公司主营产品,经营模式,所在地区,公司简介,联系人,电话,手机,邮箱,地址,主营行业等信息。整个畜牧业企业信息数据库中共有3个表。 This animal husbandry enterprises database is filled with 6,750 by 8 categories as product types in China. Each animal husbandry company record is comprised of main products, management model, region, company profile, contact,...

    3,042篇论文数据库:关键词,摘要,全文 3,042 Theses Data: Key Words, Abstract, Full Text


    这是一个单表结构论文数据库,共有3,042篇论文,每篇论文包含有标题,人气,关键词,摘要,全文和分类。 This is a database of theses having 3,042 records with title, popularity, key words, abstract, full text and classification in each. It only has 1 table in the whole theses database. Name n3_chennan_CS_fanwen_xueshu_com...

    899篇法律文章数据库: 标题,作者,内容 899 Legal Papers Database: Title,Author,Content


    这是一个法律文章数据集合,包含有899篇法律文章且每篇文章涉及有标题、作者、阅读次数、内容和发布时间。 This is a law articles database with 899 records. Each record consists of title, author, times of view, content and release time. The legal papers database has only 1 table. Name n3_chennan_CS_falvwenzhang_lvshihui_com Data...

    中国31省3,334个汽车站和53,570个时刻表查询数据库 China 3,334 Bus Stations: Tel., Address


    这是一个中国汽车站和时刻表查询信息数据库, 有来自31个省和1,804个市级城市的3,334个汽车站信息。每个汽车站信息中有电话和地址。在时刻表中有53,570个信息记录,每个时刻表信息中有起点和终点,始发时间,历程,线路,起始汽车站和票价。该全国各地区汽车站信息和时刻表数据库共有6个表。 From this bus stations and timetable database, there are 3,334 bus stations records and 53,570 timetable records. Each bus station has telephone number and address. There are starting point and end, starting...

    29,481个成语的词典数据库:用法,解释,例子 Dictionary of 29,481 Idioms Database: Usage, Explanation, Example


    这是一个包含有29,481个成语词条的词典数据库,每个成语记录中有成语例子,解释,繁体,年代,近义词等信息。这些成语按照内容被分为18个类别,如生肖成语,四季成语,数字成语,身体成语,颜色成语等。该成语数据库中共有4个表。 This idioms dictionary database has 29,481 idioms by 18 categories, such as Chinese Zodiac idioms, seasons idioms, number idioms, body idioms, color idioms and, etc. Each idiom is comprised of example, explanation, traditional...

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