Data of universities and colleges.
This is a colleges & universities database with 42,447 records from the America. Each college & university record consists of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category,...
This is a vast collection of over 4,000 the United States colleges with 23 tables in multi-fields. The colleges data has a total of 4,210 records from 50 states in America. Each record is comprised of...
This colleges database comes with 3,656 records of 53 states in America. Each record is comprsied of title, location, type, setting, phone, address, fax, total student, female ratio, male ratio, total faculty, estimated cost,...
This is a comprehensive colleges directory of 3,349 4-year colleges and universities across over 59 states in the United States. Each college record is comprised of title, description, phone number, address, size, in state...