

    USA 9,436 Public & Private Colleges & Universities API


    This America public and private colleges and universities database lists 9,436 records by 26 categories. Each record is comprised of title, locale, street address, locality, postal code, general info, financial aid, admissions, institution type,...

    20,817 Abbreviations Database: Initial, Meaning


    This is a database of abbreviations with 20,817 records by 27 categories (26 English alphabetical orders and #). Each record is comprised of initial and meaning. The whole abbreviations data set totally has 3 tables. Name...

    全国7区68银行7,658网点数据库: 地址,电话 China 7,658 Bank Outlets Data: Address, Tel. in 68 Banks of 7 Regions


    这是全国7大地区660个省份的7,658家银行网点信息数据库。这些银行网点来自全国68家银行。每个银行网点记录中包含有地址和电话。整个全国银行网点信息数据库中共有5个表。 In the bank outlets database, there are 7,658 records from 660 provinces of 7 regions in China. All these bank outlets are from 68 head offices. Each bank outlet consists of address and telephone number. The whole...

    全国367市329,923酒店数据库:地址,简介, 图片及周边设施 China 329,923 Hotels API: Address, Profile, Score, Image, Facilities in 367 Cities


    全国367个城市的329,923个酒店信息数据库。每个酒店信息中有评分,等级,价格,用户推荐,酒店简介,地址,服务评分,卫生评分等。除此之外,酒店信息中还有261个酒店设施信息, 11,024个酒店政策记录,49,268个周边设施信息和2,677,038张酒店图片。该酒店信息数据库中共有12个表。 From this China hotels database, it contains 329,923 hotels from 367 cities in China. Each hotel is comprised of score, grade, price, customer recommend, hotel profile, address, service rating, health rating, etc. Beside,...

    全国31省404,932企业数据库: 注册资本,地址,电话 China 404,932 Enterprises API: Address, Tel. of 31 Provinces


    来自全国31个省份的404,932家企业信息数据库,每家企业信息记录中有公司概况,注册日期,企业网址,黄页网址,行政区号,注册资金,职工人数,联系电话,联系地址和邮政编码。该企业信息数据库共有4个表。 From this China enterprises database, there are 404,932 enterprises from 31 provinces in China. Each enterprise is comprised of company profile, registration date, enterprise website, yellow pages, administrative area code, registered capital and...

    中国3,066个法律案件数据库:内容,主题,作者 China 3,066 Legal Cases Data: Content, Author, Theme


    这是一个法律案例数据库且只有1个表。该法律案例数据库包含有3,066个法律案例记录,每个记录包含有标题,发布时间,内容,主题,日期,作者以及来源。 From this legal cases database, there are 3,066 legal cases with title, release time, content, topic, date, author and source in each. The whole China legal cases API only has one...

    中国7类5,207起法律案例分析数据库 China Studies of 5,207 Legal Cases Database by 7 Categories


    中国法律案例分析数据库包含有7大分类下的5,207起法律案件。这7大案例分类分别是 民事案例、刑事案例、行政案例、商事案例、劳动法案例、国际案例和重大事件案例。每个法律案件分析记录中有标题、案例分类、内容、摘要、来源、作者以及日期。该案例分析数据库中共有3个表。 This is a study of China legal cases database with 5,207 legal cases. All these cases are categorized into 7 classifications, such as civil case, criminal case, administrative case, business case, labor...

    217类135,455个灯具数据库:品牌,型号,联系人,电话 135,455 Lamps & Lanterns Data: Brand, Model, Contact, Phone, Category


    这个灯具数据库中有217个分类下的135,455个灯具产品信息。每个灯具中包含有品牌,型号,联系人,电话,传真,地址,邮编,邮箱和手机。该灯具产品数据库共有3个表。 This lamps and lanterns database contains 135,455 products with title, brand, model, contact, telephone number, fax number, address, zip code, email and mobile phone in each. All these lamps and lanterns...

    男孩,女孩,中性的120英文名数据库: 寓意,含义 120 English Names Data: Implication, Meaning by Girl, Boy & Neutral


    这是一个英文名大全,共有120个英文名字且每个名字中有名字寓意,印象,含义,相似英文名,音标,中文音译,名字性别等。所有这些名字被分为3大类,分别是男孩英文名,女孩英文名和中性英文名。该英文名字数据库共有3个表。 This is a English names database having 120 records. Each record consists of implication, impression, meaning, similar English names, phonetic symbol, Chinese transliteration, name gender, etc. All these names are categorized...

    全国176品牌959汽车数据库: 参数, 12,653车型 China 959 Cars Data: Parm, 12,653 Car Types from 176 Brands


    这是一个车辆信息数据库,共有176个品牌下的959辆汽车,每辆汽车记录中包含有汽车参数。在车型表中,共有12,653个记录且每个记录中包含有汽车驱动,车挡,汽车离合,经销商报价等。该车辆信息数据库共有7个表。 In the cars database, there are 959 records with parameter in each. These cars are from 176 brands. In table car type, it has 12,653 car types with automobile drive, gear, automobile clutch, dealer quotation...

    37,354 Motorcycles Data: Model, Price, Address, Spec, Overview, Image


    This is a well-structured motorcycles database with 37,354 records. Each record is comprised of model, price and address. There are 3,217 motorcycle overviews and 23,535 motorcycle specifications included. It also comes with 87,334 motorcycle images in the media...

    World 199,272 Lawyers Data: Name, Licensed, Phone, Sample Legal Case


    This is a world lawyer data with 199,272 records by 16 primary categories. Each lawyer is comprised of name, category, status, practice area, law office, licensed, introduction and etc. The whole world lawyers database...

    2,072 Music Instruments Data: Brand, Price, SKU, UPC, Feature, Image, Spec


    The instruments database lists 2,072 music instruments and 5,375 instruments images with 471 specifications. Each instrument has title, card title, brand, price without tax, sku, upc, price rrp, etc. All these musical instruments are classified into 4 categories,...

    San Francisco 2,281 Bakeries Data: Address, Phone, Website, Hours, Service


    In the bakeries database, there are 2,281 records with title, hours, more business, address, phone, website, latitude, longitude, city, state and service offered in each. All these bakeries are located in San...

    Aircrafts Database: Price, Travel Range, Rank, Manufacture, Cap, Image, Spec.


    With 5 primary categories (Boeing, Airbus Industrie, Bombardier Aerospace, Cessna & Embraer) by popular manufactures, this aircrafts database contains 418 records and 1,672 aircrafts images. Each aircraft is comprised of title, ranking class, price, manufactured from,...

    US 1,422 Wood Products API: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon


    In this wood products database, there are 1,422 records from the America. There are business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating or license, latitude, longitude,...

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