This is a bikes database having 196 records with description, year from, year to, price, price from, price to and star in each from 3 brands. In table part, it has 1,014 records with option, upc,...
This is a guns database with 5,701 records by 13 categories (handguns, rifles, shotguns, parts, ammo, optics & sights, accessories, NFA, knives, archery, reloading, services and CA legal). Each gun record is comprised of...
This web hosting services database contains 10,455 records with plan name, price, space, transfer and platform in each. There are 1,496 web hosting companies with price range, address, phone number, fax number, last update...
This is a jewelry data set with 11,865 records by 187 jewelry brands. Each record is comprised of title, price and description. The whole jewelry & jewelry brands database has 4 tables. Name n3_chennan_jewelry_brand_qvc_com Data 23.39M (+...