

    38,061 Assisted Living & Elder Care Services API: Email, URL, Tel, Lat, Lon (US)


    In the assisted living & elder care services database, there are 38,061 records from the America. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating,...

    6,292 Arts Organizations & Information Data: Email, URL, Tel, Lat, Lon (US)


    In the arts organizations & information database, there are 6,292 records from the America. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating...

    US 3,451 Acupuncture Doctors & Services Data: Email, URL, Tel, Lat, Lon


    This is an acupuncture doctors & services database having 3,451 records from the America. Each acupuncture doctor & service record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code,...

    中国12,000招聘数据库 China 12,000 Jobs Database


    这是一个包含有中国12,158个就业信息的招聘数据库。每个招聘信息包含有标题,薪资,有效日期,企业名称,学历要求,性别,联系电话,联系人,职位描述等字段。该招聘数据库有且只有一个表。 This is a jobs database of 12,158 employment information in China. Each job consists of title, salary lowest, salary, end valid date, cert com name, req degree, req sex, contact tel,...

    全国35省2,094公司17,517就业岗位数据库 China 17,517 Jobs Data in 2,094 Companies of 35 Provinces


    该招聘信息数据库包含有2,094家公司提供的17,517个岗位,每个岗位信息中有职位描述,工作地区,薪资,工作经验,学历要求,发布时间,职位类别,联系人,邮件和电话。在公司表中,每家公司有公司介绍,公司简介,成立时间,公司官网,公司规模和公司地址。这些招聘信息来自全国35个省份。在这个招聘信息数据中还包含有24个公司福利信息。整个中国招聘信息数据库中共有8个表。 In the jobs database, there are 17,517 jobs from 2,094 companies in 35 provinces of China. Each job is comprised of job description, area, salary, education requirements, work experience, release date, job type, contact, email...

    US 1,086,885 Lawyers & 476 Practice Areas Database


    In the lawyers database, there are 1,086,885 records from 23,458 cities over 3,042 counties of 51 states in America. Each lawyer has title, rating, get license date, city and etc. There are 476 practice areas for these US lawyers in...

    5,341 World Airline Codes Data: IATA, ICAO, Callsign, Country by Alphabet


    In the airline codes database, there are 5,341 records with title, alphabet id, ICAO, callsign, country, etc. in each around the world. All these airline codes are ordered by 26 alphabet with lowercase and...

    山东11,790企业95,266人才招聘数据库 China 95,266 Jobs Data of 11,790 Companies in Shan Dong


    该招聘数据库为来自山东地区53种行业下的11,790家企业提供的517种岗位的95,266条人才招聘信息。每条招聘信息详细的包括了职位内容,学历要求,薪水待遇以及招聘单位的福利内容。 In the jobs database, there are 95,266 records from 11,790 companies in 53 industries over 197 regions of Shan Dong province in China. Each record is comprised of position, salary, education, experience, age, type, quantity, update time,...

    1,425 Car Parts: Part No, Desc, Price, Image & 76 Accessories, 184 Assemble of 13 Brands


    This is a database of 1,425 auto parts, 76 accessories and 184 assemble records of 13 brands (Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Ford, GMC, Hyundai, Lincoln, Scion, Toyota, Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge and Ram). Each car part is comprised of part number,...

    727 Accessories & OEM Parts for 551 Mazda Cars: Year, Model, Trim


    This is a car accessories and OEM parts database of 727 records for 551 Mazda cars. All these parts are classified by 20 categories with mark in each record. In each production record, there are part...

    811 Accessories and OEM Parts for 367 Infiniti Cars Data: Price, Image


    This is a database of 811 accessories and OEM parts for 367 Infiniti cars. All these productions are classified by 20 categories with mark in each record. In each production record, there are part number, price,...

    861 Golf Courses Data: Phone, Website, Info. & 4,273 Golf Course Tee


    This is a golf courses database with 861 records from 585 regions. Each record has information, description, awards, establish, location, classification, phone number, fax number, email address, website, etc. All these golf courses are...

    US 84 Credit Cards Data: Annual Fee, Image Slug, Highlight, Review


    This is a credit cards database with 84 records by 5 primary categories (Lowest Rates, Reward Program, Top Companies, Card Types and Credit Rating) and 27 sub-categories, such as Low Interest, Rewards, Chase, Discover, MasterCard, etc....

    Logos Data: Desc & Images of 310 World Brand Cars from 223 Region


    In the logos database, there are 310 brand cars with title, overview, feature, founded, founder, owner, website, present logo, logo description, etc. in each. All these cars are from 223 regions including country, city...

    US 10,572 Painting Services Data: Address, Zip, Phone, City, State


    This is a painting services database of 10,572 records throughout 2,259 cities of 51 states in America. Each record is comprised of title, address, phone number, city, zip code and state. The whole United States painting...

    886,693 Icons Database: Alt, Images


    This is one table icons database for any template with 886,693 records. There are icons images in the 46,970 files of 2.17G media package in the whole icons data set. Name n3_chennan_icon_canva_com Data 781.25M (+ 0B) Tables...

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