This is a motors parts database having 35,795 products of apparel, riding gear, accessories and 344,446 parts of motors. Each product record is comprised of title, price and description and the part record consists...
This is a database having 697,701 synonym records, 67,082 antonyms and 5,357,754 sentence records related to 71,917 words. There are word id and definition in each synonym and antonym record. The whole synonyms and antonyms data set consists...
This web hosting services database contains 10,455 records with plan name, price, space, transfer and platform in each. There are 1,496 web hosting companies with price range, address, phone number, fax number, last update...
This rite aid stores database has a total of 2,136 records offering 26 services, such as Western Union, ATM, Receutics Active Skin Repair, higi Blood Pressure Station, Blue Rhino Propane, Drive-Thru Pharmacy, Beer, Food...
This jokes database has 480 records with content and rating in each. These jokes are categorized into 26 types. The whole jokes data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_joke_thejokeyard_com Data 768K (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0)...
This jokes database has 2,466 records with content in each. These jokes are categorized into 53 classifications. The whole jokes data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_joke_ajokeaday_com Data 2.38M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0) Columns 15 (+...
该光伏行业资讯数据库共采集了4,799条PV资讯和4,072张相关图片。每条光伏资讯包含有标题,发表时间,内容,出版,来源,日期,关键词等信息。整个光伏行业资讯数据库共有3个表。 Collecting 4,799 PV news records, this China photo-voltaic industry news database also comes with 4,072 related images. Each record is comprised of title, list date, content, publishing, source, date, keywords, etc. There are 3 tables...
该市场评估数据库包含有5,593条市场评估数据和5,963张图片。每条市场评估记录有标题,发布日期,内容,来源,出版,作者,所属频道,关键词等重要信息。 整个市场评估数据库共有3个表。 This is a market evaluations database with 5,593 records and 5,963 images. Each record consists of title, list date, content, source, publishing, author, suoshupindao, keywords, etc. The whole China market evaluations API...
This is a contractors database with 91,903 records by 100,727 categories from 2,478 cities of 51 states in America. Each record is comprised of title, phone number, description, street address, addressc locality, address region, postal code etc. There...
This is a database of companies information with 12,481 records. Each record consists of company name, location and sale. The whole companies data set has only the company table. Name n3_chennan_company_hoovers_com Data...
This is a fields-rich codes database with 6,568 city codes, 240 country codes and 253 national codes. In table country code, there are country, country code, iso codes, population, area km2, GDP USD, latitude and longitude,...
This 243 airport codes database is the one you need if you want to quickly find the airport information of any city in the world. The world airport data set is ordered...
This is a database of acronyms and abbreviations related to the database of terminology and jargon. It contains 743,631 abbreviations with initial and meaning in each. The whole acronyms and abbreviations database...
这是一个配饰列表数据库,有来自270个品牌下的10,943个配饰信息,每个配饰记录中有价格,销量,产地,商品材质,边框,功能,适用人群,包装附件,尺寸,类型,规格,上市年份,品牌等信息。这些配饰被分为以下13个类别,它们分别是眼镜,腰带,伞,领带/领结/领带夹,围巾/披肩,丝巾,帽子,手套,其他配饰,钥匙扣,袖扣,丝巾扣和挂饰。除此之外,数据中还包含有42,072张图片。该配饰数据中共有5个表。 From this accessories database, it has 10,943 ornaments records by 13 categories from 270 brands. Each record consists of price, sale volume, place of origin, material, frame, function, suitable for, package accessories, size, type, specification,...
这是一个单表结构教学企业数据库,其中包含有21,891家教学公司,每家企业中有主营产品,联系方式,法人,经营状态,所在地,经营类型,注册资金等字段。 Database of teaching enterprises contains 21,891 companies with main products, contact, legal person, management state, location, management type, registered capital, etc. in each. It only has 1 table in the whole teaching companies...
这是一个包含有557,883个苗木产品的数据库。每个苗木产品记录中有公司信息,供应商信息,产品信息,报价,所在地,发布时间,浏览次数,品种,联系人,地址,邮编,电话,手机,传真等。整个苗圃产品数据库中共有2个表。 This landscape nursery plants database is filled with 557,883 records. Each plant product is comprised of company information, supplier information, product information, offer, location, publish time, number of view, variety, contact,...