这是一个配饰列表数据库,有来自270个品牌下的10,943个配饰信息,每个配饰记录中有价格,销量,产地,商品材质,边框,功能,适用人群,包装附件,尺寸,类型,规格,上市年份,品牌等信息。这些配饰被分为以下13个类别,它们分别是眼镜,腰带,伞,领带/领结/领带夹,围巾/披肩,丝巾,帽子,手套,其他配饰,钥匙扣,袖扣,丝巾扣和挂饰。除此之外,数据中还包含有42,072张图片。该配饰数据中共有5个表。 From this accessories database, it has 10,943 ornaments records by 13 categories from 270 brands. Each record consists of price, sale volume, place of origin, material, frame, function, suitable for, package accessories, size, type, specification,...
这是一个全国959个品牌下的21,762件女装服饰。这些女装被分为以下13个分类,它们分别是女士外套,女士西装,女装定制,女针织衫/毛衣,女士T恤,女士卫衣,女士衬衫,女士裤装,女士裙装,女士睡衣/家居服,女士套装,中式女装和孕妇装。每件女装包含有价格,销量,风格,开和方式,衣长,版型,适用季节,领型,商品材质,产地,上市年份,品牌等。数据中还包含有86,380张女装图片。整个女装信息数据库中共有5个表。 Database of women's apparel contains 21,762 clothings from 959 brands by 13 categories. Each women's wear consists of price, sales, style, opening and closing mode, length, clothing version, suitable for seasons, neckline, material, original place,...
这是一个单表结构的苗木报价数据库,共有662,617个苗木报价记录,每个记录中有产品名称,价格,高度,米径,冠幅,地径,单位,提供商,电话,联系人,更新时间等。 This nursery stocks quotations database is filled with 662,617 nursery stocks quotations records with name, price, height, one meter to ground diameter, unit, supplier, phone number, contact, update time, and etc....
这是一个包含有1,377个酒产品信息列表,其中每个酒产品信息中有价格,评价,关注度,品牌,商品标号,净含量,度数,手提袋,规格等,所有这些产品被分为以下6大类:白酒,葡萄酒,洋酒,黄酒,清酒和啤酒。该酒产品信息数据库中共有4个表。 This alcoholic beverages products database has 1,377 records by 6 categories (liquor and spirits, wine, imported wine, yellow Wine, clear wine and beer). Each liquor product is comprised of price, comment, attention rate,...
这是一个酒店用品数据库,共包含有8,325个产品信息,每个产品信息记录中有公司,经营模式,产品介绍,产品单价,所在地区,最小起订,供货总量,联系电话,地址等。所有这些酒店用品按照产品类型被分为6个主分类,28个次级分类和258个三级分类。该酒店用品数据库中共有5个表。 Database of hotel supplies contains 8,325 products with company, business model, product introduction, unit price, location, mini order, total supply, telephone, addres, and etc. in each. All these hotel supplies are...
在这个酒店用品大全中有26,331个产品信息,所有这些产品按照用途被分为18个主分类和190个次级分类。每个酒店用品信息中包含有价格,公司,地址,产品说明,单价,有效期,更新时间等记录。该酒店用品信息数据库中共有4个表。 From this hotel supplies products, it has 26,331 records with price, company, address, product explanation, unit price, expiry date, update time, etc. in each. All these hotels supplies are classified into 18 categories...
这是一个全国酒店信息数据库,共有来自30个省,1,223个城市,11,023个地区的76,586个酒店信息。每个酒店信息包含有区域,地址,经度,纬度,价格,好评等。该全国酒店信息数据库中共有5个表。 From this China hotels database, there are 76,586 records over 11,023 regions from 1,223 cities of 30 provinces in China. Each hotel consists of region, address, longitude, latitude, price, favorable comment, etc. The whole China hotels data...
全国367个城市的329,923个酒店信息数据库。每个酒店信息中有评分,等级,价格,用户推荐,酒店简介,地址,服务评分,卫生评分等。除此之外,酒店信息中还有261个酒店设施信息, 11,024个酒店政策记录,49,268个周边设施信息和2,677,038张酒店图片。该酒店信息数据库中共有12个表。 From this China hotels database, it contains 329,923 hotels from 367 cities in China. Each hotel is comprised of score, grade, price, customer recommend, hotel profile, address, service rating, health rating, etc. Beside,...
全国酒店信息数据库中包含有137,295家酒店的地址和价格。该酒店信息数据库共有4个表。 From this China hotels database, there are 137,295 hotels with price and address in each. The whole China hotels data totally has 4 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_jiudian_gckzw_com Data 55.78M (+ 0B) Tables 4 (+ 0) Columns...
这是一个各类机床报价列表,共有12个分类下的44,309条机床报价信息。该机床报价信息数据库共有3个表。 This machine tools quotations database contains 44,309 records in each by 12 categories. The whole machine tools quotations data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_jichuangbaojia_machine35_com Data 14.66M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0) Columns 15 (+ 0)...
全国7大地区185,883家企业和864,497相关产品信息数据库。这7大地区是直辖市,华北地区,东北地区,华东地区,中南地区,西南地区和西北地区。每家公司信息数据中有公司地址,主营行业,主营产品,经营模式,公司人数,联系人,电话,产品分类等字段。在相关产品表中有产品的价格和简介字段。该企业黄页数据库共有8个表。 From this China enterprises database, there are 185,883 companies and 864,497 related products from 7 regions in China. Each company has company address, main industry, major product, management model, contact, phone, product classification, etc. All...
这是一个全国二手房信息数据库,共有2,646,914个二手房信息记录。这些二手房信息来源于全国363个城市。每个二手房信息中有发布时间,价格,房屋描述,单价,房型,小区名字,房屋情况,地址,联系人,联系电话等。除此之外,数据库中还包含有79,284个房屋详情描述和51,102张房屋图片。该二手房数据库共有8个表。 From this China second-hand houses data, there are 2,646,914 second-hand housing records with release time, price, description, unit price, house layout, name of residential area, state of the house, address, contact,...
来自全国31个省,426个城市的的359,524二手房数据库,每个二手房记录中包含有总价,单价,房源描述,首付,贷款金额,支付利息,月供,均价,年代,装修,楼层,朝向,更新时间和地址。所有这些二手房被分为426大类别。除此之外,数据中还包含1,819,692张二手房图片。该全国二手房信息数据库中共有7个表。 From this China second-hand houses database, it contians 359,524 second-hand houses from 426 cities of 31 provinces in China. Each second-hand housing is comprised of total price, unit price, housing description, down payment, loan amount,...
全国620个城市的94,139个二手房数据库。每个二手房信息中包含有标题,价格,单价,面积和优势。该二手房数据库中共有3个表。 From this China second-hand house database, there are 94,139 second-hand housing records from 620 cities in China. Each record consists of title, price, unit price, acreage and advantage. The whole China second-hand housing...
这个二手房数据库有来自中国29个热门城市的40,809套二手房信息。每套二手房信息记录中有标题、总价、单价、核心卖点、业主心态和小区配套。该二手房数据库共有5个表。 This is a database of second-hand houses with 40,809 records from 29 popular cities in China. Each record is comprised of title, total price, unit price, core selling point, the owner mentality and...
全国4,071辆二手车主要信息及737基本信息数据库。每个二手车主要信息中有价钱,车主描述,发布日期,表显里程,上牌时间和排放标准。除此之外,数据库中还包含有33,674张汽车照片。该二手车信息数据库中共有4表。 This China second-hand cars database is filled with 4,071 records with price, owner description, release date, apparent mileage, card time and emission standard in each. There are 737 basic information of these cars....