The stores database has 413 shops from 339 cities of 5 states in America. Each shop consists of latitude, longitude, address, address extend, country, postal code, phone number, store start, store end, pharmacy phone number, pharmacy...
In the McDonald's locations database, there are 13,315 records from 53 regions in China. Each record is comprised of latitude, longitude, description, address, postcode, telephone number, job url, long description, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday,...
This is a guns database with 5,701 records by 13 categories (handguns, rifles, shotguns, parts, ammo, optics & sights, accessories, NFA, knives, archery, reloading, services and CA legal). Each gun record is comprised of...
In this bikes database, there are 31,111 records with description, votes, overall rating, overall rating for naked, engine performance, engine performance for naked, reliability problem free, reliability problem free for naked, fun...
In the countries information data, there are 199 records with country, capital, population, total area, flag content, alt, emoji symbol, capital city, formation, highest point, GDP, currency, code, calling code and internet...
This web hosting services database contains 10,455 records with plan name, price, space, transfer and platform in each. There are 1,496 web hosting companies with price range, address, phone number, fax number, last update...
This is a walmart stores database having 1,931 records from 3,189 cities of 51 states in America. Each record consists of description, street address, address locality, address region, postal code, hours, telephone number and email. The...
In the walmart stores database, there are 2,843 records from 32 states in America. Each walmart store is comprised of description, address, phone number, latitude and longitude. The whole United States walmart stores data...
In this supermarkets data, there are 1,029 records with address, overall rating, cuisine, meals, restaurant features, goog for and phone number in each of the United States. It also comes with 3,774 images in...
This is a supermarkets database having 637 records and 21,161 details of these supermarkets in the America. Each supermarket is comprised of locations, states and website. There are store number, phone number, address, state...
In this business stores database, there are 74,194 records with 46,173 business operations, 41,058 property informations and 18,213 other business informations. In table business store, there are title, location, asking price, sale revenue and description in each record....
This rite aid stores database has a total of 2,136 records offering 26 services, such as Western Union, ATM, Receutics Active Skin Repair, higi Blood Pressure Station, Blue Rhino Propane, Drive-Thru Pharmacy, Beer, Food...
With over 400+ mobile phone repair stores from United States and Canada, this cell phone repair(CPR) database can help you easily find the nearest one by 82 locations. In table mobile phone repair shop,...
This is a area codes data set with 4,918 NPA-NXX records with block, rate centre, region, switch, ocn, lata, eff date and disc date in each. The whole NPA-NXX area codes API...
This jokes database has 480 records with content and rating in each. These jokes are categorized into 26 types. The whole jokes data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_joke_thejokeyard_com Data 768K (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0)...
In this jokes database, there are 1,077 jokes for kids with content in each by 16 categories. The whole kid jokes data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_joke_jokes4us_com Data 4.92M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0) Columns...