This is an electricians database with 387 records from 118 cities of UK. Each record is comprised of description, address, review, star index, initial impression star, punctuality star, cleanliness star, quality star, value star,...
In the car parts database, there are 566 parts with part code and part name in each for Toyota and for the markets of Japan, USA, Europe. In table part detail, it...
This car parts database has 3,880 records with part number and sub assemble part in each. All these parts are for brand Toyota and for the markets of Europe, ASIA, Middle East,...
This is a motors parts database having 35,795 products of apparel, riding gear, accessories and 344,446 parts of motors. Each product record is comprised of title, price and description and the part record consists...
This Atlanta barber's shop database has 1,241 records with title, address, phone, business website, hours, more business info, from the business, longitude and latitude in each. In the table barber shop image,...
This is a list of 2,169,422 books of new, used, rare and out of print by 28 categories, such as Biography, Childrens, Home and Garden, Textbooks, Religion, etc. Each book is comprised of title,...
This is a collection of professional-quality photo books for creative expressions of all kinds. The photo books data contains 312,512 unique photo books by 35 categories, such as Home & Garden, Fine Art, Business,...
This database has 769 accessories and parts records by 20 categories for 598 Subaru cars. Each record consists of part number, price, sale price, category, mark, other name, description, replaces, position and note. In table car,...
This rashes skin diseases database is filled with 59 records with title and alt in each. There are a total of 167 summaries with value in each. The rashes skin diseases data also contains...
In this skin disease data, there are 228 records by 4 categories (baby skin problems, beauty skin problems, medical skin problems and treating skin problems). There are skin disease images in the 3.47M media...
This is a fields-rich accommodations database of 20,309 records in South Africa. This accommodation database is the most useful one for tired travellers to find their hotel or house to take a...
This is a motorcycle part database having 389,803 parts records with part number, pric and replace part number in each of European market. From the motor parts database, there are 14 brands; 4,728 model records with brand...
This skin disease database contains 21,829 images records of 626 skin disorders. These skin diseases are accessory nipple, acid burn, acne excoriated, bechet, birt hogg dube, blue nevus ota, etc. Each record is comprised...
This skin disease database is filled with 4,555 image records from 114 skin diseases, such as Acne affecting the back, Actinic keratoses affecting the face, Facial acne, Ecthyma, Measles, etc. The whole skin disease...
This is an airsoft guns and tactical gears database with 2,804 records by 85 brands. Each record consists of title, price, description, specification and feature. There are 13,953 gun images in the 90.39M and 591.46M media...
In the businesses database, there are 4,386 records from 8 popular markets. Each business record is comprised of title, employees, region, asking price, cash flow, gross revenue, ebitda, ff and e, established, business description...