这是一个药品信息数据库,共有24个分类下的5,789种药品。这些分类是安神药,理气药,平喘药,活血化瘀药,驱虫药,消食药等。该药品信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a medicines database having 5,789 records by 24 categories. These categories are anxiety, qi-regulating, asthma-relieving, blood-activating, stasis-removing, insecticide-repelling, anti-feeding drugs and etc. The whole medicines data set totally has 4 tables. Name n3a2_ypk_39_net_zhong_yao...
该数据库有1,946个就业岗位和149家企业信息。每个工作岗位包含有标题,职位信息,薪资,工作经验,职位类别,发布时间,工作性质,学历介绍,年龄要求,婚姻要求,工作地区等重要信息。公司表中的每家企业包含有标题,公司介绍,公司性质,公司行业,公司规模,公司地址,联系人等重要字段。该中国企业和招聘数据库共有5个表. This jobs database lists 1,946 records from 149 companies. Each job has title, Job information, salary, Work experience, job category, post time, job nature, education introduction, age requirements, marriage requirements, work area, etc....
This is a books database with 662,182 records of fiction, non-fiction and textbook by 32 categories, such as general fiction, Language Arts, Literary Collections, Media, Music, Reference, etc. Each record is comprised of title,...
这是一个来自全国31个省,403个城市的151,989位医生信息数据库。每位医生信息记录中包含有医院,级别,教育背景,擅长疾病,咨询次数,好评率等。数据中还包含有5,024家医院和41,094个诊所。每家医院记录中有详情,城市,级别,类型,地址,电话等。整个全国医生信息数据库共有6个表。 In the doctors and hospitals database, there are 151,989 doctors from 403 cities of 31 provinces in China. Each doctor consists of hospital, grade, educational background, good at disease, number of consultation, high praise rate...
The parts database has 48,059 records by 7 categories from 470 makes. These categories are inside RV, outdoor living, hardware, plumbing, electrical & lighting, jacks & levelers and maintenance. In table make, it has description, telephone...
这是一个娱乐场所数据库,共包含有来自全国1,180个城市,3,451个区域, 13,149个街道的93,329个娱乐场所记录,这些娱乐场所被分为181个类别。每个娱乐场所记录中有描述,娱乐,地址,最低价格,总评分,评论数,经度,纬度,区域,街道,电话,营业时间和人均消费量。整个娱乐场所数据库中有其它4个表和娱乐场所密切相关,它们分别是383,863个娱乐评论记录且每个记录中有独特性,星级指数,时间,用户智能终端数据,用户名称及用户级别;609,667个娱乐评论标记记录且每个记录中有内容和点击数量;398,202个服务项目记录且每个记录中有总结,价格,原价,折后价格,折扣,时间,异常时间,预定,适合的人,规则,服务,详细内容和内容描述以及49,293个其它服务项目记录。整个娱乐场所数据中还包含有475,752张娱乐场所图片且存储在206.35M的媒体文件夹中。该全国娱乐场所数据库共有15个表。 This is an entertainments database with 93,329 records by 181 categories. All these entertainments are from 13,149 streets of 3,451 areas in 1,180 cities of China. Each record is comprised of description, entertainment, address, lowest price, score overall, comment...
In this car parts database, it has 1,118 records for Japan and Europe. Each part record is comprised of assemble, oem number, part name, color, interior type, required per car, note and...
In this BMW car parts database, there are 1,363 records from 1984 to 2020 years. Each record is comprised of seq, part number, assemble, list price, sale price, sku, position, other name and description. There are...
In this Opel parts database, there are 153,623 records with sequence, part code and quantity in each. It has other 6 tables mostly related with these parts, they are 34 models with type, year...
This US salons database has a total of 2,308 hair, nail, skin, massage salons with 72,152 images by 106 categories. Each salon record is comprised of title, name, phone number, street address, address locality, address region,...
In the retirement housing database, there are 21,305 records over 30,620 cities of 616 states in 39 countries around the world. Each retirement home consists of title, address, phone, phone extension, fax number, locality, state, post code and...
This poems database contains 1,044 records with title, author, content, image alt and date of birth in each by 26 categories as alphabet order. There are poet images in the 5.52M media set of...
This is a simple one table locksmiths database with 609 records from the United States and Canada. Each locksmith has title, address, description, street address, main phone number, alternative phone number, service,...
This is a list of property with 53,957 records from 287 areas of 9 provinces (Gauteng, Western Cape, KwaZulu Natal, North West, Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape, Limpopo, Free State & Northern Cape) in the South Africa. Each...
This is a houses list with 1,596,311 records from 8,517 cities of 50 states in America. Each record is comprised of title, description, street address, type, address locality, address region, postal code, address country, price, bed,...
This is a fields-rich United States city guides database of 50 records with attraction, car rental, florist, hotel, night club, restaurant tables in each. Each city guide record is comprised of title,...