There are 117,636 nail salons over 34,820 cities from 51 states in the America. It has phone number, address, locality, star, vote, latitude, longitude, general information, other information, email, extra phones, hours, brand and website in...
This database comes with 204,265 hotels in 2,578 cities from 176 locations around the world. Each hotel record consists of price, description, hotel location, street address, address locality and address country. There are 3 tables closely...
In the world real estate database, there are 152,219 records with title, price, real estate tax, neighborhood, house type, approximate sq feet, listing id, listing courtesy, description etc. in each. In the...
This is a most complete homes and real estates database for sale from 49 popular cities of the United States. It contains 275,904 real estates and homes by 6 types (Single Family Home, Condo/Townhome/Row Home/Co-Op, Multi-Family...
In this restaurants database, there are 82,126 records by 22,139 categories from the United States. Each record is comprised of title, street address, locality, phone number and over all rating. This US restaurants data...
This is a recipe database of 1,382 records with title, rating, prep time, cook time, total time, author, ingredients, instructions and nutrition informations by 59 categories. The whole recipes database consists of 4 tables. Name n3zm_Recipe_panlasangpinoy_com...
In the farms database, there are 37,518 records in the United States. Each record is comprised of price, acre, address, panel title, available, description 1 / 2, house, property type, etc. Besides,...
This is a world hotels database including 185,816 public houses of 43,017 popular cities from 10 regions (Africa, Asia, Australia & South Pacific, Canada, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Mexico, Middle East & United States). Each hotel...
Having 753 specifications and 2,114 specification details of motorcycle helmets, riding gear and accessories, this motorcycle accessories database is a very detailed one with 422 records. Each record is comprised of title, price, discount, category, availability,...
This is a database of car parts of Lexus for Japan, Europe & US. There are 958 car parts record and 1,734 assembles records. Each car part record is comprised of part code, part...
This medication drug information database has 4,148 records for consumers and medical health professionals. Each record includes medication, letter, class, title, generic name, brand name, and editor. From this medication information data,...
This is a fields-rich rental property database with 34,666 records in the United States. This US rental property data is the great one benefit for both property owners and renters. All these...
In the land for sale database, there are 16,532 land records from 51 states in the United States. Each land has title, price and acres. It also comes with 11,368 land images in the 2.87G media set. The...
This is a fields-rich Christian Books, Bibles, Gifts, eBooks database of 97,468 records with title, format, vendor, ISBN 13, ISBN 10, publisher, publication date, price, description in each. All these Christian books...
该招聘信息数据库包含有412家公司提供的2,744个岗位,每个岗位信息中有职位描述,学历要求,工作地点,发布日期,招聘部门,招聘人数,薪资,工作经验,所在地区,性别要求,年龄要求,开始日期,截止日期,工作地址,薪资等。在公司表中,每家公司有公司介绍,公司行业,公司性质,联系人,公司规模,公司地址和公司官网信息。这些招聘信息来自全国35个省份。在这个招聘信息数据中还包含有24个公司福利信息。整个中国招聘信息数据库中共有8个表。 In the jobs database, there are 2,744 records from 412 companies in 35 provinces of China. Each job is comprised of job description, education requirements, workplace, release date, recruitment department, recruitment number, salary, work experience,...
This is a agents and property database with 8,102 agents and 8,102 property over 2,585 cities from 413 counties of 227 regions in 8 states of the America. Each agent is comprised of name, office phone number, mobile phone number, voice mail,...