This is a fields-rich boats database with 98 records by 4 well-known makes (parker, chaparral, robalo & tidewater) with 14 types (Saltwater fishing, center consoles, cruisers, sports fishing boats, walkarounds, bay boats, dual console, freshwater fishing,...
This is a car parts database having 180,332 records with sequence, part code, quantity, note and data model in each. In this car parts data set, there are 5 tables mostly related...
This poems database is a list of 14,081 records by 144 topics. Each poems consists of title, content and author. These topic are alone, America, angel, death, culture, heaven, hair, music, song, spring, etc....
This is a pet names database with 5,395 records by 26 categories. Each pet name is comprised of meaning, gender, animal, origin, category and average. It has 3,229 comments for these pet names. The whole pet...
This is a free vector icons database with 85,745 records for personal and commercial use. Each icon record is comprised of alt, downloads, date, description and favourite count. These free icons can...
This public and private high schools database is filled with 41,372 records over 14,272 cities of 51 states in America. Each high school is comprised of title, address, latitude, longitude, phone number, website, school district, type,...
该国家能源局信息数据库有443条国家能源局发布的通知及588张图片。每个通知中包含有标题,发布日期,内容,公开事项,主办单位等重要信息。除此之外还有73个附件内容。整个中国能源局通知数据库共有6个表。 This China energy administration database lists 443 notifications coming with 588 images in 13.96M media package. Each notification record is comprised of title, list date, content, gongkai shixiang name, zhubandanwei, etc. It also...
In the domestic services database, there are 182 records from 5,936 states of 112 countries around the world. Each record is comprised of address, phone number, toll free number, fax, email address and web site. The...
This car parts database contains 151,771 records by 3 main types and further into 21 categories. Each car part is comprised of model, parameter and ref number. These main types are engine part, chassis part and...
这是一个音乐信息数据库,共计包含有11个分类下的14,517首歌曲,每首歌曲包含有歌手,专辑,歌词,作词,作曲和标签。这些分类分别是流行,R&B,摇滚,纯音乐,舞曲,乡村,爵士,蓝调,电子,古典和民谣。整个歌曲信息数据库共有5个表。 In the songs database, there are 14,517 songs by 11 categories. Each song is comprised of singer, album, lyric, write words, compose, and tag. These categories are pop, R&B, rock, pure music, dance,...
这是一个分类较细,产品全面的汽车配件数据库,其中有8大分类下的12,804汽车配件。这八大分类是发动机系统、传动系统、行走系统、制动系统、转向系统、电器、车身及驾驶室和美容养护。每个汽车配件包含有标题、价格、详情、型号、品牌、产地、适配车型、适配机型、联系人、手机、电话、传真和地址等字段。该汽车配件数据库还包含有63,668条商品推荐信息和27,927张汽车配件图片。整个汽车配件数据库共有6个表。 This is a complete car accessories database with 12,804 records and 27,927 pictures. Each auto part has title, price, details, model, brand, production place, suitable for models, contact, phone number, fax number, address,...
这是一个汽车档案数据库,共有来自294个品牌下的8,142辆汽车信息。每辆汽车信息数据中包含有车型中文名,车型英文名,年份和原产地。在车型表中共有53,013个记录且每个记录中包含有车型名称,上市时间,功率,停产时间,排量,hp,缸和类型。该汽车档案信息数据库共有6个表。 This cars database is filled with 8,142 records from 294 brands. Each car data is comprised of Chinese name of vehicle type, English name of car type, year and country of origin. There...
这是一个中国市场下的51,714个车型数据库。每个车型包含有中文名,英文名,发动机,功率,排量,缸,类型和年份。这些车型来自294个品牌和6,479个年份。该中国市场车型数据库共有5个表。 This China cars database is filled with 51,714 cars from 294 brands and 6,479 years in Chinese market. Each car is comprised of Chinese name, English name, engine, power, displacement, cylinder, type and year. There...
这是一个来自全国361个城市的38,944个快递网点信息数据库。每个快递网点包含有联系电话和地址。该全国快递网点数据库共有3个表。 From this China express networks data set, it contains 38,944 express network records in 361 cities of China. Each record is comprised of telephone number and address. There are 3 tables in the whole China...
这是一个加盟店信息数据库,其中有24个行业下的36,494家加盟店。每个加盟店包含有公司,投资额,行业,门店,标签,公司背景,经营模式,品牌原地,合同期限,经营产品,适合人群,招商网址等信息。除此之外,数据库中还有43,915张加盟店图片。共有5个表。 From this franchise shops database, there are 36,494 records from 24 industries in China. Each franchised store consists of company, investment amount, industry, store, label, company background, management model, brand source place, contract...
全国仪器制造企业信息大全中包含有来自40个地区的3,028家企业信息,每家企业信息记录中有主营产品,主营品牌,联系电话,地址和公司简介。该全国仪器制造企业信息数据库共有3个表。 This China instrument manufacturing enterprises database contains 3,028 instrument manufacturing companies from 40 regions in China. Each company is comprised of main product, main brand, telephone number, address and profile. The whole China...