该中国产品排行信息数据库,共有12个行业下的941个产品排行信息。每条信息记录中有加盟费,综合指数,人气,趋势,项目介绍,所属行业,公司名称,注册资金和所在地区。数据中还包含有4,893张产品图片。整个中国产品排名信息数据库共有8个表。 This is a database of product rankings with 941 records from 12 industries of China. Each product ranking is comprised of franchise fee, project introduction, composite index, popularity, trend, project introduction, industry, corporate...
这是一个中国知名作家信息数据库,共包含有1,820位作家的简介,代表作品,主要成就,照片,中文名,外文名,别名,国籍,名族,出生地,毕业院校,逝世日期和职业。共有4个表。 In the famous writers database, there are 1,820 records with profile, representative works, main achievements, photo, Chinese name, foreign name, alias, nationality, nation, place of birth, graduate institutions, date of death...
知识产权类书籍数据库共有5个表和1,472本书。这些书共有10个主分类(知识产权法规,专利申请,诉讼,专利交易等)和50个子分类。每本书包含有著译者,出版日期,ISBN,出版社,页数,字数,市场价,当当价,内容简介等字段。 In the books database, there are 1,472 books of intellectual property records by 10 primary categories (intellectual property laws, patent application, lawsuit, patent trading, etc.) and 50 sub-categories. Each book is comprised of translator, publication...
该短租公寓数据库包括全球87个主要城市的28,440短租公寓信息。其中公寓信息包括价格、经纬度、地址、名称、客房数量、公寓设施、公寓简介、详细评分、公寓热度以及具体的客房情况等信息。另外,本数据包含1,415,854张高清图片。 This short apartments and rooms database contains 28,440 apartments and 26,885 rooms from 87 popular cities of 5 regions around the world. There are description, name, English name, address, latitude, longitude, score, price, recommendation scale, total room,...
全球邮票信息数据库,共计有来自6大洲,303个国家的10,867张邮票。每张邮票中有编号,国家,发行年份,内容和价格。该全球邮票信息数据库共有5个表。 In the stamps database, it has 10,867 records with code, country, year of issue, content and price in each. All these stamps are from 303 countries of 6 continents in the world. The whole world...
这是一个中文图书数据库,共有275,784本图书且每本图书中包含有现价,原价,作者,出版社和出版时间。这些图书按照内容被分为以下6大类,分别是文学艺术,少儿童书,人文社科,经管励志,生活时尚和科技教育。该中文图书数据库共有6个表。 This is a database of Chinese books having 275,784 records with present price, original price, author, publisher and publish time in each. These books are categorized into 6 types by content, they are...
这个二手房信息数据库共有8个表和来自中国27个热门城市的70,740套二手房信息记录。每个房源信息记录中有标题,小区介绍,交通出行,税费解析,户型介绍,核心卖点,房源特色,小区环境,总价和每平米价格。 This is a list of second-hand houses with 70,740 records from 27 popular cities in China. Each record is comprised of title, community introduction, transportation, tax parsing, house type, core selling point, housing...
这是一个酒及其分类的信息数据库,共有8个主分类下的1,626种酒。这些主分类分别是葡萄酒,洋酒,白酒,老酒,啤酒,酒具,食品和黄酒。该酒及分类信息数据库共有5个表。 This is a wines database having 1,626 records by 8 types and further into 65 categories. The main types are grape wines, imported wine, liquor and spirts, rice wine, beer, wine set, food and yellow...
该招聘数据库有来自中国282个城市的1,649个招聘信息和53个不同类型的1,187家企业信息。每个招聘信息包含有标题,公司id, 工作性质,城市,区域,发布日期,薪资,工作年限,职位优势,文化水平,金融平台,企业名称,公司全称,企业规模,产业范围等相关字段。整个企业招聘数据库共有16个表。 This jobs database lists 1,649 records from 1,187 companies by 53 company types of 282 cities in China. Each job is comprised of title, company id, job nature, city, district, create time, salary, work year, position...
该短租公寓数据库包含中国国内376个城市的272,300家短租公寓信息,包括名称、地址、经纬度、价格及收费标准、房屋简介、房间设施情况、周围环境、热度、房屋特色以及详细的客户打分情况。除此之外,数据中还有关于短租房周边环境信息,额外收费,房间特点,设施等信息且包含有2,540,860张短租房图片。该短租房信息数据库共有14个表。 In the houses for short rent database, there are 272,300 records of 376 cities in China. Each house has name, description, original price, final price, capacity, room, bed, capacity information, unit level, comment...
这是一个中国婚礼服务信息数据库,共有来自全国3,283家服务机构,且每家服务机构包含有描述,地址,服务,最低价,资本耗资,总分,评论数,经度,纬度,地区,街道,付款方式,开放时间,电话,特征等信息。这些婚礼服务机构遍布于全国3,436个地区,1,180个城市下的13,090个街道。除此之外,婚礼服务数据中还包含有12,605张酒店图片且存储在263.39M的文件夹中。整个中国婚礼服务信息数据库共有17个表。 In the wedding services data, there are 3,283 records over 13,090 streets from 1,180 cities of 3,436 regions in China. Each wedding service is comprised of description, address, lowest price, per capital consumption, score overall, comment count,...
这是一个专业的教师人才招聘数据库,包含有1,834多个学校的28,197个教师招聘信息,这些学校均来自中国31个地区的365个受欢迎城市。每个教师招聘信息包含有职位,岗位描述,类型,地点,薪资,工作经验,联系人,文化程度,招聘数量等信息。该教师招聘数据库还包含有7,369张学校照片。整个教师招聘数据库共有8个表。 请注意:该数据库动态性较强,所以可以根据用户需求提供更新。 Recruitment data set features talented teachers, including 28,197 jobs from 1,834 schools over 365 cities of 31 regions in China. These teacher jobs consists of position, description, type, location, salary, experience, contact, education, quantity, etc in...
该招聘数据库共有17个表,其中工作岗位记录有2,231,020条数据记录,所有这些岗位是由中国来自360个城市的711,046个企业提供的。这些企业来自46大行业。在工作岗位记录表中每条数据包含有岗位名称,薪资,工作地点,工作经验,受教育程度,招聘数量,工作时间,岗位描述,职位,年龄,地址及联系人。在公司注册表中共有232,319个公司注册记录,每条记录中包含有注册代码,建立时间,公司代码,注册机构,条款,状态,注册地,注册资本,产权登记,范围等字段。该岗位招聘数据库按照职位有两个分类,其中一级分类中有48个记录,二级分类中有824记录。该招聘数据库数据量大,结构严谨,字段多。 请注意:该数据库动态性较强,所以可以根据用户需求提供更新。 In this recruitment database, there are 2,231,020 records with title, salary, location, experience, education, quantity, time, description, position, age, contact & address in each. All these jobs are offered by 711,046 companies...
这是来自中国能源研究会的50条学会动态。每条动态包含有标题,文件内容,信息来源和发布时间。该学会动态数据库还包含有33张学会动态图片和7个文件内容图片,分别存储在0.98M和722.67K的媒体夹中。整个学会动态数据库共有7个表。 This is a CIN activities database with 50 records from China Energy Research Society. Each record is comprised of title, file content, message from and published time. It also comes with 33 CIN...
该医生信息数据库共有来自22个科室的155,114位医生。每位医生记录中有职务,所属单位,擅长疾病,医生介绍,出诊医院地址,出诊电话,邮政编码,传真号码,电子邮箱,乘车路线,所属科室和医生职称。整个医生信息数据库共有6个表。 This is a doctors database having 155,114 records with duty, subordinate units, be good at disease, doctor introduction, address of outpatient hospital, outpatient telephone, postal code, fax number, email, bus routes,...
这是一个国际旅游指导信息数据库,有来自全球55个国家的132个旅游指导。每个旅游指导记录中有名称和描述。这些旅游指导按地区被分为9大类别,分别是东南亚,东亚,欧洲,美洲,南亚,大洋洲,非洲&中东,旅行者之选和专题指南。整个国际旅游指导信息数据库共有8个表。 This is an international tourism guidance database with 132 records of 55 countries. Each record is comprised of name and description. These guides are categorized into 9 types by region, they are Southeast Asia, East...