This is a complete and fields-rich US colleges ranking database with 7,474 records. Each university record is comprised of school name, school no, rank, street address, address locality, address region, postal code,...
In the businesses database, there are 5,522 records by 24 categories. Each business is comprised of title, address, telephone number and mobile. The whole businesses database consists of 4 tables. Name n3_chennan_business_directory_im Data 3.16M (+ 0B) Tables...
This baby names database is a great one to help you find the perfect baby name for your child from these popular, unique and unusual child names. It consists of 90,241 baby...
该国家统计局最新数据库是有关国家统计局统计数据的最新内容列表,共包含有500个文件,每个文件中含有标题,公布日期,来源,发布时间和内容。 In the China data files in national bureau of statistics, there are 500 files records with title, list date, source, release time and content in each. This statistical data API is...
This aircraft models database lists 9,100 records with title, price, alt, condition, etc. in each from ebay. There are 4 tables in the whole aircraft models database. Name n3_chennan_aircraft_model_ebay_com Data 28.48M (+ 0B) Tables 4 (+...
In the abbreviations database, there are 1,838 records with initial and meaning in each. It has only 1 table in the whole abbreviations data. Name n3_chennan_abbreviation_faa_gov Data 448K (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0) Columns 4 (+...
In the abbreviations database, there are 1,294,038 records with initial, meaning and tag in each. These abbreviations are categorized into 10 main types and further into 260 categories. These main types are technology, military, government, business,...
在这个医疗器械信息数据库中共有9大分类下的111,852个记录。每个医疗器械记录中包含有公司,品牌,发布时间,地点,产品说明,产品规格,规格型号,企业类型,联系人,联系电话,注册时间等信息。该医疗器械信息数据库中共有4个表。 In the medical equipments database, there are 111,852 records by 9 categories. Each record is comprised of company, brand, release time, place, product description, product specification, model, type of enterprise, contact, telephone number,...
该药店信息数据库共计有125,663个记录,每个记录中包含有地址,药店名,所在区域,联系电话和详细地址。数据中这些药店来自全国31个城市。整个全国药店信息数据库共有3个表。 In the China chemist's shops data set, there are 125,663 chemist's shops from 31 cities in China. Each chemist's shop is comprised of address, drugstore name, location, telephone number and detailed address. The...
这是一个汇集众多知名学者学术文献的单表结构数据库,共有1,502,202篇学术文献,每个文献包含有标题、摘要、出处、作者、下载次数、在线阅读和关键字。 There are 1,502,202 academic literatures with title, abstract, source, author, download times, online reading and key words in each of this Chinese academic literatures data set. The whole Chinese academic literatures...
该生物医药百科知识词典数据库包含有73,925个生物医药词汇,每个医药词汇包含有的中文和英文数据。这些医药词汇被分为46大类别,例如:生物学,遗传学,解刨学,心理学,生理学,寄生虫学等。该生物医药百科知识词汇数据库共有3个表。 This is a biological encyclopedia knowledge dictionary database with 73,925 biomedical vocabularies by 46 categories, such as biology, genetics, psychology, physiology, parasitology, etc. Each biomedical vocabulary has Chinese and English fields. There are 3 tables...
这是全国25个省份提供的203,850只宠物狗信息数据库。每条宠物狗信息中包含有犬种,价格,更新时间,狗狗年龄,狗狗性别,有效期,所在地区,联系人,联系电话和QQ号。狗狗数据库中还有557,356张狗狗图片。整个宠物狗数据库中共有5个表。 There are 203,850 pet dogs from 25 provinces in China of this data. Each dog is comprised of breed, price, update time, dog age, sex, term of validity, location, contact, phone number and...
This is a wine database with 1,841 records by 3 primary categories and 31 sub-categories. Each record consists of title, price, bottle options, SKU, pdp email sec left and description. The whole wines database has 7 tables. Name...
这是一个中国电网招标公告信息数据库。该招标信息数据库共有4个表和44,163个招标公告记录。每个招标公告包含有招标日期,企业,文件标题,内容等重要信息。 This is a tender notices of China State Grid data with 44,163 records. Each bidding announcement is comprised of date, company, file title & file content. The whole China State Grid...
In the car rental location database, there are 11,823 records from 2,073 cities of 51 states in the United States. It has 97 agencies in these locations to provide car rental service. Each record is comprised of location...
In the water heater repairs database, there are 24,681 records from the America. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating or...