
    Language & Reference

    87,395 Lowa Boys & Girls Names Data: Year, Gender, Number, Rank


    This is a baby names database of lowa with 87,395 records. Each baby name record is comprised of year, name, gender, number and rank. This lowa boys and girls names data set...

    World 18,670 Popular Baby Names Database


    This is a popular baby names database with 18,670 boys and girls names around the world. All these names have 44 categories. The whole world boys and girls names data set has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_baby_name_babynamewizard_com...

    12,080 Boys & Girls Names Data: Meaning, Origin, Theme by Gender


    There are 12,080 baby names with title, meaning, origin and theme in each by 2 categories (boys and girls). These themes are classic, cool and creative, gender-neutral, nature, old-fashioned, short and sweet, etc. This...

    Database of 90,241 Baby Names: Gender, Origin, Meaning


    This baby names database is a great one to help you find the perfect baby name for your child from these popular, unique and unusual child names. It consists of 90,241 baby...

    20,817 Abbreviations Database: Initial, Meaning


    This is a database of abbreviations with 20,817 records by 27 categories (26 English alphabetical orders and #). Each record is comprised of initial and meaning. The whole abbreviations data set totally has 3 tables. Name...

    API of 1,838 Abbreviations: Initial, Meaning


    In the abbreviations database, there are 1,838 records with initial and meaning in each. It has only 1 table in the whole abbreviations data. Name n3_chennan_abbreviation_faa_gov Data 448K (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0) Columns 4 (+...

    3,956 Abbreviations Database: Initial, Term, Meaning


    The API of abbreviations comes with 3,956 records with initial, term and meaning in each. The whole abbreviations database totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_abbreviation_consp_com Data 5.25M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0) Columns 15 (+ 0)...

    13,672 Abbreviations Data: Initial, Meaning, Submitted by Site


    The API of abbreviations contains 13,672 records with initial, meaning, submitted by and site in each. There are 3 tables in the whole abbreviations database. Name n3_chennan_abbreviation_atxta_co_uk Data 6.86M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0) Columns...

    1,294,038 Abbreviations Data: Initial, Meaning, Tag by 10 Main Categories


    In the abbreviations database, there are 1,294,038 records with initial, meaning and tag in each. These abbreviations are categorized into 10 main types and further into 260 categories. These main types are technology, military, government, business,...

    854,052 Acronyms & Abbreviations Data: Initial, Meaning, Tag


    This is the most comprehensive database of all acronyms and abbreviations with 854,052 records by 10 categories as industry. Each record is comprised of initial and meaning. These 10 categories are technology, military, government, business, science,...

    743,631 Abbreviations of Terminology & Jargon Data: Initial, Meaning, Tag


    This is a database of acronyms and abbreviations related to the database of terminology and jargon. It contains 743,631 abbreviations with initial and meaning in each. The whole acronyms and abbreviations database...

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