该医药词典数据库包含有16,611个生物医药词汇,每个词汇记录有中文,英文,热度和缩略语。这些医药词汇被分为5大类别,如:常用8000词汇,分子生物学词汇,遗传学词汇,内科学词汇和药理学词汇。该生物医药词汇数据库共有3个表。 This is a biological medicine vocabulary database with 16,611 everyday biomedical vocabularies by 5 categories, such as 8000 everyday vocabularies, molecular biology vocabulary, genetic vocabulary, internal medicine vocabulary and pharmacology vocabulary. Each biomedical...
该生物医药百科知识词典数据库包含有73,925个生物医药词汇,每个医药词汇包含有的中文和英文数据。这些医药词汇被分为46大类别,例如:生物学,遗传学,解刨学,心理学,生理学,寄生虫学等。该生物医药百科知识词汇数据库共有3个表。 This is a biological encyclopedia knowledge dictionary database with 73,925 biomedical vocabularies by 46 categories, such as biology, genetics, psychology, physiology, parasitology, etc. Each biomedical vocabulary has Chinese and English fields. There are 3 tables...
该医药词典数据库包含有18,990个生物医药常用词汇,每个词汇有中文和英文数据。这些医药词汇被分为8大类别,如:8000常用词汇,博士入学词汇,医学大词典,中医药词汇,生物学词典,色谱学词汇,药名大词典和微生物词典。该生物医药常用词汇数据库共有3个表。 This is a biological medicine dictionary database with 18,990 everyday biomedical vocabularies by 8 categories, such as 8000 everyday vocabularies of dotoral entrance, medical dictionary, traditional Chinese medicine vocabularies, dictionary of biology, chromatographical...
词典数据库中共有2大分类:汉英词典和英汉词典,词条共有15,827个,其它翻译有186,211个。在英语词典数据库中共有6个表。 This English dictionary database is filled with 15,827 entries of 2 categories: English-Chinese translation and Chinese-English translation. There are 186,211 other translations in the data. The whole English dictionary data set has 6 tables in total. Name...
这个汉语词典数据库有26,691个词条和33,583个相关词语。每个词条包含词意和相关翻译。该汉语词典数据库共有5个表。 This is database of Chinese dictionary having 26,691 Chinese entries and 33,583 words and expressions Each entry consists of meaning and related translation. There are 5 tables in the whole Chinese dictionary data set. Name...
这是全国25个省份提供的203,850只宠物狗信息数据库。每条宠物狗信息中包含有犬种,价格,更新时间,狗狗年龄,狗狗性别,有效期,所在地区,联系人,联系电话和QQ号。狗狗数据库中还有557,356张狗狗图片。整个宠物狗数据库中共有5个表。 There are 203,850 pet dogs from 25 provinces in China of this data. Each dog is comprised of breed, price, update time, dog age, sex, term of validity, location, contact, phone number and...
这是一个中国汽车站和时刻表查询信息数据库, 有来自31个省和1,804个市级城市的3,334个汽车站信息。每个汽车站信息中有电话和地址。在时刻表中有53,570个信息记录,每个时刻表信息中有起点和终点,始发时间,历程,线路,起始汽车站和票价。该全国各地区汽车站信息和时刻表数据库共有6个表。 From this bus stations and timetable database, there are 3,334 bus stations records and 53,570 timetable records. Each bus station has telephone number and address. There are starting point and end, starting...
这是一个包含有3,785个成语的词典数据大全,这些成语出自各个朝代,名著,人物,十二生肖,描写人物,动物,数字,景色,心情和事物。每个成语记录中包含有读音,出处,事宜,近义词和反义词。除此之外,成语数据库中包含有3,396个成语接龙和1,234个相关成语。该成语归类大全数据中共有8个表。 This dictionary database is filled with 3,785 phrases with pronunciation, source, matters concerned, synonym and antonym in each. All these phrases are related with various dynasties, masterpiece, character, The Chinese Zodiac,...
这是一个包含有描绘数字,气候,动物,十二生肖,植物,四季等的3,827个成语词典数据库。每个成语中有造句,拼音,近义词,反义词,成语意思,出处和成语接龙。所有这些成语被分为58个类别。整个成语词典数据库共有3个表。 This dictionary database contains 3,827 phrases with sentence making, Pinyin, synonym, antonym, meaning, source and idiom solitaire in each. All these phrases have depict number, climate, The Chinese Zodiac, animal, seasons,...
这个成语大全包含了41,072个成语典故以及每个成语的词意,拼音,频率,年代,词性,结构,解释,语法,典故出处,成语示例和英文翻译。所有这些成语按照字母顺序分类。该成语词典共有3个表。 This phrases dictionary database has 41,072 records with word meaning, Pinyin, years, part of speech, structure, explanation, grammar, frenquency, allusion provenance, idiom example and English translation in each. It has 3 tables in...
这是一个包含有29,481个成语词条的词典数据库,每个成语记录中有成语例子,解释,繁体,年代,近义词等信息。这些成语按照内容被分为18个类别,如生肖成语,四季成语,数字成语,身体成语,颜色成语等。该成语数据库中共有4个表。 This idioms dictionary database has 29,481 idioms by 18 categories, such as Chinese Zodiac idioms, seasons idioms, number idioms, body idioms, color idioms and, etc. Each idiom is comprised of example, explanation, traditional...
全国6,661种茶叶信息数据库,每个茶叶中有年份,工艺,规格,浏览次数,产品简介,品名,厂商,品牌等。这些茶叶来自全国128个品牌。除此之外,在茶叶数据库的媒体文件中还包含有29,291张茶叶图片。该全国茶叶信息数据库中共有5个表。 This is a leaf tea database having 6,661 records from 128 brands of China. Each record is comprised of year, craft work, specification, view times, product profile, name, manufacture, brand, etc. It also...
这是一个包含有557,883个苗木产品的数据库。每个苗木产品记录中有公司信息,供应商信息,产品信息,报价,所在地,发布时间,浏览次数,品种,联系人,地址,邮编,电话,手机,传真等。整个苗圃产品数据库中共有2个表。 This landscape nursery plants database is filled with 557,883 records. Each plant product is comprised of company information, supplier information, product information, offer, location, publish time, number of view, variety, contact,...
该科学仪器产品数据库有99,182个科学仪器记录,这些仪器被分为13个主分类和115个二级分类。主分类分别是分析仪器,实验室常用设备,物性测试仪器,光学仪器,测量计量仪器,环境监测仪器,生命科学仪器,行业专用仪器,电子电工仪表,智能工业自动化,海洋物探仪器,医学仪器和仪器配件加工。在科学仪器表中,每个产品包含有标题,品牌,型号,产地,公司,产品详情,公司电话,主营产品,报价,关注度,标签,应用领域,EPC控制,仪器种类和产品优势。整个科学仪器产品数据库共有7个表。 This is a scientific instruments products database having 99,182 records with title, brand, model, place of production, company, product detailed information, company telephone, main products, offer, attention rate, tag, label, application...
这是一个数控机床产品信息数据库,包含有84个分类下的100,399个产品。每个产品记录中有标题,公司,产品详情,供货量,价格,所在地,联系人,有效期,型号,品牌,电话,移动电话,传真,地址和邮编。整个数控机床产品信息数据库中共有5个表。 The computerized numerical control products database contains 100,399 CNC products of 84 categories, such as lathe, grinding machine, planer, milling machine, boring machine, drilling machine, WEDM machine tool, etc. Each product has title,...
这是一个建材产品大全,有45个分类下的120,106个建材产品。每个建材产品包含有标题,产品介绍,价格,品牌,厂家,产地,型号,规格,联系人,关注度,更新时间,主营业务以及联系方式。该建材产品数据库共有5个表。 This is a building materials products database containing 120,106 records by 45 categories, such as floor, coating, Brick & tile, bathroom, doors & windows, lamps & lanterns, etc. Each product consists of title,...