这是一个包含有14,966个汽车零配件的信息数据库,每个配件中有编码,适用车型,单位,简介,适用车系,规格,企业类型,联系电话,联系人,联系地址等信息。所有这些汽车配件被分为以下20大主分类和221个次级分类。该汽车配件信息数据库中共有5个表。 This auto parts and accessories database contains 14,966 records by 20 main categoreis and further into 221 secondary classifications. Each car part has number, suitable for car type, unit, profile, suitable for car series, specification,...
在这个酒店用品大全中有26,331个产品信息,所有这些产品按照用途被分为18个主分类和190个次级分类。每个酒店用品信息中包含有价格,公司,地址,产品说明,单价,有效期,更新时间等记录。该酒店用品信息数据库中共有4个表。 From this hotel supplies products, it has 26,331 records with price, company, address, product explanation, unit price, expiry date, update time, etc. in each. All these hotels supplies are classified into 18 categories...
这是一个相机信息数据库,包含有39大品牌下的1,319部相机。每个相机信息记录中有价格,评分和评论人数。该相机信息数据库共有3个表。 In the cameras database, there are 1,319 records from 39 brands. Each camera is comprised of price, score and number of commentaries. The whole cameras database totally has 3 tables. Name n3zm_XiangJi_detail_zol_com_cn Data 848K (+ 0B)...
这是一个来自品牌手表信息数据库,共有来自205个品牌,1,835个系列下的5,309个手表。每个手表记录中包含有价钱,系列,编号,机芯类型,机芯型号,外壳材质,表盘厚度,表盘宽度,表盘直径等。除此之外,数据中还包含有575张手表图片且存储在46.59M的文件包中。整个手表数据库共有6个表。 This watches database is filled with 5,309 records in 1,835 series of 205 brands. Each watch is comprised of title, brand, price, series, number, movement type, movement model, shell material, dial plate thickness, dial plate...
13,298种药品数据库中的所有药品共有40个分类。 每个药品包含有名称,价格,通用名称,产品编号,批准文号,健客价格,生产厂家,有效期等字段。该中国药品数据库共有6个表。 In the medicines database, there are 13,298 records categorized into 40 classifications. Each medicine is comprised of title, generic name, shovel level number, approval number, swordsman price, manufacturer, expiration date, etc. The...
这是一个国际旅游景点及线路信息数据库。共有来自全球6个地区,108个城市的21,648个旅游景点。每个景点记录中包含有描述,简介,原价,基础价格,出发地,得分,评价数和月销售数。在该国际旅游数据库中共有5个其它旅游景点相关的表,分别是181,678个旅游评价记录,每个记录包含有独特性,评论,日期和时间;22,680个旅游特色及内容;64,630旅游政策及内容;44,308个旅游产品的原始价格和基础价格及3,961个旅游行程以及总结和日期。除此之外,数据库中有38,927个行程详情且每个详情记录中有时间,描述,内容和持续时间。在表图片中包含有46,996张旅游景点图片且存储在2.50G的媒体文件夹中。整个国际旅游景点及线路数据库共有14个表。 In the tourism database, there are 21,648 attractions records with description, short information, price original, price base, place from, score, comment count and month sale count in each from 108 cities of 6 regions around...
该玩具信息数据库包含有100,098个玩具的价格和商品评分。这些玩具被分为42个类别。除此之外,数据中还包括有109,414个玩具详情和241,996张玩具图片。整个玩具信息数据库共有7个表。 In the toys database, there are 100,098 records with price and product score in each. These toys are categorized into 42 classifications. Besides, there are 109,414 product introduction records and 241,996 toys images. The whole toys data...
这是一个中国市场上的手表信息数据库,共有6,851个手表信息记录,每个记录中包含有价格,原价,销量,人气,保养,品牌,产地,尺寸,大小,款式,机芯,表面,材料,标识,功能,附件,系列,种类,表带等。这些手表被分为10大类别,分别是顶级品牌,奢华品牌,豪华品牌,时尚品牌,陀飞轮手表,亲民品牌,男士手表,女士手表,情侣手表和机械手表。共有4个表。 This is a Chinese market watches database having 6,851 records by 10 categories, such as top brands, extravagant brands, luxury brands, fashion brands, flywheel watches, people-friendly brands, men's watches, women's watches, couple watches...
全国6大分类,46个品牌下的1,944个手表信息数据库。每个手表信息中包含有价格,机芯类型,机芯型号,外壳材质,表盘宽度,表盘厚度,镜面材质,表盘直径,表盘形状,表盘刻度,表盘颜色,表带颜色,功能,适用人群,包装,特殊功能,防水,联保等信息。该手表信息数据库共有5个表。 In the watches database, there are 1,944 watches from 46 brands by 6 categories. Each watch is comprised of price, movement type, movement model, outer case material, dial width, dial thickness, mirror material, dial diameter,...
这是一个单表结构的苗木报价数据库,共有662,617个苗木报价记录,每个记录中有产品名称,价格,高度,米径,冠幅,地径,单位,提供商,电话,联系人,更新时间等。 This nursery stocks quotations database is filled with 662,617 nursery stocks quotations records with name, price, height, one meter to ground diameter, unit, supplier, phone number, contact, update time, and etc....
化工设备供求信息数据库包含有265,410个化工设备产品信息,这些产品按照用途分为以下23个类别,如干燥设备,制药机械,粉碎设备,传质设备,反应设备,压力容器,塑料工业专用设备等。每个产品供求信息中包含有标题,产品介绍,名称,编号,商标,规格,参考价格,更新时间,点击次数,公司名称,企业类型,地址,联系人, 联系电话,传真,手机,邮编和电子邮件。整个化工设备供求信息数据库共有5个表。 From this chemical equipment products database, there are 265,410 records by 23 categories, such as drying equipment, pharmaceutical machinery, crushing equipment, mass transfer equipment, reaction equipment, pressure vessel, special equipment for plastic,...